ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<emersion> please extend layer-shell rather than fork it
<emersion> and please continue efforts to upstream features that make sense to be upstreamed
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<zzag> emersion: I opened that issue to gather feedback, no decision has been made yet. What drived me to open that issue was that there are still some missing things that we need and things like layer_surface_v1.set_window_geometry have been rejected, but we still need it. Like I can't imagine how we can fix floating panel related hacks in plasmashell without it (jic plasmashell guesses the panel's absolute position atm).
<bl4ckb0ne> it was rejected in the wlr or ext one?
<emersion> zzag: i don't believe it was _rejected_?
<emersion> i argued against it, and iirc have not seen a convincing argument for it
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<emersion> but could very well be convinced otherwise
<zzag> emersion: I interpreted that as a polite nack. If the others are in favor of a feature, it will be clear right away; but if the discussion keeps dragging on and on (not about the technical details, like whether this parameter should be an integer etc), to me, it's a sign that others are not on board and just don't NACK to avoid escalating the situation
<zzag> but as I said, I can't imagine how to implement dodging floating panels without the compositor knowing where the client side drop shadow ends
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<zzag> I am all hands for collaboration but other desktop environment needs need to be heard
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<latex> Anyone know an app launcher that doesn't suck?
<latex> Criteria to not suck: dmenu/dmenu_path support or executing commands, allow using spaces to specify command arguments
<emersion> zzag: well, if only a single party wants a feature, and its not clear it's a good way to implement such feature, i think it's normal for it to be left out
<latex> I currently use tofi but it doesn't allow spaces to separate arguments for commands
<latex> Also I know about rofi but it's slow and buggy
<emersion> OTOH, if there is a good explanation, and multiple parties want it, it makes sense to include it
<emersion> (i'm talking about the general case, not this specific case)
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<zzag> emersion: speaking for KDE, we would propose a layer shell protocol change, only if we saw no other way. and we try to make protocol changes that are generic enough and not tied specifically to the plasma use case. in this case, I hope that there exists some mutual trust that nobody would intentionally propose a bad change.
<zzag> regarding having more than one party who wants a particular feature, it can be a bit problematic because in some ways plasma is unique
<zzag> plasma allows doing some weird things with the panels, and apparently the users rely on that
<emersion> yeah, but some back-and-forth is expected and necessary, often times it ends up with a better solution than the one originally suggested
<zzag> but as I said, we also try to make protocol changes that are not tied to our concrete usecases
<zzag> but are generic enough
<zzag> and potentially other desktop environment can use those new apis in different ways
<emersion> i think if there really is something KDE-specific, it would be a lot better to have an interface extending layer-shell, than a fork of it
<emersion> but yeah - thanks for trying to push for upstream still
<kennylevinsen> +1 - I’m sure we’ll get something sorted
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