ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<pq> Calandracas, libexec_weston is installed in Weston's module directory, which is not part of normal ld search path. I guess you can consider it public with no stable ABI. The lib is not versioned. It is meant for weston plugins (as opposed to libweston plugins).
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1546 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) gitlab-ci.yml: Further CI improvements [CI]
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<DodoGTA> Why is the Wayland tarball signing key expired? When will emersion make a new one (and re-upload the Wayland release)?
<dwfreed> renewing a key does not require a reupload of the tarball that was signed
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<pq> DodoGTA, it's not expired for me. Did you try refreshing the key?
<DodoGTA> pq: `gpg --refresh-keys` makes no difference
<pq> using
<DodoGTA> pq: I'm still using (I didn't have any issues with it before)
<dwfreed> DodoGTA: I just uploaded the new sigs there, so refresh-keys should update your copy now
<dwfreed> (the good and bad of the protocol being anybody can submit anything)
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<emersion> I'm uploading to and to WKD
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<dwfreed> emersion: is another good place to send keys, as it participates in the old federation, but doesn't have the performance issues that sks-keyserver has (runs hockeypuck instead)
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<Calandracas> pq thanks for the info. it is in fact a weston plugin, not a libweston plugin. I see that there was an issue opened for this topic, but there was no discussion:
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<pq> Calandracas, oh, I had forgotten I wrote that issue. Nice that I still agree with myself. :-p
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<pq> Calandracas, you're the first one to ask about it, to my memory, so maybe make your case there?
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<Calandracas> yeah will do
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<Calandracas> I haven't seen much/any documentation at all about writing weston plugins, so I've been mostly figuring it out as I go :P
<pq> chicken-and-egg, I guess
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<Calandracas> pq, added my thoughts to the issue. My main idea would be to modify weston.pc to link against libexec_weston. that pkg-config file already provides access to weston.h, which defines prototypes implemented in libexec_weston
<pq> Calandracas, that's not even nearly enough, if the intention is to offer a stable, versioned library ABI.
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<pq> Calandracas, btw. the old way of building weston plugins was to simply let unresolved symbols exist at build time. Those symbols used to be solved by the weston executable, before we wrapped it in a lib. We neglected to consider external plugins when introducing the lib.
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<pq> Calandracas, very interesting to hear that you are doing a weston plugin, btw.
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<Calandracas> I want to use the colour managment features of weston, but the desktop-shell is too simplistic
<pq> ooh, can you tell me more?
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<Calandracas> I want to be able to do things like load VCGT, for colour managed workflows. I also want to be able to do customizations not possible with the basic desktop shell. Things like keybindings, and "better" tiling. I figured it was better to use an existing compositor which does a decent job, rather than write a new one :P
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<Calandracas> I've only been working on it for 2~3 weeks, and its still largely a refactor (c++) of the default desktop shell. something interesting I have done, is the ability to use lua for handling hooks
<Calandracas> Also though it would be interesting to use something other than wlroots
<Calandracas> its just a hobby project, which i will release publicly when its in a better state
<pq> Calandracas, certainly less work to start from an existing compositor. :-)
<Calandracas> I origianlly started by writing a new libweston based compositor, but quickly realized simply making it a plugin would be much easier :P
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<pq> Calandracas, oh Lua too. We've had our own ideas, maybe you've seen ? We never considered C++ though.
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<pq> heh
<Calandracas> yeah I saw that too
<Calandracas> I just like C++. Using lambdas to add signal handlers is simply much nicer
<pq> Calandracas, VCGT would be used by simply loading an ICC profile for the output, but then Weston will also do color management based on it. Do you want to switch output profiles on the fly, or why do your own loading?
<pq> well, the new color management framework will do that
<pq> the old cms-static plugin literally loaded only the VCGT into KMS
<Calandracas> even if it requires std::function and container_of hacks to for capturing lambdas to be possible
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<zamundaaa[m]> Calandracas: have you looked at KWin for your needs? The combination of color management, a good shell, some tiling and C++ plugins sounds like an exact match
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<pq> FYI, I'll be removing weston_output::get_gamma at some point as redundant and semantically conflicting with color management.
<pq> err, set_gamma, of course
<Calandracas> pq, I'm not super familiar with how colour managment works under the hood. I'm not switching profiles on the fly, simply loading an ICC profile i've created for my display. I've validated with argyllcms that the calibration is acurate and visually comparing it to my colour-checker passport
<pq> Calandracas, you are following the X11 style of color management. cms-static plugin would do it for you, the little what a compositor needs to do.
<Calandracas> Does weston apply colour transformations based on the icc profile (not just VCGT) ?
<pq> Calandracas, the Wayland style color management is very different:
<pq> Calandracas, in the Wayland style (the experimental color management feature), yes. With cms-static, no.
<pq> Calandracas, Weston implements an experimental protocol where apps can tell the compositor what ICC profile the window adheres to. Currently only weston-image app does that.
<pq> We're currently working towards parametric profile support as well in Weston, as that's needed for HDR.
<Calandracas> hum this looks much better than the X11 style
<pq> Thank you :-)
<pq> That's not the usual reaction. :-p
<Calandracas> i feel like the compositor dealing with this sort of thing is a lot more sane than depending on the applications themselves, most of which dont bother at all
<pq> totally
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<feaneron> how's the progress with the protocols, btw?
<pq> We needed HDR to make it painfully obvious, that leaving most of the apps unmanaged is not an option. :-D
<pq> feaneron, maybe one big issue left (reference white luminance handling), otherwise still polishing and people doing implementations.
<Calandracas> zamundaaa[m], I haven't tried kwin since KDE 5, and never used kde standalone. I had issues with occasional visual glitches and general instability. I've since switched to sway and really like it, but I should try kwin again now that KDE 6 is out.
<pq> That's color-management extension. Color-representation is not as far in implementations AFAIK, but it's also simpler.
<feaneron> cool cool, so i guess the kernel side bits have reached some sort of consensus then?
<pq> feaneron, oh, the KMS side has a plan... and probably a long road to get there. Protocol or compositors do not depend on it, they can use GPU too.
<feaneron> eh. i thought the color pipeline / color ops in kms was kind of a requirement for this
<Calandracas> Luckily I personally don't need HDR. I only do photo editing, and most of my paid work will only ever be displayed on regular uncalibrated screens :P
<pq> feaneron, that KMS stuff is required for off-loading some color operations to KMS, but compositors must be able to do the same on the GPU anyway, so it's not a show-stopper.
<Calandracas> I'm also fortuneate to have a monitor with 99% DCI-P3 with Delta E < 2 even without VCGT loading
<feaneron> well, it's great to hear that it's progressed, kudos for everyone involved
<pq> feaneron, thanks!
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<JoshuaAshton> Are there plans for a wayland-protocols tag soon?
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !319 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) members: trim trailing comma
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<emersion> there is an open issue about xdg-toplevel-icon that would be nice to fix before a release
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