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<steev> shawnguo: what version of the lmh patches are in the laptops tree? v2 or v3?
<steev> bamse: yeah, it's looking like it's v2; let me pull in v3 and test that.... i guess
<shawnguo> steev: it's v2, and I will pick up the latest when I create 5.14 branch
<steev> shawnguo: yeah i just ran into something but i don't wanna waste thara's time if it's fixed in v3
<bamse> steev: check if the request_irq is done in the same way?
<steev> oh good call
<bamse> steev: i.e. if it has been replaced with request_threaded_irq
<shawnguo> steev: let me know if v3 fixes it or not :)
<steev> bamse: it has not, as far as i can tell
<bamse> steev: then please let her know
<bamse> steev: thanks for testing :)
<steev> sent
<steev> i wish this xz would finish compressing, so i could reboot it
<steev> bamse: the interesting thing to me is the null pointer for slimctrl - on 5.12 that's fatal, and that c630 won't boot, but on 5.13, it hums along happily (just no audio, wifi works though)
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<derzahl> so what am i missing here guys? since reinstalling with the latest debian cdimage, i am unable to boot any kernel without using the dtb loader(just specifying devicetree in grub). the boot pocess hangs right after the 3 "EFI stub" lines about loading the dtb etc.
<derzahl> ive been going for months without dtbloader and even modified grub scripts to automatically add the devicetree line
<derzahl> really strange it just stopped working
<steev> not sure. it definitely works here just specifying the dtb (on my second c630)
<steev> maybe add verbose to the kernel bootline? also something like earlycon=efifb ?
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<derzahl> hm, ill try that
<derzahl> or should i just try to turn off all video modes until there system is fully booted and loads the msm module? not sure what the best way to do that would be
<derzahl> earlycon=efifb doesnt give me any more output:(
<derzahl> doesnt the boot process ususally stop there or go black because its trying to switch into a new video mode?
<derzahl> wonder if i can prevent that from happening.
<robclark> if earlycon=efifb doesn't show you anything more, then things are rather borked (corrupt or no dtb table?)
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<derzahl> i dunno. i think there is something more to it.
<derzahl> so if i boot with dtbloader and try to boot steevs 5.12 kernel, without specifiying a devicetree in grub, it fails with that i2c_hid_of reset message over and over
<derzahl> if i specify a devicetree in grub, it seems to override the dtbloaders one
<derzahl> but if i boot without dtbloader at all, with my efi config just set to EFI\debian\grubaa64.efi, then it hangs even if i have the correct devicetree specified
<robclark> I suppose it is possible to have efifb support disabled in kernel config
<derzahl> so im thinking that grubaa64.efi isnt what it is supposed to be set to
<derzahl> i forgot what "Windows Boot Manager" was originally pointing to before i changed it to EFI\debian\dtbloader.efi
<derzahl> to clarify. if i specify the *correct 5.12 devicetree in grub, it seems to override the dtbloaders one, and the 5.12 kernel boots. but only if i boot the dtbloader entry, not when i boot grabaa64.efi
<derzahl> robclark: are you pointing to EFI\debian\dtbloader.efi when you boot
<robclark> well, EFI\fedora\dtbloader.efi but close enough
<derzahl> ah. yeh. im wondering what the default setting was now
<robclark> are you not getting into grub, it sounded like you were getting far enough to start kernel?
<derzahl> no, im getting in to grub
<derzahl> im just not sure why i cant boot a kernel without booting dtbloader.efi first anymore
<robclark> iirc, dtbloader removes the ACPI tables and adds the dtb table.. grub, assuming it is managing to correctly load the dtb is, I suppose, only doing the latter
<derzahl> so what should i be booting if im not booting dtbloader.efi?
<derzahl> is there something else that needs to come before grubaa64.efi?
<robclark> normally the boot flow would involve shim too, but with secure boot disabled that shouldn't really matter
<derzahl> very strange. i think it mustve been set to something else. because it doesnt make sense that "Windows Boot Manager" would be set to grubaa64.efi by default
<derzahl> shawnguo: do you know what Windows Boot Manager is set to by default? before you change it to dtbloader.efi per the instructions here