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<clover[m]> I can't get my damn archiso working with grub
<akaWolf> clover[m]: why do you need grub?
<clover[m]> systemd is broken until next release
<steev> why not just pull in the fixes?
<bamse> Do we have an archiso?
<bamse> clover[m]: ^^
<clover[m]> yes
<bamse> i just put that on a usb stick and victory?
<bamse> except that it doesn'twork?
* bamse broke his sc8280xp crd arch installation...
<clover[m]> it should work. just don't install systemd-boot with it right now
<bamse> no problem, grub is fine with me
<bamse> but last time i installed arch i manually put grub, a kernel, a dtb, a ramdisk on a usb stick, together with the "generic arm v8" iso...booted the ramdisk, loopback mounted the iso and chrooted into that
<clover[m]> it should help a bit even if you dont want eos
<bamse> an arch iso sounds like a better option :)
<bamse> clover[m]: speaking of arch linux, do you know why linux-aarch64-rc got stuck at v6.0-rc5?
<bamse> would love for there to be a "latest rc" package that i can install
<clover[m]> you could use my repo
<clover[m]> just need to sign my gpg key and have it in your pacman.conf
<bamse> what would it take to get the official linux-aarch64-rc package to be updated on a regular basis?
<bamse> clover[m]: btw, can i dd the iso...or do i need to use some funky tool for getting it onto my usb stick?
<clover[m]> you would have to talk to the arch linux arm people, though they aren't super responsive
<clover[m]> theres a forum you might have luck there:
<clover[m]> also an irc channel
<clover[m]> bamse: yes
<clover[m]> dd bs=4M if=archlinuxarm-YYYY.MM.DD-aarch64.iso of=<DEV-TARGET> conv=fsync oflag=direct status=progress
<bamse> nice, thanks
<bamse> clover[m]: i'm down to 0 patches on my with i expect that v6.5-rc1 will just run...
<clover[m]> neat
<bamse> hence my interest in getting it updated
<bamse> still have a bunch of dev-patches on my other x13s and the crd...but it would be a nice milestone to be able to just run upstream straight off the distro
<clover[m]> that's cool, i'll look around but yeah it seems everyone is using linux-rpi instead which is a little more recet
<clover[m]> s/recet/recent/
<clover[m]> still only 6.1 from the looks of it
<bamse> right, and it will take a while for linux-aarch64 to reach v6.5
<bamse> ugh, they are on the other irc network...
<clover[m]> lol
<clover[m]> the main dev lead guy is leming
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<amstan> for people on matrix, other suggestions welcome for a channel logo (i got tired of this channel being the nondescript blue)
<amstan> bamse, clover i usually can reach leming if really required, but i usually need to spin in why he needs to care about something, heh
<amstan> he is a busy fellow, heh
<amstan> he doesn't like joining this channel because it's oftc
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<steev> tell him steev said kali is beating alarm, and that's why he should :P
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<bamse> clover[m]: how nice...your x13s archiso booted up without any problems on the crd, but i was hoping to install arch on the ufs storage ;)
<clover[m]> what is a crd
<bamse> compute reference device, iirc
<bamse> it's the reference device from qcom on sc8280xp
<clover[m]> nice, good luck with your arch installation
<steev> i want a crd :( they just look so damn good
<clover[m]> pics?
<steev> it's the red one you see in review pics
<steev> hm, or maybe it isn't?
<steev> oh i think the first link was 8180x and the second is 8280xp
<clover[m]> i need that gold sticker so bad
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<clover[m]> did you see that X13s had some media attention?
<steev> i did not
<Stirl[m]> How big is the gpu performance improvement in 6.5? we already have accelerated desktops working right?
<steev> it's the same driver, just applied to the mainline kernel instead of patched in (using the same patches) to what we currently release
<Stirl[m]> oh okay
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<clover[m]> So bamse you have one of those red colored laptops?
<bamse> clover[m]: yes, and the gray one...
<clover[m]> Do you have to be one of those snapdragon insiders to get one?
<bamse> i don't know
<rfs613> does the red one cost more to insure? :P
<konradybcio> clover: snapdragon insider is just a marketing stunt
<bamse> it's a dev/demo thing...
<qzed> clover: the perks of working for linaro... after all his work, they should send bamse the red one as a bonus xD
<qzed> ah sorry, I misread, you already have both?
<bamse> qzed: i would be sad if i got that as a bonus
<konradybcio> qzed: Bjorn is @ qc
<qzed> haha yeah, only that would be sad indeed
<qzed> konradybcio: oh, did he switch? or am I just misremembering things...
<bamse> qzed: and generally, more toys equal more work
<qzed> true
<bamse> qzed: switched last year, so i did indeed aquire and started working on these things while at linaro...
<qzed> nice
<qzed> congrats then, I assume
<bamse> thanks
<qzed> I need to sort out moving to a new flat and then hopefully in two weeks I can pick up the sc8180/spx stuff again, and get the qseecom stuff done
<bamse> qzed: yeah, we finally got the sc8180x.dtsi merged would be nice to see some spx stuff following that
<bamse> qzed: and indeed the efivar pieces...
<qzed> yeah, I saw the sc8180 stuff pop up on the ml and in -next, with some fixes after as well
<steev> so, re: headphones not working on 6.4.0-rc7, what i see here is
<steev> and i have... absolutely zero idea what any of those mean, but they're in red
<qzed> maybe I can manage to clean up some stuff before I move... I'll also be starting a PhD then so I doubt life is getting less stressfull xD
<steev> dr qzed
<qzed> one day hopefully xD
<HdkR> The horror of working on ARM hardware, you start collecting piles of ARM devices :P
* qzed ponders buying the AMR-based Surface Pro 9 without any need for it...
<qzed> *ARM
<qzed> ARM seems infectious xD
<HdkR> Caught a nasty case of ARM. It'll cost a LEG to fix it.
<bamse> qzed: right, still some more work needed...but at least the base is in place now
<qzed> yeah... and I have a ton of stuff in my tree that I'm not even sure is still required... so need to do a bunch of testing and house-cleaning
<agl7-Galaxy> qzed: Yes, ARM is infectious :)
<bamse> qzed: i was able to boot both my devices straight off linux-next + the patches i posted...but i don't remember if all got landed
<qzed> bamse: oh nice!
<clover[m]> imagine using x86
<bamse> clover[m]: my x86 desktop broke, so i implemented DP-support on sc8180x and later sc8280xp...
<bamse> nvidia driver claimed it was the job of the firmware to start the gpu fan...and the firmware had no such intentions
<bamse> so now you have support for external display instead
<clover[m]> yeah works like a charm thanks :) except that mutter issue but i just replaced gnome with sway
<bamse> would be nice to get that mutter thing fixed
<HdkR> AHB bus errors getting fixed would be nice as well :>
<bamse> HdkR: which one?
<HdkR> When the GPU faults when running games :D
<bamse> HdkR: didn't we improve/fix that with them updates to the protected things array?
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<robclark> cp_protect thing would have been a different fault
<konradybcio> ahb almost sounds like pointing the gpu to read from unmapped memory
<konradybcio> which would also make smmu unhappy
<robclark> ahb would be more like gpu io space.. but I don't know if gpu's own access to itself would go thru ahb?
<HdkR> bamse: Yea, different problem. the CP protections are probably fine
<HdkR> This error shows up as a gpu fault on ring 0 versus cp protection fault
<bamse> HdkR: ahh okay, i've not seen any such issues
<HdkR> Need to run some beefy Vulkan things :D
<bamse> it might be that i don't even have vulkan enabled...
<bamse> HdkR: but nice to see that you're exercising things :)
<bamse> HdkR: and i defer any debugging in robclark's general direction ;)
<HdkR> Trying to exercise things but gmaes keep crashing because of this :P
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<robclark> HdkR: did you ever file a gitlab issue about the ahb faults?
<bamse> clover[m]: after a bunch of tinkering with the machine, the archiso worked perfectly...thanks!
<clover[m]> you help me with kernel things, i help you with distro things. a perfect circle ;)
<clover[m]> what DE you running?
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<bamse> clover[m]: sway
<clover[m]> good choice
<bamse> in need of some rice, but fixing the kernel first ;)
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<clover[m]> getting artifacts with hardware rendering on chromium
<clover[m]> doesn't happen all the time, just with some websites, like AWS
<konradybcio> Capture renderdoc!
<steev> i blame.... aws
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