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<chadmed> mashrafi: there might have been a regression on sway. mesa has no package with stable keywords so youll have to build and install from one of the tagged commits on FDO
<chadmed> asahi mesa, that is
<chadmed> ive had my own share of graphics issues over the last week or so, i gave up trying to debug and just detonated my root fs
<chadmed> which i might need to do again because i accidentally turned the system wide recovery partition into a swap :P
<chadmed> dont do installs at 11pm after a day at work folks
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<mashrafi> chadmed: I see. I think I broke my own installation by removing Plasma without checking, so I will use Arch temporarily. Also, I totally agree: installing Gentoo under fatigue is a nightmare!
<chadmed> i have scripts to automate most of it... except the dangerous part ;)
<chadmed> but yeah things are moving so fast that its basically impossible to keep on top of them
<mashrafi> cool
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<zerdox> Hi guys! I am trying to install gentoo on my M1 but end up with unbootable.
<zerdox> Could you please take a look at my installation process and give me a hint what am I doing wrong?
<zerdox> I am not sure about mounting efi partition to /boot/efi
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<ChaosPrincess> whats the current problem
<ChaosPrincess> post errors, screenshots or w/e
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<zerdox> ChaosPrincess: "Loading Linux 6.2.0-rc3-asahi-ARCH ... Loading initial ramdisk ..." "EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel... EFI: stub: Using DTB from configuration table EFI stub: Exiting boot services..."
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<zerdox> I found one mention of error I encounter here: When boot hangs with this messages.
<zerdox> Originally I came here from this issue:
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<zerdox> the issue is that I try to install gentoo third time and get the same result. result: unbootable with following message from efistub
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<chadmed> you should not have gotten any additional kconfig options to say y/n to
<chadmed> which means, again, youve messed up keywording (mismatched kernel version to the one that was running in asahi) or youve clobbered something in the kernel config file
<chadmed> i know this because just last night i detonated my gentoo root fs and re-ran the entire process from scratch and it worked without a hitch
<chadmed> theres only a couple of ways you can hit this particular failure mode
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