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<zerdox> MichaelLong did you encounter `thread 'main' panicked at '"ftrace_branch_data_union_`? I am trying to compile the kernel finally. I found one guy in rust-for-linux zulip chat, he met this error 2 months ago. and i also googled some email from 5 april mentioning my error
<chadmed_> zerdox: at runtime?
<zerdox> chadmed_: trying to genkernel
<chadmed_> i dont think genkernel really supports rusty kernels atm, youll have to do it manually
<chadmed_> its not that hard
<zerdox> do i need to do something different in asahi case? instead of --all-ramdisk-modules
<chadmed_> so youve built the kernel already and youre just trying to make an initramfs?
<zerdox> chadmed i have not yet built anything
<zerdox> it doesn't matter if i run genkernel or make LLVM=1. i get thread panicked while compiling kernel
<chadmed_> hm so the compiler is panicking interesting
<chadmed_> did you install rust-bin or rust
<zerdox> rustup
<chadmed_> ah so you followed the quick start guide
<chadmed_> hmmm
<chadmed_> can you paste the entire build log somewhere
<zerdox> sure. for now i'll send these 2 links
<zerdox> nothing interesting in logs actually. i am using default asahi kernel config just with rust enabled. my rustc and bindgen versions are exact required. i am using 16 llvm
<chadmed_> is bindgen in your PATH?
<chadmed_> also just building the config in /proc/config.gz wont enable the gpu or dcp. you need to go and set those options in menuconfig.
<zerdox> of course. /home/user/.local/share/bin/bindgen
<chadmed_> ??? it should be in $HOME/.cargo/bin
<zerdox> i don't like littering my $HOME
<zerdox> i changed CARGO_HOME and RUSTUP_HOME
<zerdox> that's normal case. lol
<chadmed_> right ok
<chadmed_> does seem like a bindgen issue at the very least
<chadmed_> what version of rustc have you set for the kernel source tree
<zerdox> how can i see it? i've pinned rustc version as in quick start and then added rust-src component
<chadmed_> rustc --version from inside /usr/src/linux
<chadmed_> also
<chadmed_> you should mirror this as root, idk if genkernel tries to build the kernel as root
<chadmed_> but as a standard user you dont have write perms to /usr/src so ofc its gonna fail writing bindings there
<zerdox> yeah i am as root
<chadmed_> yeah so youll need to set up the rust stuff as root and source $CARGO_HOME/env as root
<zerdox> rustc 1.66.0 (69f9c33d7 2022-12-12)
<zerdox> i've already set all this up. running make rustavailable as root gives me "rust is available "
<chadmed_> just running through the possibilities
<chadmed_> it does look like youve misconfigured bindgen somewhere along the line though
<chadmed_> since its panicking in a dependency of bindgen
<zerdox> i haven't done any configurations to bindgen
<zerdox> i'll try to reinstall it...
<chadmed_> yeah i mean the install process
<chadmed_> you should probably just install all of this as root instead of trying to kludge its CARGO_HOME to your local user tbh
<chadmed_> like i said from the outset it becomes very hard to offer support to people when they start doing weird nonstandard things and stuff starts breaking
<zerdox> wdym?... cargo_home is in user's hom directory by default
<chadmed_> when you install as root it should install it to the root's home directory, not yours
<chadmed_> the fact that its trying to call into bidngen from your own home dir instead of /root/.cargo/ suggests you have not set any of this up properly
<zerdox> ok. one moment
<zerdox> which rustc: /root/.cargo/bin/rustc
<zerdox> which bindgen: /root/.cargo/bin/bindgen
<zerdox> rustc --version: rustc 1.66.0
<zerdox> bindgen --version: bindgen 0.56.0
<zerdox> everything is the same. same panick. i'll now cleanup my root...
<chadmed_> try bindgen 0.62
<zerdox> sure
<zerdox> no Cargo.lock file published in bindgen v0.62.0
<zerdox> there is nothing to install in bindgen because it has no binaries. cargo install is only for installing programs, and can't be used with libraries
<chadmed_> the crate is called bindgen-cli
<zerdox> am i doing something wrong?
<zerdox> oh ok
<chadmed_> cargo install bindgen-cli --version ^0.62
<zerdox> yay. it's doing something... i will try to login to my user now and continue the work with the newer bindgen. could you please share which settings do i need to change so my gpu would work properly?
<chadmed_> youll be able to find the config options in menuconfig by searching for them
<chadmed_> you already have dracut installed which has the appropriate firmware and driver hooks set up from the install script, so instead of using genkernel to generate an initramfs use dracut --kver $(make -s kernelrelease)
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<zerdox> chadmed_: ty. i successfully compiled and applied new kernel. but as soon as i boot in, see some linux init logs and login prompt, screen goes black. nomodeset "fixes" it
<zerdox> idk why i am so unlucky but everything on my machine goes unexpected. sorry
<chadmed_> oh yeah thats an xorg/dcp thing
<chadmed_> xorg relies on features that are not present in the hardware because its not 100 quadrillion years old
<zerdox> xorg? i thought it's some stuff for graphical environment, like wayland
<chadmed_> your display manager (i assume sddm) probably uses xorg so when openrc goes to start it, it causes issues
<chadmed_> wayland works perfectly
<zerdox> nah
<zerdox> its just tty
<zerdox> nothing xorg or wayland
<zerdox> no DMs to
<chadmed_> oh interesting
<zerdox> too*
<chadmed_> is that reproducible
<chadmed_> like does it happen every time you boot
<zerdox> prob i need to get some logs
<zerdox> yea i got it twicr
<chadmed_> can you check to make sure that the display-manager service is not in any runlevel
<zerdox> i have not even installed any
<chadmed_> okay
<zerdox> like i barely installed this system and trying to get hyprland work with my gpu
<chadmed_> so before, when you booted, the system just greeted you with a tty
<chadmed_> you didnt have hyprland starting automatically or anything
<zerdox> yes
<chadmed_> cool
<chadmed_> did you install the kernel manually or use genkernel
<zerdox> tty goes bye-bye when driver module gets loaded. seems like it
<zerdox> manually
<chadmed_> and you ran make modules_install right
<zerdox> yeah
<chadmed_> hmmm
<zerdox> i will try to do it again actually
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<chadmed_> the output of asahi-diagnose would be cool pasted somewhere
<chadmed_> and your dmesg
<chadmed_> ill get around to patching asahi-diagnose for gentoo at some point
<zerdox> how can i do it?
<chadmed_> assuming you didnt nuke the old kernel and initramfs grub should still have a boot option for it under advanced settings
<chadmed_> so you can boot back into a working system
<zerdox> i can boot back to the new kernel with nomodeset option
<zerdox> and yeah i can still load to the old kernel
<zerdox> currently i am booted with nomodeset
<chadmed_> oh yeah then just run asahi-diagnose and paste the output somewhere
<chadmed_> you can write a little shell function/alias to pipe the output of some command into tpaste
<chadmed_> do the same with dmesg since asahi-diagnose looks for journalctl and not dmesg
<zerdox> take into account that nomodeset is enabled
<zerdox> just save dmesg output? i am not sure how it works
<chadmed_> yeah dmesg is just the kernel message log so just paste the output of it
<zerdox> maybe i can also ssh from my phone to the system without nomodeset so you can actually see the errors?
<chadmed_> yeah that would be good because it hasnt loaded the dcp driver at all
<chadmed_> so i need to see what its doing when its loading that driver
<zerdox> let me know if i need to repeat without nomodeset
<zerdox> oh
<zerdox> yeah i see
<zerdox> can you give me a hint how can i do it? last time with your advice i enabled sshd
<zerdox> i also have termux on my phone
<chadmed_> well you just need another machine with ssh installed, then just ssh [username]@[mac hostname/ip address]
<chadmed_> it will ask for your password
<chadmed_> and dump you to a shell
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<chadmed_> 404
<chadmed_> hmm that lgtm
<zerdox> for the context by black i mean i get no backlight. like it's completely off, when you turn down brightness to zero on macos
<zerdox> is it possible that my backlight level is set to zero? just in case...
<chadmed_> thats what i was thinking
<chadmed_> you can try change it with the sysfs variables in ssh
<zerdox> chadmed_: i can't really find exact file for that
<chadmed_> itll be in /sys/class/backlight somewhere
<zerdox> yeah.. but is a bunch of folders which are symlinked to each other
<zerdox> i've installed `light` package and it says 33.33 on apple-panel-lb and 100.00 on gpio-bl. so this is not the case
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<ktz_> hello, on the conversation we had on #asahi, I mounted esp on /boot/efi and installed m1n1 and u-boot-asahi, when restarting I've had the exact problem I described when the same thing happened from an alarm update. I can get to boot and get to my DE but everything is incredible sluggish and I can't even use it. I'm currently booted from alarm now
<ktz_> my problem is that alarm at least didn't entirely replace boot.bin, it was also leaving a boot.bin.old behind which I could replace the new one with and boot back normally, but alpine doesn't do that so I need to find some other way to fix it
<ktz_> on a positive note I'm getting no errors on dmesg and a different one when trying to start an ap on alarm. keyboard and mousepad are also working as expected
<mps> ktz_: so you have alarm and alpine installed iiuc
<ktz_> mps: correct
<mps> this is 'calling for troubles'
<ktz_> I'm using alpine mainly, I've got the alarm installation for situations like these just for debugging
<ktz_> I haven't had any of those problems for months to this point and I've always had both installed
<mps> kernels are different and by this dtb is not same
<ktz_> on two separate machines as well
<ktz_> should that really be a problem since there are two different esps separate for each one?
<mps> how do you select which ESP is read on boot?
<ktz_> that's a good question, I assumed its correctly mapped to the corresponding one up to this point
<mps> i.e. which second stage m1n1 is used
<mps> `cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition` will show which ESP is used
<mps> also `cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,m1n1-stage2-version`, filename tells
<ktz_> okay I'll reboot into alpine and check it out
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<ktz> mps: both alarm and alpine use the same partition
<mps> ktz: that could be why you have problems
<ktz> yes, thanks for helping me find out. is there anything I can do to fix it?
<mps> use just one ESP, i.e. remove one you don't need
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<mps> on alpine you should have something like 'PARTUUID=... /boot/efi auto auto' in /etc/fstab
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<jannau> do you have two entries for alpine and asahi in the macos boot picker you get when you keep the power button pressed?
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<ktz_> jannau: yes, I do
<jannau> then you should get different values in /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition for alarm and alpine
<ktz_> mps: no I haven't..
<ktz_> mps: this is likely the answer to the dtbs problem
<mps> ktz_: you should mount proper ESP for /usr/sbin/update-u-boot-asahi to work properly
<mps> with PARTUUID in /etc/fstab you could have proper ones mounted for alpine and alarm
<mps> i.e. different ESPs for different OS
<ktz_> on alarm I'm getting contradicting output or I'm missing something?
<ktz_> maybe that's why when upgrading via pacman kept messing up my alpine installation
<jannau> /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition has PARTUUID not a UUID so it might not be a problem
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<jannau> can you check if UUID and PARTUUID point to the same partition. `blkid | grep vfat`
<ktz_> it returns false :jannau
<ktz_> maybe this helps
<ktz_> nvme0n1p9 is alpinelinux and nvme0n1p5 is alarm
<jannau> you have a mismatch. UUID of 80281940-c4e6-40d8-b83f-f509a98c9338 is 8860-08F1
<ktz_> should fstab contain both entries?
<jannau> you should be fine if you change "UUID=F7C9-0138" to "PARTUUID=80281940-c4e6-40d8-b83f-f509a98c9338" in fstab
<ktz_> this is on alarm (nvme0n1p5) shouldn't it point to nvme0n1p4 instead? the one you suggested is nvme0n1p7 instead, alpine's esp
<ktz_> thanks for trying to help in any case
<jannau> /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition is what m1n1 cares about. if the OS doesn't match it will cause problems. can you verify that it differs between alarm and alpine
<ktz_> if that helps better
<ktz_> let me do the same booted via alpine
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<ktz> okay, this is what I gathered from alpine
<ktz> jannau: /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,efi-system-partition looks the same
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<ktz> mps: any idea at least on how to fix my alpine installation? its unusable as of now after adding u-boot-asahi and m1n1 packages and having m1n1 upgraded
<mps> ktz: no idea for stable solution. you could mount proper ESP and /usr/sbin/update-u-boot-asahi
<mps> run*
<mps> and copy m1n1/boot.bin to alarm ESP
<mps> to have same boot.bin on both ESP
<ktz> I just ran /usr/sbin/update-u-boot-asahi, I'll try to boot on alpine
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<mps> but my real advice is 'use alpine only', not because alpine is perfect (it is not) but other distros are worse (sorry if I offend someone)
<_jannau_> that doesn't help if both first stage m1n1 set te same "asahi,efi-system-partition"
<mps> or other advice is stick with one prefered distro until m1n1 can select proper ESP
<_jannau_> no idea how that could have happened without manually breaking things
<_jannau_> m1n1 does that. the only problems we had where distro packaging unpatched u-boot which doesn't use the slected ESP
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<ktz> so the way to fix my issue is having alarm deleted? that won't really bring back the boot.bin version which makes my boot functional in the alpine esp, am I wrong?
<ktz> the m1n1 is lastly updated via alpine so even if both use it, it should likely be fine with alpine I suppose
<mps> as jannau told, maybe patched u-boot could help
<_jannau_> running /usr/sbin/update-u-boot-asahi on alpine should produce a working boot.bin
<ktz> yes but it doesn't as I just mentioned
<_jannau_> a patched u-boot will not help as long as both installs report the same "asahi,efi-system-partition" when selected through the macos boot picker
<mps> ktz: if you want you can install linux-asahi-edge and mesa-asahi for alpine from my private repo
<mps> I'm sure this combo works very fine on m1 and m1pro macbooks
<ktz> I hadn't booted each one via macos tho, I did run distro_bootcmd to boot in alarm instead
<mps> (time for coffee break)
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<_jannau_> ktz: that can not work and probably explains your problems. you have to use the macos boot picker for multi alternative os support
<ktz> okay, good to know thanks. I'll try mps' edge kernel and hopefully this fixes the issues on my alpine installation
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<mps> ktz: add this '' to /etc/apk/repositories and download and put it to /etc/apk/keys
<mps> then `apk update` and rest you know
<ktz> thanks
<mps> though you will need different script which will set m1n1+dtbs+u-boot if you install linux-asahi-edge
<ktz> do you have it?
<mps> script is here
<ktz> so I run this after the apk add?
<mps> yes
<ktz> check the link of the key
<mps> asuh
<mps> uh*
<mps> marcan: I ported PKBUILDs for asahi-scripts and asahi-fwextract from asahi to alpine APKBUILD. but I'm not sure what to do with 'Maintainer' field. on one side all credits belongs to you because porting was easy
<mps> but on other side it is not good to report to you issues for alpine
<mps> don't know what to do with this field
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<chadmed> mps: i assume the convention is the maintainer of the package, not the maintainer of the code
<chadmed> at least thats how it is with gentoo ebuilds
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<mps> chadmed: I agree, but because PKGBUILD and APKBUILD are nearly same I though it would be polite to ask author (marcan) of these two PKBUILDs
<chadmed> oh right the files themselves are similar
<chadmed> two maintainers i guess :P
<mps> heh
<mps> alpine allow only one maintainer
<mps> and many 'Contributor: '
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<_jannau_> I'd sugest to take the maintainership and add a comment that it is based on the asahi PKGBUILD
<_jannau_> the original author doesn't maintain your copy
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<mps> _jannau_: this sounds reasonable to me, I thought to do this but again wanted to ask original author
<ktz> I still face the same issue, boots, can open my wm but everything is unusably slow
<ktz> dmesg log
<mps> ktz: you use xorg?
<ktz> no, wayland
<mps> and it is slow?
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<ktz> its unusable, for instance it takes 2 sec to spawn foot and when you type a letter it registers 3+ times
<mps> for me xorg and wayland are nearly same
<mps> apk version mesa-asahi
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<ktz> check the log
<ktz> its the same exact issue I had with the last kernel, its not related to the upgraded kernel, its the boot.bin which causes it
<mps> `apk version u-boot-asahi`
<mps> and also version of m1n1
<mps> are you sure you installed mesa-asahi and mesa-asahi-dri-gallium
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<ktz> I was missing dri-gallium but I don't that's the cause, its related to m1n1
<psykose> you would need all of the mesa-asahi-* packages as overrides, in that case you are missing mesa-asahi-dri-gallium
<mps> oh, you have both mesa and mesa-asahi installed, this should be possible
<psykose> don't think it is
<mps> psykose: rihgt, I meant to write 'not possible'
<ktz> yes I see mesa-glapi-23.0.2-r2 aarch64 {mesa} (MIT SGI-B-2.0 BSL-1.0) [installed], let me replace it with the asahi version and I'll try to boot again
<psykose> you need mesa-asahi-dri-gallium to have anything work pretty sure :p
<psykose> you also don't have to reboot, just restart whatever you had the session in
<ktz> I'm booted from alarm now
<ktz> and chrooted in alpine
<mps> ktz: you are messing my mind, never sure when you are talking about alpine or alarm
<ktz> always alpine, I only use alarm when I can't boot into alpine, and when booted on alarm I'm talking alpine chroot so alpine
<mps> but I see from your dmesg that you booted alpine
<_jannau_> generally don't expect graphics to work from the alpine chroot
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<j`ey_> _jannau_: you've said before that DCP is slow without the GPU right? So I guess that's what they're seeing
<mps> j`ey_: also I think so
<mps> few days ago when I upgraded to mesa with changed UAPI version it was slow
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<_jannau_> it slower than software rendering but not 2 seconds to launch foot slow. that could the subotimal kmsro behavior people where seeing on fedora with many kmsro drivers enabled
<ktz> okay thank you all guys, at least I'm back on my system
<ktz> everything works properly
<mps> ktz: alpine or alarm
<ktz> with the edge kernel and all the mesa-asahi packages
<ktz> alpine as always hehe
<mps> ok, you now have GPU working
<ktz> only thing, still missing keyboard on wm, while it works on tty
<mps> `inxi -G` will show
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<mps> ktz: are you using eudev or libudev-zero
<ktz> eudev
<ktz> you get these as well when loading brcmfmac?
<mps> then input devices should work out of the box
<j`ey_> ktz: yeah that's normal
<j`ey_> it tries diffferent firmware names in a row, to get the right one
<mps> yes, same on my machines
<mps> ktz: do you external usb keyboard
<mps> use*
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<mps> ktz: btw, you now have asahi-scripts and asahi-fwextract in my apk repo
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<ktz> mps: yes I use an external one but I'm trying to get the builtin one functioning as well so its portable, same for mousepad, not sure whats wrong with them
<ktz> mps: should I run any of those?
<mps> have no idea, internal keyboard and touchpad works for me from the beginnig (year and a half ago) without problems
<ktz> by the way is this akms thing any easy to fix? psykose:
<ktz> yes its strange, even the other firmware errors are gone from dmesg now... but still no luck. Maybe its something to do with wayland/sway in the end
<mps> ktz: you could try to install linux-asahi-edge-dev and fix this to use it and then try to build
<mps> do the wayland need some config file for libinput to work
<mps> i have something in sway config
<ktz> it used to work perfectly for my previous m1 air, same sway config...
<mps> .config/sway/config.d/input =>
<mps> this works with sway
<mps> btw, any better tilling WM for wayland than sway
<ktz> didn't work for me
<ktz> apk add linux-asahi-edge-dev by the way
<psykose> seems pretty self explanatory
<mps> hm, linux-asahi-edge have CONFIG_MODULES=y
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<marcan> mps: maintainer != author, you're the maintainer for the APKBUILD, not me
<marcan> feel free to note the origin of the script if you want, though I personally don't particularly care
<mps> marcan: ok, thank you
<marcan> I don't think we have a license on that repo explicitly, we probably should, but I basically consider everything in there (except for patches subject to upstream licensing) public domain for any distro to adapt as they wish
<mps> that is also issue for alpine APKBUILD files
<marcan> if we didn't have derivative PKGBUILDs in there I would add a blanket MIT-0 to the repo
<marcan> let me add something
<chadmed> hopefully the patched packages go away at some point
<marcan> well this includes uboot-asahi which won't
<marcan> and linux-asahi and mesa-asahi which will probably live forever as downstream bleeding edge packages if nothing else
<jannau> ack for my contributions as far as they aren't derivative
<marcan> was about to ask
<marcan> and the remaining contributions are few and very trivial, so I think I can just do this
<jannau> also questionable if they fall at all under copyright (depending on the legislation). not much freedom to express them differently and still have working packages
<marcan> yeah, agreed
<marcan> but I might as well clarify in case someone thinks they do
<chadmed> afaict pkgbuilds are unlicenced upstream anyway
<psykose> licensing is enjoyed by people that sell things
<chadmed> information should be free (unless it can make me a billion dollars in which case people should pay me a billion dollars for it)
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<mps> licenses and other intellectual property are invented as exploitation tools
<mps> who owns IP on wheel
<ChaosPrincess> disney or nestle
<ChaosPrincess> its always one of these two
<mps> :D
<mps> ChaosPrincess: you make me smiling loudly
<mps> nice one
<chadmed> or some company no ones ever heard of but is worth $600bn and 30% owned by palantir
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