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<qdot> Quick question on using GPU acceleration/DRM on Gentoo/Asahi - I have Mesa with the correct ports, -edge kernel config built in.. and yet it's defaulting to swrast.. anything I've missed (or anyone wrote anything for reference on how to get it working?)
<jannau> was the kernel build with rust/DRM_ASAHI, does `dmesg | grep gpu` reports the gpu as initialized?
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<qdot> Yes to the former, no to the latter.. that gives me a bit of a thread to pull on! I guess time to do it by hand, I'm fairly aware of how grub/kernel updates work, I've been using leo3418's dist-kernel repos, but if I'm hacking I might as well do it from known good.
<qdot> (DCP does initialize in dmesg, so it is running -edge- of sorts)
<qdot> hmm.. dev-util/bindgen ? That seems to be masked as not compatible with the kernel build - were you able to get it working through some portage variant of bindgen or drop into rustland for this?
<jannau> I'm using bindgen via rustup
<marcan> you want 0.62.0
<marcan> which is not what the kernel wants but it's a version that will actually work (the one the kernel wants won't)
<marcan> (because it breaks with newer LLVM)
<marcan> also for mesa, use the latest versioned tag I made, *not* any live branch. mesa and kernel live branches are not kept in sync. generally the latest mesa tag will be in sync with the latest kernel tag and usually also the latest live kernel (except when I'm about to do a release)
<marcan> if those two desync it'll refuse to initialize
<marcan> qdot: ^
<mps> I use rust bindgen 0.64 with asahi-6.2-12 tagged release
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<mps> that is because I didn't created rust bindgen 0.62
<mps> didn't made alpine package I meant to say
<jannau> oh, I didn't noticed we have now biindgen in portage, bindgen 0.56 (via rustup) and rustc 1.66 worked for asahi-sources-6.2.0_p12
<mps> btw, yes, also I use rusct 1.66
<mps> s/rusct/rustc/
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<mps> btw, could we expect new asahi verified kernel based on 6.3 mainline. just curious
<j`ey> the next asahi branch looks to be based on 6.3
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<jannau> and builds fine with LLVM=1 / clang-15
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