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<mps> tobhe: I've got openbsd running on m1 macbook
<mps> but touchpad and wifi doesn't work. I guess I have to extract firmware from ESP somewhere to /etc/firmware?
<tobhe> \o/
<tobhe> you shouldn't need to actually, the installer should do that
<tobhe> maybe there's a bug
<mps> well, it doesn't I think
<mps> though I installed openbsd on external usb stick, not to nvme
<mps> ok, I will investigate this later
<tobhe> that could indeed be the reason. you might be the first person trying that :)
<mps> heh, why I have always to 'first person' ;-)
<mps> (afaik I was first person who use linux on m1 as daily driver)
<tobhe> that's where it should happen
<tobhe> probably didn't work because sd0 is hardcoded
<mps> tobhe: this looks as solution, and I thought something on 'that line'
<tobhe> i'll have a look at it later
<mps> now have to go out, will try later at evening
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