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<zerdox> chadmed: hi! could you please let me know which opengl do we use? i wanted to give hyprland a try, but i got really buggy and flickery result. somehow in logs i can see that it doesn't recognize gpu (i saw logs from other asahi guys and it was fine) and it says i am using opengl es 3.2 (vendor: mesa, not asahi). but as i know asahi uses 2 version yet, not 3. i looked up in a history that you discussed wayland some time ago, could you give me a hint?
<jannau> "Mesa Project" is expected as EGL vendor string but ES 3.2 is unexpected, maybe it's the software renderer?
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<zerdox> I expect to see "asahi" vendor. Also I could not emerge x11-apps/mesa-progs to see it myself, but I get meson error: dependency "gl" not found
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<chadmed> >>> Completed (1 of 1) x11-apps/mesa-progs-8.5.0::gentoo
<chadmed> ???
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<chadmed> the vendor is Mesa, not Asahi
<chadmed> this was a recent decision upstream aiui
<chadmed> it doesnt affect how the driver works
<chadmed> wayland is also the default on these machines and no one is putting any real effort into making xorg work correctly
<chadmed> fwiw i couldnt get hyprland to work at all either
<chadmed> so it might just be a hyprland issue
<chadmed> i dont think any work has been put into making it play nice with anything other than the RGB trio
<chadmed> ah i know what it is
<chadmed> you didnt rebuild your kernel with rust did you
<zerdox> yeah i didn't rebuild my kernel yet
<zerdox> idk really how i should have get to this point
<chadmed> yeah you need to install rust tooling compatible with the kernel and build a kernel with the rust asahi driver
<zerdox> i spent about an hour learning about kernel options and found a bunch of unused stuff in my kernel. like... unused filesystems, languages. a disabled some options but saved to draft file cause I don't know yet how to use it
<chadmed> did you use menuconfig
<zerdox> ok. i need to build kernel with the rust asahi driver? how can i do it?
<zerdox> yeah i did
<chadmed> yeah so the config file should be valid, mv it to the file name .config and just run make against the kernel
<chadmed> building with rust is a bit more annoying, the rust for linux project readme should get you started
<zerdox> oof.. okay. but why do i need this to get video drivers work?
<zerdox> and do i need to enable legacy renderer (2.0) or we use 3 version? idk what the state of asahi with it
<zerdox> legacy renderer in that fancy window manager i mean
<chadmed> its necessary because the kernel driver is written in rust
<chadmed> and i have no idea about hyprland options, youll have to experiment once the driver is installed
<zerdox> ok. ima google how to compile kernel with rust
<zerdox> build i mean
<zerdox> as i can see at a first glance it won't be easy. i can't yet find any useful info
<chadmed> latest rustc works at the moment so you should be fine to use gentoo=s rust
<chadmed> but when you install bindgen-cli make sure to pass --version ^0.62.0 to cargo
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<zerdox> yep.. thanks. i will give it a try tomorrow or one day later. i would also need to know how to install this new kernel and not get fucked
<chadmed> its the same as on a PC, we use grub
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