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<mps> cy8aer: aren't there post install/upgrade trigger in debian to run script/program when package is installed upgraded (moved discussion here from #asahi-dev)
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<cy8aer> Yes there must be (for e. g. generating grub-update). But I do not know where and I just search them. So for all with debian knowledge: where is the post-install hook for kernels? I hope not in the package itself...
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<cy8aer> I am just searching... yeah, english
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<mps> hm, after about 5 years when left debian I even forgot how to put them.
<cy8aer> mps: Yes there are in package pre/post-install scripts. But I hope that these are also trigger something outside of the kernel package. If you put the m1n1-update-process in the in package post-install you have some impacts for the generic package (I am thinking about the future with a vanilla debian kernel and the asahi stuff included)
<cy8aer> If you put it inside the package the kernel must depend on m1n1, u-boot, and the asahi-scripts for all. And that I try to avoid that.
<cy8aer> s/trigger/triggering/g
<mps> yes, for now this is not easy to integrate into distros with mainline kernel
<mps> maybe it is easy but I have no idea how
<mps> maybe pre/post scripts should be more 'smart', i.e. examine hardware on which it runs
<cy8aer> I am just working on it as a little project and there will be a in kernel post-install of course.
<mps> though it is in u-boot-asahi pkg and not in kernel pkg
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<tobhe> cy8aer: i think i have mentioned this before, but I have implemented a lot of this for Ubuntu and it should be easy to reuse in debian. see
<cy8aer> tobhe: thank you for the link.
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<tobhe> re m1n1 and u-boot: i am also planning to get m1n1 and u-boot into the official debian repos so all the derivatives can use them
<cy8aer> yes I saw that and it should be the stuff I am looking for.
<tobhe> oh you might be interested in the #debian-bananas channel then
<tobhe> I have btw of course asked glanzmann before doing this to make sure it doesn't break anything for him
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<opticron> huh, debian never installs the latest kernel package for some reason
<opticron> it auto-installed the 00514 kernel and sees the 00515 kernel, but isn't pulling it :/
<opticron> looks like everything else installed as expected
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<RemiSca> on Debian, I use a hook script in /etc/kernel/postinst.d to trigger an update-m1n1 script
<RemiSca> it avoids a kernel package customization
<RemiSca> I just realized it's what tobhe does, sorry
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<cy8aer> @RemiSca: Yes that was the hooking path I was looking for.
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