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<Enzime> how do I change the screen brightness from command line? I'm running the edge kernel on my M1 MBA
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<chadmed> Enzime: echo ${brightness} | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/apple-panel-bl/brightness
<chadmed> the scale is kinda funky, try starting with 25
<Enzime> I don't have a "/sys/class/backlight/apple-panel-bl", do you know what kernel module provides that?
<chadmed> Enzime: it's the dcp driver, definitely should be in -edge
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<chadmed_> Enzime: that's just for simpledrm, not dcp
<chadmed_> the dcp driver itself provides the backlight sysfs
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<Enzime> according to this commit "CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_GPIO" needs to be enabled
<jannau> Enzime: no. we do not want to use BACKLIGHT_GPIO. That was (is) a shortgap solution for systems without display controller driver
<jannau> you want CONFIG_DRM_APPLE
<Enzime> my edge config has "CONFIG_DRM_APPLE=m" and it seems like it's loaded
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<jannau> which kernel version/tag is this? pan you paste the output of `dmesg | grep apple-dcp` or `journalctl -k | grep apple-dcp`
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<Enzime> 6.3-13
<Enzime> [ 11.560811] apple-dcp 231c00000.dcp: Could not read 'apple,firmware-compat': -75
<Enzime> [ 11.560060] apple-dcp 231c00000.dcp: Adding to iommu group 3
<j`ey> dts mismatch maybe?
<jannau> I think an old 2nd stage m1n1, that's a property m1n1 adds
<j`ey> ah no, it's m1n1 that sets up that in the dts
<jannau> but I wouldn't rule out a dtb mismatch on top of that
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<alarmer> hello, i'm using 1.71 rust on gentoo, what can one do in order to compile kernel with asahi_drm? are there external patches for 6.4+1.71?
<_jannau__> alarmer: 6.4.0-p9 should work with rust 1.71
<alarmer> without any patches? that's strange I'm emerging asahi-sources from chadmed's overlay. First I had to change white|black->allow|block+size_t (shouldn't this already be patched)? am I missing something?
<alarmer> also: there's a message in tty every n minutes: INIT: Id "f0" respawning too fast, how can one fix this?
<mps> looks like rust 1.71.1 works for me on alpine with musl libc
<_jannau__> that's bindgen and it's unmodified from the kernel rust, we probably could patch that based on the installed bindgen version in the ebuild
<_jannau__> works for my sinstalled bindgen version
<alarmer> so one needs to downgrade bindgen, then?
<alarmer> with 0.56.0 bindgen panic:
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<mps> I use rust-bindgen 0.66.0
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<alarmer> bindgen 0.66.0 seems to be working for now
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<test> hey
<test> is marcan here?
<Enzime> _jannau__ any ideas how to fix a potential DTS/DTB mismatch?
<_jannau__> Enzime: ensure you have a revent version of m1n1 installed and do the equivalent of update-m1n1 on the reference distro
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<_jannau__> Enzime: I have no idea what kind of setup your using. It would probably make sense to make yourself familiar with and since you're not using a distro which handles those task automatically
<jn> test: as your IRC client will tell you, yes. however, you're more likely to get a useful answer if you ask your actual question right away
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<kali__> lmfao
<kali__> im kali uchis
<kali__> hexchat has the most unintuitive user interface i have ever experienced using
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