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<mps> I hacked tiny-dfr a little, changed default mediakeys to be default and decrease timeout to 10 seconds
<mps> this is first time I hacked rust program, it was easy
<mps> s/default//
<mps> thinking to learn a little about rust cli and add patch to use this two as options for tiny-dfr
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<mps> I added cli parses with 'clap' and made it to parse params but now I'm blocked with my rust knowledge which is equal to zero
<chadmed> mps: whatre you trying to get it to do?
<mps> chadmed: add 'timeout' cli parameter
<chadmed> right so youve got clap parsing a --timeout param
<chadmed> or whatever youve called it
<mps> yes
<chadmed> and youve unwrapped that into your i32 to assign to TIMEOUT_MS
<chadmed> you will have to change TIMEOUT_MS from a const because it is no longer constant at compile time
<mps> here is diff to current tiny-dfr repo
<mps> chadmed: right, TIMEOUT_MS shouldn't be constant
<chadmed> so where you print NAME: {} do you get the value you assign to --timeout
<mps> give me a minute
<mps> I've got "thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/"
<mps> with this I've got timeout value printed
<mps> and without --timeout I've got default value, i.e. 30
<mps> chadmed: please don't waste your time with me, I don't know rust and irc is not good place to learn
<chadmed> yep thats fine then now, just have timeout be your actual timeout in ms and youre set
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<BenTheTechGuy> j`ey: Yes, and I did, but it was a pain to set some of the things up
<BenTheTechGuy> it would be nice to do certain things on bare metal
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