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<chadmed> stintel: are you using the overlay/gentoosupport stuff?
<stintel> yes
<chadmed> oh nvm sorry just saw that you already tried with dracut
<chadmed> thats interesting
<stintel> not all of it though, I need patches asahi-wip kernel as the MBA 15 is not supported yet
<chadmed> because i had similar problems with genkernel and kmod not being built with zstd support
<stintel> s/patches/patched/
<chadmed> and the .config youre using is the one from the arch pkgbuild?
<stintel> yeah
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<stintel> I'm already mighty impressed with the performance of this thing but using a browser with nomodeset is quite painful :)
<chadmed> no freaky KRUSTFLAGS or KCFLAGS?
<stintel> it freezes even without RUST enabled in the kernel at all
<chadmed> hm ok, did you try with simpledrm and no dcp driver
<j`ey> I dont think you want dcp without GPU
<j`ey> I heard that's worse than simpledrm?
<chadmed> because where its freezing looks kinda like where dcp tries to take over the fb
<chadmed> if it works with simpledrm and no nomodeset flag then we know its dcp something
<jannau> yes, it works without dcp, that's basically what nomodeset does
<chadmed> yeah ok
<stintel> what's the config symbol for DCP? not finding DCP
<chadmed> DRM_APPLE
<stintel> ah ok
<jannau> it's not dcp, it seems to be an issue of probing dcp's dart
<stintel> so yeah that's what I'm doing - simpledrm with nomodeset so drm_apple isn't loaded
<chadmed> ohh ok
<chadmed> sorry for the repitition
<chadmed> saw gentoo and just wanted to rule out any userspace weirdness for myself
<stintel> this particular trace was related to order of loading modules, due to only including few modules in the initrd (this was before I added all modules that are in /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/99asahi-firmware/ in genkernel, and later I switched to dracut)
<jannau> the 'sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename ".*iommu.*dcp'
<jannau> stintel: can you try to the on device kernel via usb/hv. That way you will get the full kernel log as text
<stintel> so I'm on asahi-wip kernel with mba 15 dts patched in, u-boot asahi-releng + same DTS, and m1n1, I don't need a different m1n1 branch do I?
<jannau> no
<jannau> you can boot your system via hv if you chainload a m1n1.bin which has parameters appended like
<jannau> cat build/m1n1.bin <(echo -n "chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=8b03438a-ad0e-c14a-900c-fc7e535882e9\nchainload=8b03438a-ad0e-c14a-900c-fc7e535882e9;m1n1/boot.bin\n\0\0\0\0") > build/m1n1_system.bin
<jannau> and then tools/ ../build/m1n1_system.bin
<stintel> ok will give that a try
<jannau> replace the 8b03438a-ad0e-c14a-900c-fc7e535882e9 with the PART_UUID of your EFI partition
<stintel> having some trouble getting that to work:
<_jannau__> missing `-r`in the command line, sorry
<stintel> probably doing something wrong
<_jannau__> that seems like appending the variables did not work
<stintel> they seem to be there in the m1n1_system.bin - see comment on the last gist
<_jannau__> can you check why the variables are not detected. see check_var() in src/payload.c
<_jannau__> the unknown magic matches "chos"
<stintel> if (!end) matches
<stintel> s/matches/evaluates to true/
<_jannau__> missing -e in the echo command
<stintel> hmm now if (!val) evaluates to true
<stintel> hmm wait
<stintel> so it finds both variables but then: Chainloading files not supported in this build!
<j`ey> 'Chainloading files not supported in this build!
<j`ey> need to build with rust
<stintel> alright
<_jannau__> that, or just grab the m1n1 + u-boot + dtb bundle and append just 'chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=$P{PARTUUID}\n\0\0\0\0'
<_jannau__> 'chosen.asahi,efi-system-partition=${PARTUUID}\n\0\0\0\0'
<stintel> that worked. seems it's just the display that locks up: I believe this is where the useful info starts:
<stintel> is this because disp0_dart is status disabled ?
<_jannau__> stintel: can you see why disp0_dart is disabled? it shouldn't
<stintel> _jannau__: it is disabled in t8112.dtsi and never enabled afaict
<_jannau__> can I get the output of m1n1 which executes u-boot as payload
<_jannau__> no, the one in the hypervisor
<stintel> /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/soc/iommu@231304000 # cat status
<stintel> okay
<stintel> so it actually is enabled
<_jannau__> that looks sane. please paste the output of `dtc -I fs -O dts -o - /proc/device-tree | sed -n '/^\t\tdcp@/,/^\t\t};/p'`
<_jannau__> still looks if you have an old devicetree in the m1n1 + ... bundle
<stintel> interesting, there the dcp does not have the piodma node
<stintel> could this be because of the m1n1 installed by the installer?
<stintel> ahh I think I see what's going on. the t8112.dtsi in u-boot is outdated
<_jannau__> no, that is the dtb from m1n1/boot.bin or the one youused with
<_jannau__> yes, for now always use the dtb from the same kernel you're booting
<stintel> sweet
<stintel> than you so much for helping me get that sorted
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<stintel> man this thing runs like a dream
<stintel> _jannau__: thanks again. appreciate your patience :)
<stintel> and all the instructions are in my irclogs, so if I hit some problems in the future I know at least a few things to try
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