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<chadmed> janneg, leio: packaging up widevine-installer. where should be dump it? /opt/?
<chadmed> s/be/we
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<leio> chadmed: the installer or the binary after?
<leio> www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins is some sort of an example maybe, but with installer I guess it's different, would need to re-read the fedi thread
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<chadmed> leio: its just the installer, i have an ewarn in pkg_postinst() telling the user to run widevine-installer after merging
<leio> so the installer is open source code, right?
<leio> sounds like /usr to me then personally, but looks to need python-single-r1.eclass, etc, and care about where auxilliary files go
<leio> where does it put what it extracts?
<chadmed> the installer puts stuff where it needs to be for chromium browsers and firefox
<leio> missing RDEPEND, using git in non-live ebuild, in theory the python file should be ran trough fix_shebang and python-single-r1.eclass used for that stuff with appropriate depend atoms, though as it doesn't use any python modules, it won't cause any real trouble in practice unless python-exec[-native-symlinks]
<leio> I'm not sure about the keepdirs need, guess you need it because the installer itself doesn't mkdir them
<sam_> i disagree with the last part
<sam_> this is a misconception
<sam_> it matters greatly for upgrade ordering if python is temporarily broken during a big/old upgrade
<leio> yes, it's definitely something that needs to be dealt with for ::gentoo, but no-one is running the binary during upgrades
<sam_> yes
<chadmed> leio: yes i ran pkgscan, if you have a look at the repo you will notice that nothing is tagged off and no releases have been cut
<chadmed> s/pkgscan/pkgcheck scan/
<sam_> you use github tarballs then
<sam_> using git-r3 in a non-live ebuild is a no-go
<sam_> (you can even fetch from arbitrary commits and github gives you stable tarballs)
<chadmed> will fix it tomorrow
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<chadmed> meh just fixed it now
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<mps> does sensors works on latest kernels
<j`ey> not merged yet
<mps> ok, thanks
<jb1277976> I have a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021) m1 and i would like to put gentoo on it. was wondering the status of the project and if this is possible? if so where can i read some docs and what works.
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<jb1277976> So i'm reading the docs right. it never said anything about paritioning except don't touch anything with efi etc.. what am i installing asahi ? is it going to just the free space ?
<j`ey> jb1277976: you can install it into the partition that was the data partition that the installer created
<jb1277976> j`ey: the data parition uses the freepsace from the mac right ?
<j`ey> yeah
<jb1277976> aw
<jb1277976> everything works right. sound and wifi ?
<j`ey> not sound
<jb1277976> dam!
<j`ey> not speakers, that is
<jb1277976> ok i will idle here until its fixed. i want to move away from this hp laptop (gentoo is already on) to my m1 mbp. i love the touchpad on it
<jb1277976> Thanks for the info. also will there be any news or rss feed with updates ?
<j`ey> there's an asahilinux mastodon
<jb1277976> nice
<jb1277976> Yea as soon as sounds work i'm on this
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<jb1277976> really quick j`ey if you are around do you have gentoo installled and using it already ?
<j`ey> no I dont
<mps> jb1277976: I'm using macbook m1 two years as primary workstation with asahi kernel and I'm quite satisfied. yes, some things don't work or don't work as on other machines
<j`ey> others here do
<jb1277976> Ok im gonna go for it later tonight
<jb1277976> Thanks again
<mps> and I doubt that all things works in a near future, but again I'm satisfied
<j`ey> jb1277976: I just use a bluetooth speaker, which is fine for me
<stintel> running Gentoo on a 15" Air and loving it
<mps> though I'm accustomed that always are some issues on all machines I used with about 30 years with linux
<j`ey> stintel: jealous
<stintel> waiting for 6.7 and then I'll redo the install with encrypted bcachefs (ext4 now)
<j`ey> stintel: brave!
* stintel using bcachefs since early 2017!
<mps> stintel: are you sure bcachefs will be usable
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<mps> today I looked at phoronix benchmark bcachefs with 6.7 and not impressed
<j`ey> just backup stuff and it'll be fine!
<sam_> i would suggest giving something a chance beyond when it just got merged
<sam_> and it is still marked experimental in kconfig
<sam_> it is the start of the journey
<stintel> sam_: for some ;)
<sam_> anyway kent already said he feels any issues can be fixed
<mps> j`ey: backup is most important thing in computing
<sam_> stintel: I mean it's the start in terms of its development really, "the real work starts now", as opposed to this somehow being the final step, but yes, you using it for years and many others shows this is nonsense too
<sam_> the article would make you think it is unusable
<sam_> phoronix tends to misunderstand a lot of technical issues
<stintel> well some people call it moronix :P
<sam_> recently they made some articles from some gcc commits which were absolutely not what he thought they were
<sam_> because he totally misunderstood it
<leio> my takeaway from that particular benchmarking was "why is btrfs appearing so slow", not anything about bcachefs
<j`ey> same
<jb1277976> Question. will i be able to use my mouse during the install proccess of gentoo ? i've never ran the live cd i've always installed using a live distro (linux mint)
<leio> (I use gentoo as my main workstation on a M2 Ultra Mac Studio; I installed from a self-made installer directly, not through ALARM)
<mps> I don't like and I don't trust much to any benchmarks but that what I looked today looks bad and because bcachefs is just merged lead me to think it will need some time to 'stabilize'
<stintel> ah yes, you mentioned some impressive performance numbers on that thing
<leio> I'm just waiting for some HDMI dcp kernel love for things to fly graphically too :)
<leio> but with gnome-shell animations automatically turned off, it's plenty fast for me now, I don't hear any fans spin up when the opengl llvmpipe rendering uses 30-50% of all the 24 cores up :D
<stintel> yeah USB-C DP-ALT working would also be nice
<stintel> so I won't have to bring another device when I escape winter
<leio> I don't even know what that really means, nor am I sure I said the right thing when I said "HDMI dcp"
<stintel> :P
<j`ey> leio: arent you using hdmi right now?
<leio> I wish I could enable 6K over HDMI aftere that's in, but I'm not sure if it will work or not - for some reason it doesn't even work on macOS
<j`ey> oh yes, hdmi but with simple-framebuffer
<leio> yes, simpledrm from m1n1 initializing it to 4K
<leio> webkit-gtk is rendering everything huge, I wonder if that's because of simpledrm/llvmpipe somehow or a clang/LTO build problem
<leio> I suspected it's because wayland thinks my monitor is like 46", but I fixed that with a kernel change to the correct 32" and didn't help
<leio> ... except it's normal inside evolution, just everything standalone like epiphany or gnome-online-accounts external oauth bits
<leio> why 6K doesn't work in macOS over HDMI with a 8K high quality cable with tech specs saying the M2 ultra studio supports 8K@60Hz over HDMI is beyond my understanding, I hope the linux side will be able to drive it
<leio> (it works over thunderbolt, but that messes up my monitors KVM setup badly and need to juggle cables)
<j`ey> my mba didnt work with my screen with macOS, and I dont even think that's 4k
<j`ey> I should try that again some time, see if it's fixed in a macOS update
<leio> it's a monitor that should be a popular alternative to the 6K apple monitor and has success reports in some mac forums etc
<leio> but I'm already waiting for Dell to find me a replacement and ship it to me for other problems, so who knows, maybe it's just HDMI input somehwat broken too
<leio> in unrelated offtopic rant, I don't understand why HDR stuff doesn't let me reduce the brightness; like I want 10-bit, but why do you make my eyes bleed with it
<leio> again big hopes for linux to allow this :)
<leio> aaanyhow, as for ontopic, I unfortunately just don't know about the gentoo install process having mouse or not, couldn't install through that myself due to unsupported device with arch installer
<leio> I guess depends if it goes through a minimal arch install that doesn't have a desktop environment?
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<jb1277976> Can somebody confirm that u can understand asahi this way
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