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<kidplayer666> Is it expected for DRM not to work on websites on Asahi or is this abnormal
<leio> you might need widevine, for which there's an installer now that you need to run; I don't know the exact details for it on fedora or such though
<leio> think new installs at some point (maybe already, maybe soon) might be doing this on install time, but old installs would need it ran manually I suppose
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<kidplayer666> Ah really recent stuff
<kidplayer666> Fun
<kidplayer666> Might try it
<chadmed> leio: already packaged in the overlay fyi
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<leio> I'm not sure what distro kidplayer666 was on, and only after typing I realized this is #-alt so probably not fedora
<kidplayer666> Ahh oops
<kidplayer666> Wrong channel
<kidplayer666> I’m indeed on fedora
<kidplayer666> Huh, weird. Unable to send to the asahi channel…
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<kidplayer666> Foggedabouit
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<kidplayer666> just used it and it worked
<kidplayer666> leio: thanks
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<mps> tiny-dfr fail to start on alpine with last kernel
<mps> does it work on other non-musl distros
<ChaosPrincess> how exactly does it fail
<mps> this is error message 'thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/'
<j`ey> I hate that rust's defaults for that don't include the file name
<ChaosPrincess> do you have uinput in your kernel
<mps> I think yes
<ChaosPrincess> are you sure
<ChaosPrincess> can you check if the file is present
<j`ey> /dev/uinput
<ChaosPrincess> is the module loaded and is the file present?
<mps> oh, module is there but not loaded
<mps> ohm, I upgraded machine and forgot to add uinput module to /etc/modules
<mps> thank for help
<mps> and sorry for annoying
<ChaosPrincess> since i tend to run custom kernels, how do linux apps usually deal with needing some module that is not loaded, do they modprobe from the app or what?
<tpw_rules> i've never seen anything do that
<mps> I would put it in init scripts, have no better idea
<leio> in many cases things just auto-load on need and/or hardware presence somehow, some dark magic :)
<mps> I guess if something tries to open /dev/uinput and file doesn't exists kernel should try to load module
<leio> chadmed: btw, instead of ${PN}-${PV} you could just do ${P}
<leio> I guess in that case it only exists with devtmpfs when something makes it?
<mps> yes, but all modern linuxes uses devtmpfs anyway
<leio> I meant that devtmpfs probably makes the device node when some module provides it
<mps> ah, ok
<leio> I'm just guessing though until the people more in the know about kernel speak up :)
<mps> long time didn't used system with /dev on real FS but iirc kernel will also create node there
<mps> have to refresh memory
<leio> devtmpfs is the kernel component making nodes there
<leio> used to be udev in userspace until devtmpfs, now udev works on top
<mps> hm, I don't use udev
<mps> long ago I wrote few kernel modules for my $day_job then, but nowadays a lot is changed about them so I practically don't know how they works
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