ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<tpw_rules> how does the project keep track of it?
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<j`ey> tpw_rules: what do you mean?
<marcan> tpw_rules: this is probably the easiest way to find all the upstream RPMs we're involved with
<marcan> but also now that the core m1n1/boot/initramfs type stuff is taken care of, there isn't much special sauce left packaging-wise really
<marcan> all the audio stuff is "just packages"
<marcan> the packaging is trivial, modulo distro/package manager specific details that would vary anyway
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<jmr2> Not sure if that's what tpw_rules meant, but PKGBUILDS is my go-to place for kernel build options as well as figuring out which tags is the recommended one.
<jmr2> Example: whe speaker wiki page says to use 6.5-25 or newer. Which one among the newer should I use, and where do I find that info in the Fedora repos?
<j`ey> jmr2: I asked about this, and the issue is that fedora applies the patches to stable linux versions, they dont use the tags as is
<j`ey> (currently it's based on -24 + some extras?)
<jmr2> Saw that - it looks like a lot of cherry-picking. But that's why it'd be hard to use fedora as a reference tree.
<j`ey> yeah there needs to be a way for other distros to know what tag to use
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<tpw_rules> exactly
<tpw_rules> but if the arch distro is slowing down, is PKGBUILDs still a good place?
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<opticron> oooh, debian updates
<mps> alpine mostly follows latest tagged things
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