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<leio> meh, krun upgrade had it grow the installed files total (the 3 /usr/bin/ binaries) from 4.22MB to 14MB, must've been something else than the snapshot upgrade, surely?
<leio> huh, the qa tool total doesn't add up to actual file sizes on disk
<leio> seems to report pre-stripping
* leio keeps an eye on it and takes it elsewhere (to the tooling author) if seen again
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<chadmed_> chaos_princess: seems like x112virtgpu really doesnt like m2 series...
<chadmed_> the studio just explodes in all sorts of ways
<chaos_princess> such as?
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<chadmed_> the entire vm crashed immediately when closing FEXConfig's window
<chadmed_> also trying to figure out why the dynamic loader doesnt like libpreload on this machine
<chaos_princess> are you absolutely sure that it was not using wayland
<chadmed_> i unset wayland_display
<chadmed_> let me try with libpreload again
<chadmed_> fexconfig is fine but steam now crashes the vm immediately with libpreload
<chadmed_> also without libpreload
<chaos_princess> you need to compile x86 and x86-64 versions of libpreload and put them inside fex rootfs
<chadmed_> right
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<chadmed_> nup no dice
<chaos_princess> tell me the exact ld_preload invocation all all the paths
<chaos_princess> also, iirc you had m1s, right?
<chadmed_> FEXBash-james@:~> LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/steam -cef-force-opaque-backgrounds -cef-force-occlusion
<chadmed_> im doing this on an m2 max studio
<chadmed_> the m1 pro is very out of date so im doing a world update and will try on that too
<leio> how'd you get it to /usr/bin/steam btw? debian package?
<chadmed_> rpm2tarxz | tar xpvf
<chadmed_> s/|/&&/g
<chadmed_> do it as root (NOT sudo) or youll bork your rootfs perms... ask me how i know
<chaos_princess> you can sorta follow this guide and try adapting it to what we are doing
<chaos_princess> at this point i think everyone is doing whatever ended up working for them personally :P
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<chaos_princess> or, an easier way - get this container , pull the /fex folder out of it, and use it's contents as your fex rootfs
<leio> I used the launcher tar.gz
<chaos_princess> that should work, iirc the fedora package installs the launcher somewhere, and /usr/bin/steam is just a script to launch the launcher
<leio> yeah, it's just complaining about the UI not starting and asking me to restart, restart with GPU acceleration disabled, restart with sandbox disabled, etc, and then doesn't work from there
<leio> (I don't have the mesa side of things set up)
<leio> but it does stuff, so hopefully good to go in that sense
<chaos_princess> if you do not have mesa installed the gui will not start
<chaos_princess> the complaint about the ui not started is i _think_ is just a timeout
<leio> yeah, the CEF stuff not really, I do get the small dialogs that downloaded stuff or tell me to restart due to the CEF stuff not working :P
<chadmed_> yeah the steamui fallback prompt that tells you to restart steamwebhelper will show up if CEF doesnt start in like 90 seconds or something
<leio> I did have a crash until I added these occlusion things
<leio> on the restart
<leio> unsure about the mesa bits; don't even know where the rootfs is at :)
<leio> but not very helpful for me anyways, need to figure out an own build there. Is it like asahi driver built for x86 that we need?
<chadmed_> your rootfs will be saved to $HOME/.fex-emu/RootFS/Fedora_40
<chadmed_> asahi mesa for x86 and amd64 both
<leio> great, another XDG dirs ignoring thing :)
<chaos_princess> should be in .fex-emu/RootFS/Fedora_40-asahi-krun
<chadmed_> it's supposed to use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME but it like... just doesnt
<chadmed_> probably because its not set in the vm
<chaos_princess> eh, whatever, we can fix it later
<chadmed_> so its krun's fault
<leio> -asahi-krun suffix will automatically be overlayed?
<chaos_princess> nvm, ignore the suffix
<chaos_princess> it is for some overlayfs trick
<leio> as in, I should overwrite in the squashfs unpack without the suffix?
<chaos_princess> on xdg - i've sent a pr to krun to pass a lot more env vars, but also i am not sure why fex considers it correct to shove multi-gig files into xdg_config_home, that's what xdg_data_home is for
<chaos_princess> yes, unpack the squashfs there and use it
<leio> it's already unpacked
<leio> not by me
<chaos_princess> then yes, just put files there
<leio> I was asking where to put my own mesa
<leio> ok
<chadmed_> the amd64/x86 mesa goes in there too
<leio> no overlayfs magic yet then
<chadmed_> nope that needs fex changes
<leio> all the XDG vars should handle being unset and falling back to a default per the spec. The problem now is the migration
<chaos_princess> _should_ is a load-bearing word there
<leio> yes, the problem now in actually adhering to XDG spec is the needed migration from wrong path to correct path
<chadmed_> in all fairness im pretty sure the current situation is just a relic of early development and it just hasnt been revisited due to higher priority work (like making software run)
<leio> it's the type of thing downstreams tend to contribute too, maybe not much downstream yet
<chadmed_> yeah its legit just us and who else
<chadmed_> im sure there are loads of people running fex on rpi zeros :)
<chaos_princess> kind of an off-topic rant, but nobody bloody follows xdg specs properly
<chaos_princess> and what is extra stupid is when you run not just linux
<chadmed_> i feel like a lot of that has got to be tied to gnome's very public disregard for certain parts of the xdg spec
<chaos_princess> because yes, people will put configs into ~/.$appname on macos and linux too
<leio> then you just use stuff like g_get_user_data_dir(), shrug
<chaos_princess> s/linux/windows/
<chadmed_> "do what gnome/gtk does" sucks
<leio> I'm sorry, but I don't know what disregards you are speaking of
<chadmed_> specifically the cursor spec
<chadmed_> and icons
<chadmed_> mostly icons and sounds right
<chadmed_> cursors are a lost cause anyway even kde is considering rolling their own svg-based format to replace xcursor
<chaos_princess> arguably cursors should be svg
<chadmed_> yeah i dont mind that change
<chadmed_> it also makes the wiggle-cursor-to-embiggen thing look nice :)
<chadmed_> but i mean i had to merge a PR for asahi-audio due to some weird gnome-specific icon spec extension that means that it requires a specific name for a specific icon for virtual sinks
<chadmed_> and that needs to be hard-coded in the graph description json for some reason
<chadmed_> like... no offence, but fuck off
<chadmed_> it was already declared as a speaker sink, deal with it
<chadmed_> im going to ignore the fact that libgnomevolumecontrol somehow just ignores pipewire/pa node permissions entirely too because that is also ridiculous and stupid
<sam_> gnome good
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<chadmed_> chaos_princess: seems to work much better on j314
<chadmed_> dunno whats up with the m2 series machines
<chadmed_> ill test steam tomorrow now im eepy
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<leio> I don't think gvc really knows about pipewire in terms of being maintained recently
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