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<chadmed_> chaos_princess: ok we're getting further on the m2 max now, steam is opening a window but its black and the entire thing is unresponsive and then seems to time out or otherwise crash out after a few minutes
<chaos_princess> and what about m1?
<chadmed_> let me retry there
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<chadmed_> same deal
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<chadmed_> black window, clicking in it gives EAGAIN, crashes out to vm shell but window doesnt disappear
<chaos_princess> i have some ideas as to why it might be happening, so i will send you a special version with extra "debug" code in a while
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<chadmed_> ooh spicy
<chaos_princess> actually, not even that, can you try uncommenting the line 498 in and running that?
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<chadmed_> yup one tic
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<chadmed_> nah same result
<chadmed_> the window is responsive until the EAGAINs then everything locks up
<chaos_princess> ok, hold up
<chadmed_> occasionally it will get far enough to draw some UI elements (steam profile widget, download status thing down the bottom) but still just dies
<chaos_princess> so it draws anything?
<chadmed_> yeah no worries
<chaos_princess> or just black
<chaos_princess> and was it the same before
<chadmed_> it was the same as before
<chadmed_> most of the time it dies at a black rectangle
<chadmed_> rarely it will draw the steam logo and then some ui elements and then die
<chaos_princess> so, before it could draw, but usually dies with eagain?
<chadmed_> yeah
<chaos_princess> ok then, i guess i need to fix that
<chaos_princess> it does sometimes die with eagain on mine, but it is super rare
<chaos_princess> so i didnt bother then
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<chaos_princess> chadmed_: would you mind tarring-up the entirety of your fex rootfs and steam log folder and sending those my way?
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<chadmed> yeah sure
<chaos_princess> logs might need scrubbing if you care about that bit, i think they have account names?
<chadmed> you might see my cs2 inventory :o
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<chadmed> the rootfs is just the fex Fedora_40 with our mesa (all the x86 and amd64 rpms) and amd64 glmark2 installed
<chaos_princess> rootfs is mostly just in case
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