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<wookey> bluetooth is not working on my M1 air. after some prodding I found that the hci device is simply not found and /sys/class/bluetooth is empty. It looks like the issue is that module hci_bcm4377 is loaded but it finds no firmware.
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<wookey> It wants brcm/brcmbt4378b1-apple,shikoku-m.bin' and 'brcm/brcmbt4378b1-apple,shikoku.bin'
<wookey> and these are indeed not present in /lib/firmware.
<wookey> I gather that the firmwares are extracted from MacOS by the installer, and I do indeed have loads of firmware files and my wifi works OK so this appeared to wokr OK, but my original install was a couple of years ago and I guess bluetooth wasn't done then. Updated have got me a 6.5 kernel but not this firmware file.
<wookey> Is there a way to get hold of these files from somewhere, or re-run the firmware extraction without a whole re-install (which I assume would break my set-up with a lot of files and context set up)?
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<chadmed> wookey: run asahi-fwupdate as root
<mps> chadmed: doesn't this just update /boot/efi/vendorfw files from /boot/efi/asahi/all_firmware.tar.gz
<chadmed> yes thats exactly what it does
<chadmed> the script gets updated as we add supported fw. if the install predates bluetooth, then a run of asahi-fwupdate should add the bluetooth firmware to the vendorfw tarball
<chadmed> this then gets unpacked into /lib/firmware/vendor by the initrd
<mps> thanks
<mps> would be interesting to know how to update /boot/efi/asahi/all_firmware.tar.gz from linux/bsd when apple releases new ones
<mps> iirc install have option to just upgrade firmware?
<chadmed> i dont remember if we ended up building that out
<chadmed> i think we have an option to upgrade the entire ESP/stub so basically the same thing
<chadmed> all_firmware.tar.gz should never really need updating though
<mps> aha, didn't know (or I forgot). thank you explanation
<mps> for explanation*
<mps> (looks like nowadays one morning coffee is not enough)
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<runxiyu> my trackpad responds very differently in alpine, vs gentoo/fedora/macos
<runxiyu> gentoo and fedora feel the same, and don't have exactly the same cursor acceleration as macos, but all feel pretty good
<runxiyu> not sure if i messed up my sway config or something
<runxiyu> ill try accel_profile
<mps> trackpad (touchpad) is my big source of irritation on apple silicon with linux/alpine
<mps> (wonder who was so "smart" designer to put touchpad on most irritable part of computer)
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