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I got it! I was simply missing `usbmuxd`.. I always miss ount on it
At least 13.6 is restoring now.
After this has been finished, I am going to test again if I can pump 15.2 straight into it
Regarding MacOS space, I wasn't thinking about using it anymore, so that's why I wasn't caring much about leaving space available
Maybe the installer could use some tweaks, preventing users from choking Mac OS, so upgrades keep working..
shrinking, btrfs, LUKS, partitions, moving to the back, growing APFS2 volumes... I can't get over it 😭
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the problem is that macos updates keep growing and vary depending on how major the update is
sequoia downloaded like 18gb and then extraced to like triple that. i had to delete cs2 for it to update
and especially on 256gb machines its not really practical to be like "sorry leave 60% of your device to macos just in case you want to update it again"
the 256gb models need to just go away
True, but the scenario I went into is so heart breaking, I can't really tell how much I regret ATM
jeah, 256 is really not enough.. as well as 8gb ram
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I remember discussions about out-of-band FW upgrades. Was this a hallucination?
it would be nice but it hasn't materialized yet. i haven't looked into what would be necessary in a while
at a minimum it will almost certainly require SEP
n3ph: when did you install? I think the current installer is quite conservative about the amount of space it leaves for macos (something around 60 - 70 GB for a fresh macos)
jannau: looong ago, and I did choke it intentionally...
I just haven't thought of upgrades
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chadmed: with those iso files the idea is that you can just boot from it and install? (awesome!)
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janrinze: yup, just dd it onto a usb stick and boot it from u-boot
.. which means, you'll need a UEFI-only install already..
soonish the official gentoo arm64 install media will support apple silicon but as i said above theres still a couple of things to tie up before that can happen
yeah.. i see. Okay, was just dreaming ;-)
iboot simply does not support arbitrary usb boot. there will never be a way around needing the uefi-only install
But.. UEFI-only install could be very interesting to try out various distro's
well it installs everything up to u-boot and optionally lets you reserve some free space for your future rootfs
So: if I do UEFI-only install then It would be possible to boot an ISO for either a live OS on ISO or an installer on ISO.
it is intended specifically for allowing you to boot/install any distro that supports ebbr
yep, so long as it has the asahi infrastructure baked in
(kernel/initramfs, asahi-scripts, etc)
i don't know ebbr, Google said it's Brussels Airport :-D
arm reusing icao codes :p
its arm's embedded boot flow spec
Ah.. ARM has upgraded to four-letter acronyms
basically a lowest common denominator set of specs required to boot arm64. in a nutshell its basically just "your board must have a devicetree and uefi via u-boot"
Ah.. sounds great. Same as my chromebook.
theres a more full-fat version that mandates smbios/acpi and a bunch of other useless crap for servers but we dont care about that
but it gives OS/distro developers a common target for the platform and goes a decent way to solving one of the major problems with arm64 compared to wintel which is that you cant just shove a random boot disk in and expect it to boot exactly the same way on every machine
Hope more vendors will implement it. Then ports to those new devices will be much quicker.
most vendors do, but it wont help with porting speed. thats all drivers
chadmed: I have not yet seen a 'universal' ARM kernel. But we might get there with such boot load standards
chadmed: UEFI should give access to basic I/O and screen. (if implemented correctly)