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Giving Asahi ALARM a spin, since Arch is my desktop daily driver :3
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Got it working, but it's annoying how many programs in the AUR don't have aarch64 binaries or just straight-up won't build on aarch64
Guest6356 is now known as Halian
Ugh, the kernel headers don't have a `build` directory in them, and syncing `linux-headers` doesn't provide it. yay /s
Worse, I closed my laptop so I could reach the keyboard to type that, but it was frozen when I opened it, and now the ext4 fs is trashed :D
Thankfully that fixed itself
One minor gripe I have is that the out-of-box experience runs on every boot
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Halian: hi! I just noticed you're in here too. ah you are seeing issues with AUR packages on the new Asahi Alarm eh
quaff: oh hai :D
Yeah, not a lot of stuff I've wanted off there has aarch64 binaries
I forget, does AUR packages build from source if there's no binaries?
I know some rust tools I install via AUR will build from source
I wouldn't know; I think it depends on the package?
fair enough. thank you <3 I will make the switch when I find time to back up my current install. I use arch on my homeserver, and really prefer the way arch does things as a distro <3
I think it builds from source, if you want a binary you need to search the aur for another package labeled foo-bin or something similar
spuos: ahhhh you're right. package dependent. thank you
quaff: same <3
I daily Arch on my desktop, both laptops, and my ROG Ally
nice :) if I wasn't so lazy, I'd get back into gentoo. but the binaries for everything in arch is kind of nice lol
Yeah, I'm too lazy and impatient for Gentoo
Does anyone on gentoo have a spare copy of the distro kernel config? I'm still waiting for the fedora cgit repo to go back up
Gentoo provides binary packages for most common things for arm64.
(that was to Halian )
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nah what's going on is that I'm trying to build the kernel using chadmed's guide and scripts
a essential part of it involves pulling a few files
who what where, my note wasn't about your case, if you're replying me
It might have, which is why I added to it that it isn't in next msg :)
we should get that dist-kernel stuff into ::gentoo to have it mirrored.
and I guess it was for quaff as well
(the note about binary packages)
as for the kernel config, I only have mine for asahi-sources
oh whoops
ahhh it's been a long time since I used gentoo (2012?) so I'm severely out of date. that's cool that gentoo supports binaries now
it has since before 2012, but now nowadays there's an official binhost where you can find most gnome and plasma and other popular things built with desktop subprofiles USE flag combinations
leio: might have been before that... I think last time I built a server with gentoo was around 2003, was using it for a while, but mostly as a server. got rid of the server around 2012
I'll do some reading :)
leio: I'm just rtrying to emerge sys-kernel/asahi-kernel-6.12.4_p1-r1::asahi