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<mps> anyone could point me to tiny-dfr init script in some distro? on my j293 it stopped to work
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<mps> noisycoil[m]1: thank you
<noisycoil[m]1> The systemd+udev files are taken from the original sources though, so you don't probably need the distro packaging
<noisycoil[m]1> mps (IRC): no problem
<mps> but I noticed in meantime that I missed upgrade to 0.3.2, maybe this is my issue
<mps> noisycoil[m]1: on alpine we use openrc init scripts
<noisycoil[m]1> All the more, we don't in debian
<mps> leio: mine is similar, thank you
<mps> just built new version, I will try it in 10-15 minutes
<mps> buttons are active, can switch beetwen symbols and F keys, it dim after some time but noting in input
<mps> I'm running it xorg
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<mps> evtest show keys but no reactions when touching touchbar
<mps> with `cat /dev/input/event5` also nothing
<mps> oh, there are udev rules. I'm not sure I instaled them
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<mps> hm, they look as they are not needed
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<chaos_princess> do you have the input device at all
<chaos_princess> and did it break after a kernel update
<mps> input device is there
<chaos_princess> can you run evtest and see if touchscreen input works
<chaos_princess> ah, nvm, i see it above
<mps> I'm not sure if the kernel upgrade is issue, my daughter mostly use this macbook mostly so I don't know when exactly it stopped to work
<chaos_princess> ok, then make sure you have the latest device trees
<mps> I already did test with evtest, it shows keys on start but nothing happens when I touch it
<mps> on every kernel upgrade device-tree is updated
<chaos_princess> re-run it, just in case
<mps> ok
<jannau> which kernel version? please paste the result of `find /proc/device-tree -name cs-gpios`
<mps> chaos_princess: huh, looks like ESP partition was not mounted when kernel is upgraded. I rerun it and now it works. many thanks
<mps> jannau: latest 6.12.8-2
<jannau> was outdated dtb then. no need to run the command
<mps> problem solved, thank you all
<mps> jannau: yes, my daugter use it for few months and she told me that touchbar stopped to work few days ago
<mps> s/daugter/daughter/
<mps> btw, yesterday brcmfmac crashed on 6.12.8-2 on j316s after one day of uptime
<mps> rmmod didn't helped, had to reboot
<mps> I was in a hurry (day job) and didn't noted anything
<mps> if it crash again I will try to write dmesg output
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<n3ph> 9~LOL! They've dropped Arch Support due to AUR requiring x86_64 support enforcement
<chaos_princess> we might want to investigate whether will allow dropping some of our patches
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<n3ph> chaos_princess: I've kept `DX86_CFLAGS`, `DX86_CXXFLAGS` and `DX86_LDFLAGS`.
<chaos_princess> yea, that
<n3ph> Let me have a look
<n3ph> Without the patch header files are missing:
<chaos_princess> ok, i will look at it later (or maybe will just completely forget about it)
<n3ph> chaos_princess: :-)