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<user42> hi, just installed the new fedora based version. seems to work. but the linux assumed that the rtc was local time. a simple timedatectl set-local-rtc 0 fixed it
<user42> also the KDE tool showed updates that dnf didn't show (for example for mesa-libGL). seems to be related from it moving from the standard repo to the copr. commenting out allow_vendor_change=False in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf helped
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<jannau> as400: for now nothing, packages will be updated but integration work for new features might not happen. long term it would be nice if someone starts integrating asahi support in arch linux arm
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<as400> jannau: thx for the info. What kind of new features are you thinking of ? Something like Fex ?
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<jannau> fex integration certainly, I was thinking of touchbar integration, speaker support. the latter two aren't that complex but expect them to be first available in fedora
<mps> as400: iiuc FEX depends on 4K PAGE_SIZE
<mps> btw, do anyone work on keyboard backlight timeout in kernel driver
<jannau> no and nobody should. this is nothing which needs to be implemeneted in the kernel
<mps> about 2-3 years ago I noticed kbd backlight timeout in kernel for one (or some machines, I forgot) but forgot which one
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<kettenis> marcan: what are your thoughts on the last point (about asmedia_read_reg()) that marex makes here:
<kettenis> (I probably should have CC'ed you on that series)
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<ChaosPrincess> marcan: since y'all are likely to get a bunch of new installs soon, and some commits seem to be interested in avoiding bloat on apfs container, mind merging this?
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