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<eiln> > 522: Does not support 1 plane for Skye WARP
<eiln> no luck
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<marcan> chadmed: any chance it's an audio format issue? can you identify any specific signal threshold where it clips?
<marcan> fun fact: i2s and left-justified audio formats are identical except for a one-bit shift in the msb, which means LJ going into an i2s-configured codec will wrap around nastily at 1/2 full scale
<marcan> eiln: no 1-plane mode is unfortunate, but it is what it is. means we need to fix up libcamera / whatever else doesn't support it
<marcan> thankfully desktop linux is moving towards that and PipeWire as abstractions so most modern apps should be fixable in just one or two global places
<marcan> and besides multiplanar is a better format anyway
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<jannau> pitty, that would have increased compatibility simply by doing what most other HW does
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<jannau> a little unexpected that the sensor or isp does only 4:2:0
<jannau> eiln: thanks for looking
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<chadmed> marcan: a sine wave at 160 hz will cause hard digital clipping at 65% going straight into the woofers
<chadmed> an A4 sine wave does not
<chadmed> furthermore the 160hz sine wave contains very audible harmonics so the digital side of the chip seems to be saturated
<chadmed> as i said last night the quirks povik added to sound/ivsense-improvements seem to do *something* but i didnt get around to doing much testing on that branch
<sven> huh, maybe i shoud've based my work on asahi instead of torvald's tree. lots of conflicts in the pcie stuff
<sven> guess that means only the new usb3 code for now :D
<jannau> yes, pre-brought up ports (by u-boot) and t602x* support are not yet submitted upstream
<sven> make sense. let me just split off the new usb3 work for now then so that people can test at first
<sven> and then thunderbolt afterwards
<chadmed> i should note that it doesnt matter if the sine wave is being generated at 0 dBFS or less, its definitely a codec thing
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<arix> sv3n: do you mind posting at least wrong-based version of usb4 stuff? It'd be curious to see that while it probably won't be testable by non-professionals
<arix> Almost no blog posts from you (and very little from Janne), while you both truly do amazing job with display/io stack
<jannau> sigh
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<sven> 🙃
<jeisom> I'd love to see a blog post about the TB3/usb stuff AFTER you have gotten it all worked out and merged for testing at least. Would be interesting from a challeges of RE that and getting it working reliably.
<sven> sure
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<marcan> chadmed: could it be some kind of interaction with mechanical resonance? if it's frequency dependent it feels weird that it'd be strictly a codec issue
<marcan> like at certain frequencies the voltage ends up higher and hits the rails or something
<marcan> (I'm not terribly familiar with the phase response/etc of typical speakers but it feels there could be something going on there)
<marcan> if codec quirks improve it though, then maybe not
<chadmed> its certainly possible and its something i can and will test once the visense stuff is merged
<chadmed> though the fact that we start getting harmonics in the output of a pure sine wave just before we turn the volume up enough to get the noise (and the fact that its a hard cut in) suggests that the digital side of the amp is saturated to me
<chadmed> ill upload some videos hang on
<chadmed> OH thats right macos is also prone to this!
<chadmed> when i was running frequency sweeps in macos for fun ages ago i hit it
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<sven> maz: did you ever see the pass-through usb connection of the central scrutinizer falling back to full speed only? it doesn't seem to want to do high speed anymore for me
<sven> (and full speed isn't supported in m1n1 right now I think)
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<sven> can't seem to get it back to high speed even with different cables right now :(
<sven> unfortunately I also don't have anything fast enough to actually look at what's going on with D+/D-
<sven> I guess the usb2 chirp doesn't reach the other side for some reason
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<maz> sven: odd. I'm pretty sure the impedance matching of the USB lines is... iffy, but it always worked on the 3 machines I use that directly boot over the USB pass-through.
<maz> has it worked before? or is it the first time you're trying to make use of it?
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<sven> it has worked before. last time I used it I had to use an additional hub and blamed the raspberry pi it was connected to though
<maz> I'm definitely going through a hub too (too many machines connected to the console server). given that the version you have has no active compotents between the two ends of the D+/D- lines, it must be related to the dodgy impedance of the tracks... :-/
<maz> components*
<sven> :/
<sven> oh well. back to direct connection to my MacBook for now
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<sven> I’ll take a look at the connectors under a microscope tomorrow, could also be iffy solder joints I guess
<maz> could you inspect the solder pads on both ends? I can also post you a more recent version, to work out whether it is something that magically improved.
<sven> is that pcb 2 or 4 layers btw?
<maz> 2 layers only.
<sven> I think you can do usb 2 on two layers but it’s more tricky iirc
<sven> I’ll check the solder joints tomorrow
<maz> OK, thanks. I'll see if I can learn how to route these signals in a better way.
<sven> I’m far from an expert in signal integrity and pcb so I’m probably not the right person to listen to ;)
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<sven> *pcbs
<maz> hey, you raised the issue. you're the expecrt for now! :D
<maz> expert*
<sven> uh oh
<maz> oh, interesting. thanks for the pointer. I always wondered how much I could get away with not caring too much about that, but I guess I now know... ;-)
<maz> FTR, I just booted a machine with the USB pass-through directly attached to the server, and it went into full speed without any issue.
<maz> s/full/high/
<maz> (i.e. it booted fine).
<maz> no hub involved. but a sample of one doesn't mean much.
<sven> yeah, it could just be a bad solder joint on my board after all
<sven> with all the crappy usb 2 cables out there those signals can probably take a lot of abuse
<maz> I've had a number of quality issues with JLCPCB -- one batch of CS (v3) was a total dud...
<sven> wow.. 7$ for a 5 4 layer boards according to their quote tool
<sven> not surprised they might have quality issues at that price
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<maz> yup. the level of QC is... terrible. on that batch, I have components that are literally off by a mm... they just give you a coupon to respin it.
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<zerdox> hi everyone. not sure, if this is the right place to ask, but i got no response in #asahi-alt. i moved to 6.4.0 and updated mesa in order to get new gpu drivers, but everything broke and now wayland doesn't work without software rendering. i found out that some modules like appledrm and apple_dcb are not loaded due to "No such device" error. zcat on config.gz gives me =m on both DRM_APPLE and DRM_ASAHI. i always assume that i did something wrong on my side
<zerdox> but i already spent a few days trying to get my GPU work. and yes, i did reload, uname gives me 6.4.0 and modules appear in /lib/modules
<jannau> zerdox: this is not the place, let's continue in #asahi-alt. please upload your kernel (outout of dmesg after boot) log somewhere
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<amarioguy> hrm seems like when i install the m1n1 custom boot object on a ventura partition, doesn't seem to set up the boot time framebuffer correctly? (even w/ a display connected it keeps using the fake framebuffer) (note that i do have a sonoma partition on this mac so the first stage iboot is the sonoma one)
<jannau> on which device? m1 mac mini / m1* studio?
<jannau> amarioguy: ^^^
<jannau> hmm, doesn't that sound more like if m1n1's display init code fails
<jannau> if possible provide serial log of the display init (either by using the HW serial or a 1st stage m1n1 which skips display init)
<jannau> that way it's possible to look at the display init under HV
<amarioguy> jannau: m1 ultra studio
<amarioguy> getting that log, one sec