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<kettenis> turns out I have the same hardware so I'll check which of the two is the culprit
<kettenis> (my bet is on the first one)
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<zuse> hello idk where to share this info but as a beginner user had overcome an issue
<j`ey> zuse: probably better to put it on #asahi if it's a user issue, not a development one
<kettenis> ok, that seems to have been a false alarm
<zuse> i connected my jbl go 2 speaker to asahi linux and the sound was scratchy. then i changed audio profile on blueman.
<kettenis> marcan: I see no problems on my machine
<zuse> i also solved it with changing audio profile :D , i am newbie and idk i wanted to contribute to community if someone had same thing
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<tobhe> kettenis: I don't have a 2015 mbp but it works fine on my m2
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