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<mps> reading new tagged kernel changes in DTS looks like speakers enabled? or I read wrongly?
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<janneg> mps: no, there is work on the speakers but it's not verified and thus not safe to use. tags are not releases
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<mps> speakers works on j314s without patching dts
<mps> but only left/right woofer 1 works
<janneg> mps: should still require the please_blow_up_my_speakers module
<mps> janneg: till now I patched dts to enable speakers, now they works without patching
<mps> janneg: yes, please_blow_up_my_speakers is required
<janneg> that is the opposite of working
<mps> tomorrow will check j293 model
<mps> right, but now don't need patch
<mps> this is only difference from end user point
<mps> anyway, (small) progress
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<janneg> no that is not difference from the end user point! the speakers do not work
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* janneg predicts private development repos will be coming
<janneg> sigh
<mps> hm, right for distro end users. I count self to end users though I build all with patchesc a and hacks
<janneg> you're free to what you like but please don't make statements like "looks like speakers enabled" when they are not
<mps> janneg: I noticed this by trying to patch kernel to enable speakers and patch failed, because this I asked are speakers enabled.
<mps> to me it looked 'like they are enabled'
<mps> I didn't wrote they are enabled and because this also wrote "or I read wrongly?"
<mps> I know this is risky 'field'
<mps> and I didn't told anyone to enable speakers
<mps> asahi developer are those who will tell when they are ready, I guess
<mps> developers*
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<marcan> from now on every claim that speakers are enabled/usable or attempt to use them publicly against our advice will result in an extra one week delay in the release of actual proper speaker support.
<Tramtrist> Silence is best folks.
<mps> sorry all for mess
<mps> my intention was to ask and not claim anything
<Tramtrist> yeah seemed you were only looking to confirm if something had happened
<marcan> < Tramtrist> Silence is best folks. <- good point. I just deleted the tag, and the next tag will have the speakers only output silence.
* mps thinks it is time for wine.
<j`ey> John Cage's 4:33 on repeat
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