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<DannyB> @marcan: FYI - without, the current asahi-wip branch will only find 2g bssids. The TL;DR is that the band wasmplicitly being set in most cases by the chanspec encoder based on channel number. It is now explicit, and escan did not ever set the band field before encoding the spec. So it's running through all the channels and encoding them into chanspecs, and only producing 2g chanspecs.
<DannyB> I audited all other users - the p2p case is broken too right now, but that seemed less important, i'll send a followup to fix p2p.
<DannyB> I'm also happy to try to upstream all these patches if you want
<DannyB> (including the 4388 support)
<janneg> DannyB: the author of was going to look into fixing p2p, pb17
<pb17> Yes, I already started to look into fixing p2p. Unfortunately, I am quite busy right now so go ahead if you have time for it DannyB
<pb17> I guess there is enough broken / unsupported wifi stuff to keep us both busy for a while
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<amarioguy> kettenis: was talking with someone who is working on other Apple devices that aren't Macs, they're wanting to submit a patch to u-boot upstream that makes the 'mach-apple' stuff able to be adapted to non M1 or M2 socs, could you at least ack the patch for review?
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<kettenis> ah, I dropped the ball on that
<kettenis> replied
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