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<kettenis_> maz: yes, 24MHz (but it seems you figured that one out already)
<maz> kettenis_: yeah, that was pretty obvious in retrospect! ;-)
<maz> maybe we should have a default?
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<nicolas17> marcan: seems fdo's gitlab lost data?
<j`ey> yup
<j`ey> a couple of days worth
<nicolas17> wtf
<nicolas17> how does that even happen
<nicolas17> days worth? daily backups is the minimum I would expect
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<marcan> they were doing a migration, guess they screwed it up...
<marcan> I don't see any notifications?
<marcan> nicolas17: was there a message or something?
<nicolas17> HUH
<nicolas17> there was a banner saying
<nicolas17> "The migration is now over... but some git branches and new projects were lost in the process! If at all possible, force-push your branches to restore broken merge requests, or branches. If your entire repo disappeared or you can't find the HEAD of a branch, please notify us on OTFC's #freedesktop channel and we'll try to address it as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience..."
<nicolas17> now I only see the "Due to an influx of spam," banner
<marcan> maybe they fixed it
<nicolas17> they found the backup
<nicolas17> (:
<marcan> it was a migration so my guess is the mirroring process got stopped accidentally at some point, and they figured out how to sync the missing data from the old cluster
<marcan> so initially it appeared as if the data was stale
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<marcan> doesn't have the conclusion though
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