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<marcan> povik: pushed sound/speaker-safety with all the latest fixes. with that, suspend/resume while playing audio works properly. review pretty please? :>
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<marcan> got one amp OCP wedged again. this time I got some logs; it seems it delivered a lot of OCP events, then started spamming TDM clock error events forever. speakersafetyd also went nuts but I think that was probably just because it was getting garbage data for ivsense.
<marcan> some of the apple quirks seem to just break audio, trying 0xf now
<marcan> can't repro right now, but I've never been able to reliably repro... I might set the default to 0x0f for a while and see if it goes away
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<cy8aer> Bei refurbed kostet das Pixel3a mittlerweile 360€. Wow
<cy8aer> Sorry wrong channel ☹️
<cy8aer> Just thinking about irc/matrix-clients with writing lockers...
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<sven> anyone with a thunderbolt 3 *and* a usb 4 device here who can run and for me?
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<janneg> sven: any preference for macos version?
<sven> Preferably the most recent one you have installed
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<janneg> sven: on m2 since the m1 mini had no 13.5 macos VM install
<janneg> the usb4 one is longer since I logged in and plugged a hdmi display in the usb4 hub
<sven> thanks!
<janneg> dcp/hdmi out is broken in macOS under the HV, probably my fault
<janneg> tb3 is a thunderbolt3 nvme case
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<sven> janneg: can you connect a usb3 device with that macOS version?
<sven> (and on m2 :))
<janneg> sven: sure
<sven> thanks!
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<maz> kettenis_: what is the expected value for CONFIG_DEBUG_UART_CLOCK (I'm rebuiding u-boot for the M1 Ultra)?
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<maz> guessing 24MHz...
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<maz> right. after an uptime of 430 days, my M1 Ultra is running modern SW again...
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