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<chadmed> nsklaus_: you can just build it yourself, but do keep in mind that no ones going to hand hold you through getting your machine up and running because it is still officially unsupported
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<tertl8> hello
<tertl8> o/
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<tertl8> will m1 macbooks come down in price soon?
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<gill6151> theyre almost less than half the original rrp used
<gill6151> how much cheaper do you want them to be
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<dottedmag> If Mac Minis continue to become cheaper, and RPis continue to be unobtainium, soon it will be more practical to replace RPis with Minis.
<dottedmag> s/more//
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<adryzz> i mean i found some deals for an used M1 mac mini for around 300$, and like rpis are almost 200$ in some places
<adryzz> not far fetched at all
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<gill6151> at those prices obviously the mac mini is far better value
<gill6151> even if asahi is not completely stable yet
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<dottedmag> If Apple were to slap some older mobile chips onto devboards and mass-market them it would wipe all the likes of RPi
<dottedmag> But not their market, alas
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<gill6151> so basically the original apple silicon dev kit they made
<gill6151> mac mini with A12X
<sven> lol, would be funny if apple decided to enter that market for some weird reason :D
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<Willmish> Heyo, I want to remap Caps to Escape/Ctrl and found some people use Keyd to achieve both (escape on single tap, ctrl on hold): . Was curious if anyone here tried using it? Or recommends alternative methods for remapping ?
<Willmish> (basically, when I tried using keyd now, it fails for me with an error `bind: Connection refused` , but checking here first bere opening an issue/looking for a different solution)
<dottedmag> Is it specific for Asahi?
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<Willmish> I am trying to get it to work specifically for Asahi, yes :D (used other remapping methods for other distros - setxkbmap and others). keyd sounded like it should work out of the box nomatter the enviro, hence asking
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