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<Soni> does asahi come with gui?
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<tpw_rules> yes
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<xanderle> don't know if it helps anyone but i cobbled together to allow setting brightness on a studio display from linux
<j`ey> xanderle: i guess it's private
<xanderle> apologies, i only just made it. ive changed it to public
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<jannau> wasn't there a driver for studio display brightness submitted for 6.4 or 6.5?
<jannau> yes
<xanderle> ah yeah, having read that it ends with we should treat it like a hid device and not try claim it early. so i think a v2 rewrite is coming...
<xanderle> instead of waiting i figured i could just hurl bytes at /dev/hidrawX to change brightness
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<jannau> so just submitted and will need a rewrite. We might be able to support the studio display on asahi before that's merged
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<cy8aer> jannau: Yes I see your conversation on #asahi-gpu and do not want to write there too. I will post everything I can find out here and let you transfer the stuff to #asahi-gpu if it seems important for you.
<cy8aer> Oups, wrong channel - should be #asahi-alt sorry
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<Whatdidyouexpect> hey
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<Whatdidyouexpect> does asahi support minecraft?
<Whatdidyouexpect> i know you can run it on normal macOS but i want to test it under linux
<Retr0id> It doesn't "support" it per se, but I'm pretty sure it works
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<ChaosPrincess> i expect that out of the box it will not be supported, minecraft uses lwjgl which is native code.
<ChaosPrincess> but im also sure there are people who recompiled it for arm, so if you swap it out it will most likely work
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<Whatdidyouexpect> ok thanks
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<stintel> hey there. anything I can do to help getting this supported on macbook air 15" (Mac14,15)?
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<ChaosPrincess> probably start by writing a device tree for it, i dont think anyone done it yet.
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<jannau> isn't that just copying t8112-j413.dts to t8112-j415.dts and replace a few bits
<ChaosPrincess> should be
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<jannau> and of course the installer
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<stintel> sigh. bloody google
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<jannau> the 15" display backlight is not as bright as the 13" one
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<jannau> the wifi module names have left japan, j415's name is "snake" so probably ukraine
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<stintel> since I can't install m1n1 yet, I probably need low level serial debug?
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<dottedmag> stintel: what kind of childhood is that?
<stintel> a wild one? :P
<dottedmag> indeed
<jannau> stintel: m1n1 should work, either in your main macos installation or a second macos install if you don't want to modify the security settings of your main macos
<stintel> well that's after I added this to DEVICES in "j415ap": Device("12.4", False), # MacBook Air (15-inch, M2, 2023)
<stintel> otherwise I get This device is not supported yet!
<jannau> stintel: I ment a real 2nd macos installation and then follwoing except that you do not need to run macos under the the HV and do not need to setup the macos development kernel
<stintel> I see
<stintel> I guess I'm out of luck then, this is the only macOS device I own
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<jannau> does that mention a second macos device? that's not needed either. I should have read it before pasting the link
<stintel> jannau: ah, you mentioned "a real 2nd macos installation" ... I probably misunderstood
<stintel> sorry, very new to t his
<jannau> you will need a second computer to interact with m1n1 over usb
<stintel> I have a Linux workstation with m1n1 built and udev rules installed
<jannau> ah, create a second partition on the macbook and install macos there a second time
<jannau> the result will be pretty similar to the installer's m1n1 standalone mode
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<stintel> failing at first step :(
<stintel> Error: -69842: Couldn't mount disk
<stintel> ran first aid, no change
<jannau> maybe look for other guides how to create a second macos install
<jannau> disk4 might not be correct, check the output of diskutil list
<stintel> pretty sure disk4 is correct, the command actually creates the macOSTest APFS volume but it's not able to mount it
<jannau> 15" macbook air devicetree is in
<stintel> will try another guide
<jannau> maybe just try the installer
<jannau> use the 13.5 installer btw
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<marcan> stintel: 12.4 is wrong, that will never work on that machine
<marcan> I forget what the min version for that one is, but 13.5 is the min we will support anyway
<stintel> marcan: makes sense, like I said earlier I'm very new to this, was just trying to get the installer to do something
<stintel> 2nd macOS install just finished, let's see if I can get anywhere with that
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<stintel> cool, I have m1n1 running
<stintel> where can I find the .config mentioned in ? [[DesktopKernel]] is a broken link?
<stintel> j`ey: thanks!
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<j`ey> you can probably just grab the kernel from the pkg to start
<j`ey> guess it depends if its expected there will be code changes needed (not for just a simple framebuffer etc I guess)
<jannau> I don't think there are any code changes needed, just the dts from
<j`ey> oh nice
<stintel> ah it's already building
<stintel> ok this is exciting
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<marcan> (there were lots of code changes needed, but they've already happened)
<ChaosPrincess> is 13.5 dcp already there?
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<jannau> appears to be compatible with 13.3
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<jannau> no code changes on top of asahi-wip
<stintel> jannau: Makefile is missing dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_APPLE) += t8112-j415.dtb
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<stintel> jannau: and line 188 of the dts is missing a ,
<jannau> stintel: already fixed
<jannau> there was also a duplicate label
<stintel> indeed
<stintel> let me get the latest version
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<Soni> can we request support for fedi links out of the box?
<j`ey> links to what?
<ar> Soni: wdym?
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<Soni> so we and have been working on "fedi links", see pinneds here for technical details:
<Soni> but to put it simple fedi links have these benefits:
<psykose> did you post that in the wrong channel?
<Soni> if asahi ships xdg-open by default, then it would be nice if it also supported fedi links by default
<stintel> Linux (none) 6.3.0-asahi-arm64+ #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Jul 29 19:28:04 EEST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<stintel> so far so good
<j`ey> Soni: do that via upstream xdg-open
<j`ey> asahi isnt going to patch that
<Soni> j`ey: doesn't need to patch that
<j`ey> stintel: nice
<j`ey> Soni: its not clear what youre asking for, but asahi only patches upstream software if it really needs to
<j`ey> this doesnt seem like it needs to
<Soni> j`ey: you can put a .desktop file somewhere where it'll be picked up if nothing else is installed to handle the links
<psykose> this is like multiple layers off and doesn't make sense
<Soni> OS support is fairly appropriate, honestly
<j`ey> Soni: try to get that into some package that deals with that kinda stuff
<Soni> j`ey: that would be a fedi-links package
<j`ey> do that, and then users can install it if they want
<sven> yeah, this needs to happen upstream
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<ar> Soni: this should go to upstream xdg-open, but: recognizing fedi links in xdg-open would be rather non-trivial; you'd either need to make a request to the backend site (could be annoying to do for instances with authorized-fetch enabled), or ship a list of known fedi instances. and then you'd need to somehow transform that link into whatever format your instance expects (eg.
<ar> becomes ), or pass that to whatever desktop fedi client you might have (would be easier, possibly)
<Soni> ar: it's surprisingly trivial actually. draft-soni-protocol-handler-well-known-uri
<Soni> web+ap: links can be encoded with that if no web+ap handler is available
<stintel> something seems to be missing a dependency on CONFIG_REGMAP_IRQ
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<stintel> anyway gotta run
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<stintel> this fixes a build error for me in asahi-wip:
<stintel> but I guess is not the right place to make a PR for that?
<j`ey> nah, send that upstream
<stintel> yeah, checking if that's still relevant
<j`ey> you could just not select that driver, doesnt seem to be one used by the m1s?
<stintel> seems to be fixed upstream already: d9ba2975e98a4bec0a9f8d4be4c1de8883fccb71
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<stintel> jannau: do you need any data from booting asahi-wip in hypervisor with your DTS for MBA15 ?
<jannau> stintel: I don't think so unless there are obvious errors
<stintel> ok I can comment on the PR that it boots for me ?
<stintel> there are some firmwares that don't load but I guess that's expected
<jannau> yes, firmware is only prepared by the installer
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