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<mareko> where did the raven CI job go? I don't see them in the CI anymore
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<maratman> I looked a little, and lkl - Linux kernel library is fairly interesting, I think with mixture of mono and limbo, plus some enhancements to all I could offer on long run, something amazing, some gaming extreme performance distro.
<mareko> FLHerne: RADEON_NOOP=1?
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<mareko> how did you make chanserv do that?
<airlied> akick #dri-devel add *@*
<airlied> is what I did last
<mareko> thanks
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<emersion> airlied: this bans a loooot of users...
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<airlied> emersion: yeah it sucks, but whack-a-mole sucks more
<emersion> i suppose we can always add ban exemptions if we need to
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<dj-death> gitlab apppears to be struggling quite a bit
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<daniels> dj-death: wfm
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<dj-death> might be my internet somehow
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<daniels> the intel machines have been stuck with an enormous backlog for the last few hours; it's recovering now but could be bumpy for a little while
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<dj-death> something odd again
<dj-death> like :
<dj-death> git fetch "" 'perf-fix/anv-igfx12-rc-ccs'
<dj-death> Permission denied (publickey).
<dj-death> and now it works
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<daniels> cf. #freedesktop
<dj-death> ah right
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<mlankhorst> remote: GitLab is not responding
<dj-death> mlankhorst: security update
<mlankhorst> ah k
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<mlankhorst> airlied: could we ban *.ee?
<pinchartl> mlankhorst: or * ? that would solve the problem once and for all :-)
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<airlied> mlankhorst: we did ban ee once before though I think he gets ipv6 every so often
<pq> That would be really harsh, condemning a whole country for one person. And then they come through IPv6 without DNS.
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<mlankhorst> pq: It's only 1.3 million people though. :)
<mlankhorst> My guess is banning the whole ip range of estonia, *.ee and variations of all ip addresses from the range in ident would probably solve most
<DemiMarie> pinchartl: I agree with pq, banning a whole country is unreasonable.
<MrCooper> yeah, up there with some US ISP rejecting all e-mail from Europe as spam
<DemiMarie> mlankhorst: what if one of those 1.3 million people needs to ask a question?
<pq> pinchartl was joking, that would ban everyone.
<mlankhorst> Would solve the problem too!
<DemiMarie> Replied to wrong persob
<DemiMarie> s/person/person/
<FLHerne> how about closing the channel and replacing it with a Facebook group
<DemiMarie> FLHerne: Matrix >> Facebook
<mlankhorst> or a mastodon hashtag
<FLHerne> DemiMarie: yeah, but that could be misread as a serious suggestion :p
<DemiMarie> FLHerne: I assumed your suggestion was serious!
<FLHerne> judging by the Matrix-bridge-spam problems on Libera I'm not sure Matrix has got effective banning worked out either
<pq> joking is hard in the internet, I try to avoid it
<DemiMarie> Not your fault FLHerne, I have a hard time telling if something is serious or joking.
<mlankhorst> I don't see anything on if I look for #dri-devel, could always begin there
<mlankhorst> mastodon*
<DemiMarie> pq: or add an explicit tone marker
<psykose> every friend i've had on matrix in even small <20 person groups deals with endless harassment/targeted spam issues with no way to moderate it
<psykose> they definitely don't have anything figured out :p
<pinchartl> we should go back to BBS. it charged based on the time spent connected, that would become too expensive for spammers
<DemiMarie> FLHerne: I don't think one can have effective banning without either proof of work, CAPTCHAs (easy to circumvent with ML models), or manual approval
<psykose> captchas are definitely broken in current year
<ccr> I think it is highly unlikely that the "usual suspect" would be deterred by any of those either, apart from manual approval.
<emersion> proof of work, CAPTCHAs don't help here
<ccr> he has mental issues and is determined to bring his wisdom here
<mlankhorst> not sure it's actually wisdom now or just upset about being banned
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<pinchartl> should we file a legal complain ?
<DemiMarie> Against who?
<ccr> to where? what authority? all we (probably) know that he might be from estonia
<ccr> but he is often using some kind of VPNs or something
<pq> I first tried to make sense out of them more than 20 years ago, then soon learnt it was futile.
<pq> hmm, no, not more than 20. Around 15 maybe.
<DemiMarie> Same person?
<pinchartl> ccr: Estonian authorities possibly. the chances it would succeed are fairly low though
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<pinchartl> or contacting the abuse support from his ISP/VPN provider
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<pq> DemiMarie, seems so
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<DemiMarie> pinchartl: if the VPN provider is a good one they won‘t keep logs
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<pinchartl> DemiMarie: I don't think it's useful to speculate
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<Junie_> Hello everyone, My name is Isoken Ibizugbe and I am an outreachy applicant. I look forward to working on open source software with the linux community.
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<mripard> Junie_: welcome :)
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<MTCoster> Am I going crazy or is the doc comment on list_move_to() backwards? "in front of" seems to imply item is inserted *before* loc, but it's actually added *after*
<daniels> MTCoster: they're big-endian lists
<MTCoster> So "in front of" means "closer to the tail"?
<daniels> sorry, that wasn't a serious reply :\
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* ccr boogies.
<gfxstrand> NGL, I kinda want nir_var_shader_patch to be a thing...
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* MTCoster definitely didn't think big-endian lists were a real thing...
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<robclark> lol big-endian lists
<donaldrobson> The documentation for drm_syncobj_find_fence() says it's "just a convenience function that combines drm_syncobj_find() and drm_syncobj_fence_get().", but the implementation does a bunch of other stuff after drm_syncobj_fence_get() that doesn't look unimportant. Is the doc text wrong?
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<mattst88> lol
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<cmarcelo> people interested in ralloc, looking for thoughts on
<cmarcelo> gfxstrand: re: nir_var_shader_patch, seems to be in line with what we've done for other things like task mem, rt payload data etc. what's worrying you, just the churn on the code?
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<gfxstrand> Yeah, mostly
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