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<Company> das Vulkan encode stride requirements somewhere?
<Company> I'm trying to query physical device properties for dmabuf import, but can't find any mention of strides anywhere
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<i509vcb> Company: I don't think you can query those before creating a device. vkGetImageSubresourceLayout requires a VkImage to exist
<Company> hrm, device would be okay
<Company> vkImage is a bit overkill
<i509vcb> Yeah you'd have to import to learn the strides from what I see
<Company> because I want to enumerate all supported formats/modifiers
<i509vcb> Oh you want modifiers for formats
<Company> and was wondering if I could get info about required strides there
<Company> no, I want strides for each format:modifier combo
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<i509vcb> yeah you can't seem to query strides with the current api
<i509vcb> I guess you could have Vulkan allocate some images to query the strides, but that might not be a strong guarantee
<Company> and there's like 200 format:modifier combos and allocating 200 images at startup just to query strides seems a bit excessive
* Company still on his quest to get enough info to hand off to v4l or hw decoders so they generate dmabufs that don't fail when creating Vulkan/EGL resources from them
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<i509vcb> I think a new Vulkan extension might be needed for that info
<i509vcb> Although the Vulkan video extension would know how to allocate it's own video buffers, that won't guarantee it works when handing over a vulkan video buffer to v4l
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<daniels> (there’s also not a single ‘align to $n’ answer)
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<emersion> the stride is just a small part of the whole puzzle
<emersion> wouldn't be nearly enough
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<pq> robclark, agreed, no worries. :-)
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<Company> swick[m]: good news! the mutter hdr hack that didn't work on F38 for me does work on F39 and I've seen HDR output for the first time ever on Linux
<swick[m]> Company: kernel update I guess
<Company> this is the desktop with the external monitor (I don't expect the laptop to work)
<MrCooper> Company: a first glimpse of our glorious future :)
<Company> I got a light panel, this is already a glorious present
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<aravind> Hi agd5f, it would help if you could comment on this series
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<tzimmermann> javierm, can i talk you into reviewing ?
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<javierm> tzimmermann: sure thing. I'll try to do it today
<tzimmermann> ok :)
<tzimmermann> thank you
<tzimmermann> the patches are all very similar
<javierm> Ok
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<daniels> hwentlan_: you should have it
<daniels> Melissa should have two tils
<daniels> *we can see ourselves)
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<_DOOM_> I am looking through some linux drm stuff, and I keep seeing references to planes with dma-bufs. But I can't find any reference, in detail, in documentation. What are these planes supposed to be?
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<tnt> _DOOM_: it's just if the color data isn't stored "interleaved" but instead in different buffer. Like you have all the Y data in one buffer and then all the UV data in another buffer for instance.
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<mareko> jenatali: are you OK with this change to CI fails?
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<jenatali> mareko: Yeah, ack
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<mareko> enunes: are you also OK with this change to CI fails for lima?
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<_DOOM_> tnt: Is there any documentation on how I should handle this?
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<mareko> what are GTF-GL46 tests and are they important?
<zmike> those are the confidential tests
<zmike> they are required for conformance until 4.6.3 and will be ported into new (non-confidential) tests soon
<zmike> CTS readme has more info
<airlied> they cover a lot of legacy GL features
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<tnt> _DOOM_: sort of depends what you're trying to do.
<tnt> (also bear in mind I'm not expert, I just delved into that stuff a bit recently because of some dmabuf debugging ...)
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<_DOOM_> Oh ok
<_DOOM_> Thank you
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<mareko> where do I get VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanSC10Properties? it's required for building dEQP and CTS
<Sachiel> should be there already
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<mareko> Sachiel: deqp/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/vktTestCase.hpp:97:19: error: ‘VkPhysicalDeviceVulkanSC10Features’ in namespace ‘vk’ does not name a type
<Sachiel> I built main today just fine. Did you do all the dance? Though the type is in the generated framework stuff already
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