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<hakzsam> cwabbott: can you rebase ? I can take a look at the radv changes again, thanks!
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<alyssa> airlied: did a C port of d3d tessellator
<alyssa> gcc compiles it 5x faster than the c++, lolz
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<Company> if there's one benefit to C over all the fancy modern languages (and C++), it's that it compiles insanely fast
<emersion> Go and Hare fast as well
<Company> a full GTK compile these days (with a hot disk cache) is 20s on my desktop, and somebody on an M2 did it in 5s
<Company> and we're somewhere between 500k-1M loc
<MrCooper> Company: layout transitions preserve image contents
<Company> MrCooper: but if 2 processes use the same image and one of them does a layout transition, won't that break?
<karolherbst> alyssa: though to be fair, C++ compiles fast as well if you don't include the STL
<MrCooper> Company: shouldn't with Wayland (or DRI3/Present), since there's a clear ownership transfer
<karolherbst> but yeah.. nice :)
<karolherbst> ehh wait
<karolherbst> the first comment to the others, and the second one is for you
<MrCooper> Company: hmm, we were talking about the client reading from the image when it doesn't own it though
<Company> MrCooper: yeah, I was about to point at that
<MrCooper> do compositors really need layout transitions though? Honestly not sure
<Company> MrCooper: which is what zmike meant with "you need to acquire it first"
<Company> in Vulkan terms, everything needs a layout transition
<Company> if that needs layout transitions in the real world: no idea
<MrCooper> my expectation would be that Vulkan WSI transitions to presentable layout before handing off to the presentation engine
<pq> C compiles so fast, because the code author has had to do the expensive compilation in their head first.
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<emersion> that's not really true
<alyssa> pq: the C version is shorter & clearer than the C++
<Company> pq: considering how many abstractions C++ has, I don't believe the load in C is much less - what compilers do though is verify correctness, and C++ or Rust do that better
<alyssa> now, this was bad C++
<alyssa> but I've rarely seen good C++.
<Company> is that so different with C?
<daniels> MrCooper: we don't use layout transitions in Mesa but the IHVs were specifically asking for it - mostly NV iirc
<alyssa> Company: C++ provides more degrees of freedom to do bad ;)
<Company> daniels: what is a layout transition, in hardware terms? Is it just copying around memory between different caches?
<Company> daniels: I'm mostly asking because I'm wondering because I want to identify it in bug reports - "oh this looks like use-after-layout-transition" or so
<daniels> Company: one example from Intel is that they can, behind the scenes, allocate extra storage to allow them to use 'compression' within the client, then when the image gets handed over to the server, fully resolve the image so the server could read it as if uncompressed
<daniels> or perhaps if you want to render to one tiling layout, but scan out from a different kind of tiling layout, blit between the two
<Company> so you end up with something that looks either completely garbled, or those images where the stride looks off that look skewed
<pq> wouldn't layout transition happen in-place, though? like the compression example, except an actual layout transition which makes access with old layout produce garbage as well, kind-of destroying the contents (temporarily) from at least someone's perspective?
<pq> until transitioning back to the original layout
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<Company> I now wonder if I've seen intel transition linear layouts to tiled ones, because the data only needs to be linear when the memory is readable
<Company> or if that was a case where I screwed up LINEAR and OPTIMAL tiling in vkCreateImage()
<Company> can the driver even do anything to a LINEAR layout? because the vkMemory of that can be mapped at all times
<Company> but then, all the swapchain images will always be OPTIMAL I think?
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<dj-death> Company: Anv doesn't transition linear to tiled
<dj-death> Company: we only decompress if need be
<Company> then it was me messing up LINEAR and OPTIMAL
<jenatali> Hey everyone, I'm back after ~3 months. Did I miss anything? :)
<alyssa> jenatali: NIR 2.0 merged!
<jenatali> \o/
<jenatali> I'm going to have to re-learn how to write lowering I guess
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<karolherbst> :D
<karolherbst> jenatali: uhm.. we do CL C code instead of nir builder now
<jenatali> Instead of? Or in addition to?
<karolherbst> depends which future me you ask
<karolherbst> or rather future alyssa
<karolherbst> jenatali: but yeah... make sure I haven't regressed anything in the past, though I also didn't tinker too much with clc
<karolherbst> _but_
<karolherbst> if you are bored and want something to look into, we are thinking about using llvms spir-v target
<jenatali> Lol I am decidedly not bored
<karolherbst> :'(
<karolherbst> but but
<jenatali> Last I saw that shelled out to an external llvm-spirv tool, didn't it?
<karolherbst> huh......
<karolherbst> ohhh right
<karolherbst> there was that as well....
<karolherbst> let me see who pinged me on it..
<karolherbst> I don't remember
<karolherbst> but it's apparently using the native backend now
<jenatali> Oh cool
<jenatali> I'll be interested to hear what the difference is
<karolherbst> it allows us to use O2 and O3
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<karolherbst> so mostly just smaller binaries
<karolherbst> and I think future development shifts to that anyway
<alyssa> jenatali: write code once in C, run both on the CPU in driver and on the GPU from a lowering pass, 0 bindings, native perf, nothing short of magic
<karolherbst> (and also less packaging pain)
<jenatali> Yeah that'll be nice
<jenatali> Let me know how it goes, I'll be interested to switch CLOn12 to that too assuming it goes well
<karolherbst> I mean.. it will be a flag to clc anyway
<karolherbst> but yeah
<alyssa> :D
<jenatali> Yeah, it just means different packaging
<karolherbst> once I test it you can ack the MR :P
<jenatali> Since we statically link everything, it's one less dependency to pull
<karolherbst> yeah
<alyssa> (application: needing to preprocess a draw. do it on the CPU if direct draw, do it in a 1 shot kernel if indirect draw. only write the logic once.)
<karolherbst> some distros build libclc as part of llvm and libclc requiring the translator annoys some
<jenatali> What LLVM ver does that need?
<karolherbst> 17/18 or so I think
<karolherbst> ohh found it
<karolherbst> whatever faith said there
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<jenatali> Great
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<alyssa> have Faith
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<karolherbst> alyssa: fyi, I'm planning to review your nir builder v2 MR :P
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<alyssa> karolherbst: thanks!
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<alyssa> karolherbst: hopefully geom shaders land before i finish tessellation, ;P
<karolherbst> :D
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<karolherbst> I see, no preasure to get it reviewed :P
<alyssa> :P
<alyssa> the current MR is just like 2/n
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<alyssa> konstantin: thank youuuuu
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<alyssa> karolherbst: common code bits now reviewed. will hold off merge a bit to give you a chance but would be nice to merge this week
<HdkR> First the GS, then the TS, then the RT, all the things~
<airlied> alyssa: id be happy to move to C version, not like the one we have has ever really changed much
<karolherbst> alyssa: yeah, I plan to take a look on Wednesday the latest
<alyssa> airlied: ack. will cc you on the MR if I get around to writing it
<alyssa> karolherbst: :+1:
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<jenatali> alyssa: looks like my top priority might actually be getting GLOn12 to 4.3 and then 4.5, hooray
<airlied> jenatali: what is missing for 4.3? buffer storage?
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<airlied> or do you have to do compute shaders?
<alyssa> jenatali: >:)
<jenatali> airlied: it's just the texture view extension that's missing. Compute is done
<jenatali> The required format casting was only added to D3D in the last couple years
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<dj-death> people here remember what the frcp alu stands for?
<jenatali> Float reciprocal?
<dj-death> ah 1.0f / src0
<dj-death> didn't know about the reciprocal name :)
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<Company> is there a way to get dmabuf data (read: multiplane YUV) into a GL texture without having a dmabuf?
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<Company> or alternatively, is there a way to get data to memcpy into?
<dj-death> just copy it over to a buffer
<Company> I think I can make that happen in Vulkan - just allocate the right VkFormat and set a YcbcrConversion and then just map the vkMemory and copy into it
<Company> what kind of buffer?
<dj-death> do you want the converted data or the data prior to sampling?
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<Company> I have the data
<Company> I want to hand it to GL
<Company> but I have it in regular memory, not as a dmabuf
<Company> basically, I decoded a frame with ffmpeg and now I want to make GL do the colorspace conversion
<dj-death> yeah making a buffer and memcpy into it would work
<dj-death> then get the dmabuf and hand it over to GL
<Company> "making a buffer"?
<dj-death> a VkBuffer
<Company> ah
<Company> but that requires VUlkan
<dj-death> yeah
<Company> I want a GL-only solution
<DemiMarie> Company: No expert here, but I thought most GPUs could not handle YUV. In any case, GL has stagnated so I would not be surprised if there is no GL solution.
<dj-death> Company: yeah not sure
<dj-death> Company: weston probably solved that problem at some point ;)
<Company> somebody asked if we can handle regular buffers on top of dmabufs
<Company> and that got me wondering how easy that is
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<dj-death> Company: oh... gbm
<Company> yeah, that works for Weston I guess
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<Kayden> cwabbott: thinking of using interval trees for a few more things, would be neat to see land
<Kayden> ah, for some reason gitlab didn't load the new comments, I see you're busily rebasing things
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<robclark> Company: if sw decoded data (linear yuv) just do the R8 + R8G8 trick that everyone's done forever.. no need to harm dmabuf's
<Company> robclark: but then I need to write a shader - with dmabufs I don't need to