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<mareko> Sachiel: just "python3 external/" and "cmake . -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" and that fails
<Sachiel> oh, there's a good chance that doing that is broken. Try "cmake -B build ..." instead
<mareko> thanks, that fixed it
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<zmike> if you're trying to build GTF make sure you're passing the right cmake option for that
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<mareko> zmike: is -DGLCTS_GTF_TARGET=gl enough?
<zmike> looks right
<mareko> that just builds GL CTS, not sure about GTF
<zmike> though I'm on my phone at the pub
<zmike> yeah
<zmike> it's part of glcts
<zmike> you run it the same way assuming you ran the fetch_kc script
<zmike> with your khronos credentials
<mareko> yes
<zmike> then you should be good
<mareko> I guess I need a different caselist though
<zmike> there's separate mustpass lists
<zmike> iirc it's in with the regular lists
<mareko> external/openglcts/modules/gl_cts/data/mustpass/gl/khronos_mustpass/4.6.1.x/gl46-gtf-master.txt must be it
<zmike> looks right
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* zmike needs to stop doing mesa after pub
<mareko> doing mesa after pub is never a bad idea
<zmike> haha
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<kode54> cool
<kode54> and by that, I mean, huh?
<kode54> amdgpu hangs in some UE5 games possibly bisected to a zmike commit
<kode54> funny thing is, I haven't had any whole compositor hangs lately
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<anholt> daniels: looks like mesa jobs are not surfaced on
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<anholt> was hoping to go digging and figure out why our duts feel overloaded, when they don't look that way from a gitlab perspective.
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<daniels> anholt: correct, they're ACLed because they contain the JWT as part of the job definition - LAVA upstream are working on secrets support which would solve that problem, so we were just leaving them to it since it didn't seem super urgent
<daniels> wanna shoulder-surf in the break?
<anholt> daniels: yeah, let's take a look
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<anholt> hakzsam: thanks for your persistence with the cts!
<daniels> ++
<daniels> and for tuning DEQP_FRACTION down so we don't blow out the runtime :)
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<wv> How is an overlay plane exposed to userspace? I have 2 hardware planes on my imx53. When I launch an application (kmscube let's say), it gets to the primary plane. But how can I get another application (gstreamer kmssink fi) to the overlay plane?
<wv> in old legacy devices, we had a fb0 and fb1 exposed
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<mareko> why not call the compiler NCO
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<zmike> well there was a pub at xdc...
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<mareko> or let's rename ACO to ACK
<zmike> 🤔
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<panera> hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but adaptive_sync is blocked for firefox in /usr/share/drirc.d/00-mesa-defaults.conf but when I fullscreen a youtube video adaptive sync still kicks in (giving flickering).
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<panera> I'm on KDE wayland.
<zf> according to validate_var_decl(), nir expects geometry input to be an array of arrays of scalars
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<zf> why are there two arrays there?
<zf> eh, never mind, I think I see the answer
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<cheako> This is a hot path for anv and I wonder if this is a good patch, I don't know much about c++?
<cheako> There is also a big patch to anv aimed at the same issue:
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