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<aka_[m]> srinik: Are you here?
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<aka_[m]> anyone good with schema can tell me why coping entire -if block of msm8916 from this yaml:
<aka_[m]> and changing compatibles makes 8916 example fail to validate?
<aka_[m]> like i copy entire -if with else and in second i replace compat with 8953 and it fails to validate 8916 example saying reg not allowed
<aka_[m]> weird
<aka_[m]> droping entire if made examples validate
<aka_[m]> ok thats weird
<aka_[m]> it doesn't cry on other nodes where reg is not available
<aka_[m]> i hate fact i have to send stuff first to have glimpse of hope to get fix pointed out
<aka_[m]> is there single msm8916 device with sound support in torvalds tree?
<aka_[m]> scrolling wrong tree lol
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