aka_[m], please drop the dev_err and pname. Use devm_ioremap_resource().
Daanct12, either konradybcio or I will take a look. It was posted just yesterday
krzk: "Don't duplicate. It's already required." Is only about model and compatible?
Thats what was in 8916 -if block
and i somehow cannot find any example where there are multiple -ifs and then else
if i drop else at the end and add new -if 8916 example fail to validate
aka_[m]: yeah, only about model and compat. I saw later that it's in other block, but anyway - ifi you rebase on my patch, you will not see them there.
aaa i cannot even explain what i mean
krzk: You had patch on this doc?
aka_[m]: there are no multiple if+if+else, instead we do if+if+if covering all possible cases
aka_[m]: yeah, I cced you
seems my next is few days too old then
aka_[m]: no, I meant, I sent it...
just opened thunderbird now i see it @10:33
aka_[m]: so if you rebase on top, then - top-level reg and reg-names should grow to three items, and you should add "minItems: 2" to each. Then you add if:then, with maxItems: 2, and else: with minItems: 3 (depemnding on variant/compatible_