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jhovold has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.1]
JIaxyga[m] has joined #linux-msm
<JIaxyga[m]> <lumag> "JIaxyga, ok, please send a patch..." <- robclark:
<JIaxyga[m]> Can you apply this to fix the warning?
<lumag> robclark, could you please pick it ^^
<JIaxyga[m]> Thank you in advance
jhovold has joined #linux-msm
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<robclark> JIaxyga[m]: done
<JIaxyga[m]> robclark: Thank you 🙏
<robclark> np
ungeskriptet has quit [Quit: Contact:]
ungeskriptet has joined #linux-msm
<aka_[m]> konradybcio: do you have somewhere 8992 icc driver?
<aka_[m]> im kinda lost in somainline trees now
Marijn[m] has joined #linux-msm
<Marijn[m]> If you don't kang our stuff you don't get lost in it 😅
<aka_[m]> im wondering if IPA clock being mentioned as intf clock for snoc is idea i got from Konrad
<aka_[m]> and i need to test if its required
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