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<aka_[m]> Is there any tag to make patch series dependable on other patch?
<aka_[m]> message-id sounds best
<aka_[m]> so im gonna burn upcoming 3 weeks of leave slacking not doing anything
<konradybcio> sometimes you need that too
<aka_[m]> regarding yamls "contain" is supposed to be used on nodes with fallbacks?
<konradybcio> 1 means "if it contains any of the following ones", 2 means "if it is any of the following ones"
<aka_[m]> but thats in context of having more than one compatible in node?
<konradybcio> yes
<aka_[m]> okay
<aka_[m]> kinda nuts i cannot override defaults in -ifs easily
<aka_[m]> defaults had reg items and i was unable to specify new reg items in if and get it to parse
<aka_[m]> seems like min/maxItems instead and -ifs define items is way to go
<aka_[m]> pushing dt into examples to not bother with having to import all changes is big brain moment for me
<aka_[m]> konradybcio: manual way would be like here?
<konradybcio> y
<aka_[m]> konradybcio: does this look right?
<aka_[m]> seems to validate well
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<konradybcio> aka_: i think this falls into "add a common yaml and add 8953 into a separate one" categoey
<konradybcio> but lets hear from krzk
<aka_[m]> finger crossed to not be like you say
<aka_[m]> my anxiety builds way too fast