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<aka_[m]> lumag: if i add v1 to msm8916_qdsp6_add_ops i would need to reshuffle order in 8953 ops i guess because first it would set v2 but executing 8916 would make it back to v1
<lumag> aka_[m], yes
<lumag> or extract a common function that doesn't set version
<lumag> otherwise missing version looks like an error
<aka_[m]> for codec clock im free to just not define it on 8953/8916?
<aka_[m]> its bool
<aka_[m]> guess now i have to test it on real hardware
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<lumag> aka_[m], yes, feel free to skip the clock
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<aka_[m]> lumag: just noticed i fucked commit names....
<aka_[m]> not capital letters
<aka_[m]> should i resend?
<aka_[m]> or doesn't matter too much
<lumag> aka_[m], I'd say, no, unless Konrad / Mark / Srini / Krzysztof request it
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<aka_[m]> What is correct order of adding pinctrls? sort by node name?
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<CosmicPenguin> hitting a odd bug in camss. I have a pretty high pixel clock so its trying to set the VFE to 576Mhz. First time I run cam -l all is well - vfe_get() passes. The second time I run cam -l, despite successfully setting the vfe clk rate I get a failure in vfe_clk_check_rates because clk_get_rate is returning the minimum. Anybody encounter something like this? I would blame the clock tree but its strange that its passing
<CosmicPenguin> the "first time"