marc|gonzalez, re IOMMU. I haven't seen anything requiring comments. In other words, yes, it's known that some of -v2 require additional handling. Yes, there were patches from kholk. Yes, they were not accepted.
krzk let me quickly spin up v6.10 to make sure it's not an issue with my setup..
okay nothing like what I had with Android Common Kernel. (on my armv7, Linux v6.6 boots, but Android Common Kernel v6.6 doesn't, so if you had the same crash as I do, that would mean a regression from a @google.com, but that's not the case)
phh: sorry, we do not talk about forks here. I said explicitly NEXT.
Whatever you have in Android common kernel is not here relevant - it's android's fork.
i thought my parenthesis was clear enough why i mentioned it, but nevermind, ok
lumag: re: iommu - I don't know about kholk's patches. I tested Angelo's. As I stated, he declares a list of context banks not available to Linux, a bit like "reserved-memory"
Yeah, Angelo
kholk = Angelo ?
His IRC nick was kholk if I'm not mistaken
Do you think his solution would be acceptable to robclark?
marc|gonzalez, have you checked email threads wrt those patches?
I have not. Thanks for the suggestion. I assumed they had never been submitted
Because a few of the fixes I submitted that had also been proposed by these guys were never proposed
I suppose because mainlining is sometimes an exhausting ordeal
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Yep, IOMMU patches seem to never have made it through even though we have a lot of HW patches depending on it :)
I would send a patch myself, but idk where to fix it better
i would say fix bindings not driver
out of wonder
can two drivers utilize same compatible?
goodix,gt9916 is used in both i2c and spi driver
aka_[m]: Yes, can
aka_[m]: i2c busses only matches i2c drivers and spi busses only matches spi drivers
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aka_[m], excuse me, I started looking at it, but then got sidetracked. LGTM, single nit: I'd prefer to see msm8916_qdsp6_add_ops() setting the q6afe_clk_ver to v1