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<Jookia> pwm driver done and sent off :)
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<tokyovigilante> that's what my tree is based on
<tokyovigilante> the h616-full tree is much older
<tokyovigilante> take your point about the iommu code though
<tokyovigilante> have checked, I'm pretty sure you're on the wrong branch there
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<loki666> tokyovigilante yes but the probe function still does go-
<loki666> goto's to err_free_cache which doesn't exists in your branch
<loki666> enable CONFIG_SUN50I_IOMMU in your kernel config and you'll see it doesn't compile
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<loki666> the trailing '0' in emac0 compatible string looks also very suspicious
<loki666> probably unrelated to HDMI but could explain why I lost wifi
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<tokyovigilante> ah right, sorry, not sure how that's got in, has been working for me. I'll fix the IOMMU commit. The emac node is for the ethernet pins on the H616 which would be connected directly to a socket. Not sure how that 0 slipped in but nothing to do with wifi, I'd check you have the rtw88 module built and the correct firmware first
<tokyovigilante> the wifi is an entirely separate chip and uses SDIO for communication
<loki666> rtw88 module is there with firmware, but I get an error about external_clock
<tokyovigilante> That emac0 line is correct it seems
<loki666> ok
<tokyovigilante> have you had wifi working before?
<loki666> yes with 6.9 + RG35XX dts
<tokyovigilante> you probably just need to check your kconfig again, and make sure you have all the power patches in particular, I've never seen that pwrseq message but that's related to the power supply to the wifi chip, there's a pwrseq node in the -Plus DT which you can have a look at
<loki666> this commit was working
<tokyovigilante> Have you updated the DT since then? that's a pretty old WIP
<loki666> I'll check not on my computer right now
<tokyovigilante> you should have all the bits there, certainly wifi and hdmi can coexist, good work getting a buildroot config going, I'm just using a fedora userspace
<tokyovigilante> might be worth looking into FEL-boot and TFTP for the kernel if you are interested in developing
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<ItsKaitlyn03> I got DRAM init going on my A133 :) I definitely didn't hack stuff together to make it work, but it WORKS! :D
<ItsKaitlyn03> i'll likely go through everything, i can guarantee this code is not stable and stuff is kinda janky
<ItsKaitlyn03> I need to fix stuff before I feel comfortable just putting this code out in the wild
<ItsKaitlyn03> it also only supports LPDDR4
<jernej> ItsKaitlyn03: did you compare register dump with vendor and your driver?
<jernej> suppoting only LPDDR4 is of course fine, you have to start somewhere :)
<ItsKaitlyn03> i dumped my dram params and based my stuff off of the h616 dram and just looked at the libdram a133 decomp and my own ida decomp, found any differences and patched them
<ItsKaitlyn03> also removed things I couldn't test
<ItsKaitlyn03> or things that don't exist on a133, that otherwise do on h616
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<ItsKaitlyn03> So now, should I try loading a kernel?
<ItsKaitlyn03> I doubt it'll work
<jernej> ItsKaitlyn03: you can try with memtest command in U-Boot, but you have to enable it in config first
<ItsKaitlyn03> whats the option?
<ItsKaitlyn03> okay i think u-boot is slightly messed up
<ItsKaitlyn03> i think it thinks the base SDRAM addr is 0
<ItsKaitlyn03> "Mem error @ 0x0000000000000510: found E3C0A003E28D00B7, expected 00000000000000A2"
<ItsKaitlyn03> oops
<jernej> ah, you have to define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START and CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END
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<jernej> start is 0x40000000
<ItsKaitlyn03> end would be 0x13FFFFFFF
<ItsKaitlyn03> yep?
<jernej> that's if you have 4 GB RAM
<ItsKaitlyn03> yeah i have 4gb of ram, but due to some weirdness i had with u-boot, it reports as 2GiB
<ItsKaitlyn03> ill have to fix it
<ItsKaitlyn03> "Testing 40000000 ... 13fffffff: Pattern 0000000000000000 Writing..."
<ItsKaitlyn03> have a feeling this might be a minute
<ItsKaitlyn03> also just realized it might break my u-boot because U-Boot is loaded into DRAM pretty sure
<ItsKaitlyn03> unless it'll just ignore U-BOot
<ItsKaitlyn03> ill just start from 0x4B000000
<ItsKaitlyn03> actually ill just start at 0x4B000000 and end at 0x4C000000
<ItsKaitlyn03> okay now its working
<ItsKaitlyn03> now its showing iterations
<ItsKaitlyn03> interesting
<ItsKaitlyn03> yeah it seems to be working fine
<ItsKaitlyn03> it might've been writing to things it shouldn't have, or something
<jernej> apritzel tokyoviginalte ItsKaitlyn03: Here is my assortiment of fixes for H616 DRAM driver:
<jernej> please check and/or test and then I'll send patches to ML
<ItsKaitlyn03> pure H616 dram init doesn't work on A133, I tried. There is a bit of differences between H616 DRAM and A133 DRAM that causes H616 DRAM init to just not work, even though they're quite similar in some ways :P
<ItsKaitlyn03> I already have dual-phy stuff :P
<jernej> I pinged you so you can evaluate differences further :)
<jernej> in any case, H6 and H616 seem to have completely the same controller, so some functions can be shared
<jernej> I'm sure that's the case with A133 too, right?
<ItsKaitlyn03> nope, a lot of functions are handled differently in slightly different ways
<ItsKaitlyn03> prcm for ohms/rescal does not exist on a133
<ItsKaitlyn03> they do it in SYS_CFG
<jernej> yeah, but that's not controller part
<jernej> I have sunxi_mctl_ctl_reg structure in mind
<ItsKaitlyn03> yeah those are same-ish
<jernej> tokyovigilante: sorry, I misspelled your nick. Please check
<ItsKaitlyn03> they share that in common afaik, but dram_para is different (addition of some tpr parameters) and some of the hacks h616 dram init does crashes on a133
<ItsKaitlyn03> i did try adding a bunch of "is_enabled" and try to conditionally handle a133, but i figured it would've made h616 dram init messy
<ItsKaitlyn03> i think I'll try to build mainline linux and see if I can just write it into memory somewhere and load it
<ItsKaitlyn03> afaik, A133 is supported in mainline somewhat(?)
<jernej> well, first you need something working and then we can discuss where to put it. but if PHY is not the same, then there is not much sense of having it in the same file
<ItsKaitlyn03> yeah, I want to go over DRAM a bit more
<jernej> do A100 and A133 use same die?
<ItsKaitlyn03> afaik, not really sure what A100 is. allwinner makes no mention of it, other than that A133 is based on A100. A100 might just be either an earlier variant of A100, or a slower A133 due to manufacturing constraints. hard to say really
<jernej> well, there are a few A100 drivers, so I guess A133 can use them
<ItsKaitlyn03> yeah a133 is based on a100. for a133, they use the a100 dts
<ItsKaitlyn03> in fact
<ItsKaitlyn03> they share the same chipid afaik
<jernej> other than that, I don't remember A133 specific support
<ItsKaitlyn03> both R818/A100/A133 are both 0x1855 chipid afaik
<ItsKaitlyn03> not both, all of those 3 are 0x1855
<ItsKaitlyn03> i think a100 was the first to release, then a133, and then r818
<ItsKaitlyn03> wonder what even happened to a100, its documented nowhere
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<loki666> tokyovigilante: update buildroot using linux-sunxi/for-next
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