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<mcarroll76> Hi folks.
<mcarroll76> Just wondering... at this stage in the cycle, what are the chances of getting a small change merged and cherry-picked back to the 21.02 branch before final release?
<Namidairo> small is relative
<mcarroll76> It's a single line kernel config change and without it the x86/64 image fails to boot on a lot of VMWare setups, so you could regard it as a bug fix rather than a feature add.
<mcarroll76> Already raised the pull request, just thought I'd poke my head in here to see what people thought (and maybe get it reviewed quicker).
<Borromini> if it's in master it shouldn't be too much of an issue if it's not invasive
<mcarroll76> Not in master yet.
<mcarroll76> That actually is a question I had - Should I raise a seperate PR for the 21.02 branch? I figured get it in master first.
<rmilecki> mcarroll76: get it into master first
<rmilecki> mcarroll76: if that is small, you can just try pinging us here like you just did (after getting it pushed to the master)
<mcarroll76> That's kinda what I was hoping by coming here.
<mcarroll76> Actually, another point, should I raise it on the bug tracker? As I knew the solution myself I went straight to raising a pull request, but would raising a bug for "fails to mount rootfs under VMWare" be a good idea, or just generating unnecessary work for you folks?
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<blocktrron> mangix: there is arc hardware around, quantenna uses it in their SoCs
<blocktrron> mcarroll76: looks good, can you make sure SoB matches commit author?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#125]( of `realtek/generic` completed successfully.
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<mcarroll76> blocktrron: The reason they don't match is that I'm fairly new to this and screwed up by trying to do it with the github web interface first. Then when I was being asked to squash commits etc, I realised I'd have to use git properly. I think I'll have to recreate the commit from scratch, but not really a problem for two lines, so I'll do that now.
<mcarroll76> Oh, looks like I can do it with 'git commit amend' easily enough.
<mcarroll76> blocktrron: done.
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<russell--> --amend
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<hauke> /buffer 28
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<hauke> blocktrron: aparcar[m]: It would be nice to have an automated check on github which checks if a SoB line is there and if it matches the author
<hauke> about 5% of the pull requests have a problem there
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<blocktrron> hauke: i support that.
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<blocktrron> There was a tendency against GHA, due to the switch to GitLab & lock-in
<blocktrron> however, for a simple script i see no issues.
<hauke> I think the package feed already has this
<hauke> I have never done this, probably do not have the time to add it
<jow> hauke: I think for sob checks there's a standard action you can simply enable in the repo settings
<jow> no need for a fancy script
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<Grommish> Ah, nothing like a make distclean in the morning to start things off right..
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<aparcar[m]> jow: hauke blocktrron i can add the script later today
<hauke> aparcar[m]: thanks
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<aparcar[m]> hauke: while at it we could migrate the bug tracker over there *duck*
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<aparcar[m]> hauke: added
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<hauke> aparcar[m]: thanks
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#152]( of `ath79/generic` failed.
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<mcarroll76> hauke: Thanks for merging my PR.I was wondering if maybe we could get this cherry-picked back to 21.02 before release, as it fixes a boot failure on some hardware.
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