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<aparcar[m]> nbd: can you please have a look why this slows down the build system by 50%?
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<KGB-2> has been updated. (100.0% images and 98.1% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<jow> nbd: a while back you added some multi-phy-matching logic to without porting it to iwinfo, this now appears to result in a bug report
<jow> could you look into it?
<jow> ideally we should find a way to have common code for uci wireless.wifi-device to radio phy matching
<jow> so there's no need to duplicate the logic
<nbd> jow: what do you think about adding path_phy and phy_path commands to iwinfo and using them from
<nbd> we'd have to add a dependency on iwinfo, but i don't think that should be a problem
<jow> that would make sense
<jow> there already is # iwinfo nl80211 phyname @wifi-device[0]
<jow> phy0
<jow> I think we just need to extend it
<jow> it does not yet know about the multi phy matching logic
<jow> but it handles macaddr, phy and path (pre-multi-phy)
<jow> the uci options I mean. Related code:
<jow> if I understood it correctly it needs to perform the "+N" stuff on the path entry
<nbd> i'd still like to add separate ops for path->phy and phy->path for internal use by
<nbd> to avoid overloading the config stuff
<nbd> since netifd sends the full config data as json to the script
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<jow> okay
<nbd> i'll try to match the exact logic of the current shell code in the iwinfo code
<rsalvaterra> jow, nbd, any known DSA regressions in 5.10.42? Someone has complained about a huge performance drop with the Lantiq DSA driver (BTHH5a):
<rsalvaterra> The xrx200 driver hasn't changed in the last couple of months, and I haven't noticed anything in my setup (but then again I don't use flow offloading, since it interferes with SQM).
<rsalvaterra> (When I say "my setup" I mean other DSA devices, since I don't have any BTHH5a, of course.)
<jow> nbd: thank you
<jow> nbd: btw, ideally the conversion should not just handle path<>phyname but any of {path,macaddr,phy}<>phyname
<jow> but that could be extended later
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<nbd> jow: how about allowing path=... and mac=... in lookup_phy?
<nbd> then i'd only have to add one op for phy->path
<nbd> and iwinfo doesn't have to guess if the argument is a path, a phy, a mac address or a section
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<jow> yes, makes sense
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<plntyk> nbd, tested 21.02-rc1 + rc2 with some normal wlan usb sticks and 4 devices (3 ath79) and no major problems (details: )
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<johnf> I'm still chugging away on gl-xe300 support, I now have sysupgrade working, but if I build my firmware with sysupgrade support the resulting bin image can't be flashed in uboot
<johnf> and if I build without sysupgrade and a slightly different defintion file, using defaults for the IMAGES settings, thing work properly in uboot
<johnf> hmm, don't suppose wulfy23 is online here?
<PaulFertser> johnf: probably you need a dedicated factory image.
<johnf> yes, I am building both
<johnf> in my I have IMAGES := factory.img sysupgrade.tar
<PaulFertser> johnf: so what does u-boot complain about exactly?
<johnf> it doesn't complain really, it flashes the image
<johnf> but root can't be found on next boot
<PaulFertser> johnf: have you compared dmesg for both cases?
<PaulFertser> To see how it locates rootfs
<johnf> yes, I thought I had put the critical elements in the forum post, but give me a moment please
<PaulFertser> I do not read forum
<johnf> here are the full boot logs from both the working and non-working image, as flashed from uboot
<PaulFertser> johnf: so it looks like in the non-working case the mtd splitter thinks it's a ubi partition. While it's plain old squashfs.
<PaulFertser> johnf: what does binwalk say about your non-working image?
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<PaulFertser> johnf: and what exactly is different about how you're building it?
<johnf> let's see, give me a moment
<johnf> this diff is the change that both gives me a working sysupgrade.tar
<johnf> and causes the bin file to not boot
<PaulFertser> johnf: oh, why append-ubi?
<johnf> I have removed the append-metadata from the factory.img
<johnf> I'm basing my efforts off an upstream commit by gl inet
<johnf> downstream, really, I guess
<PaulFertser> johnf: are you sure they're using ubi on NOR for those devices?
<PaulFertser> johnf: try "append-rootfs" instead
<johnf> this is what's present in the gl-inet branch, that I'm trying to bring into stock openwrt
<PaulFertser> johnf: and hm, you probably do not want .tar for NOR target, no, just plain sysupgrade.bin should be suitable.
<johnf> ok, I will try that presently
<PaulFertser> johnf: see you link me to file!
<PaulFertser> But these are NOR targets
<johnf> the device has both nand and nor
<johnf> when I try to enable nand support the image is too large
<johnf> and won't fit in the kernel partition
<johnf> I think it is possible to correct this, with more skill than I have
<johnf> similar to the work done here, just a moment
<PaulFertser> johnf: you're clearly booting and trying to mount a filesystem on NOR.
<johnf> yes, I am
<PaulFertser> So you need regular sysupgrade.bin and append-rootfs, not ubi for that.
<johnf> this commit allows another similar device to switch between nand and nor
<johnf> ok, so let me do append-rootfs
<johnf> when I try to use a functional image that works in uboot
<johnf> with sysupgrade
<johnf> it processes the file as a tar image
<PaulFertser> Your functional image has squashfs rootfs though, not ubi.
<johnf> ok, I'm trying with apped-rootfs
<johnf> only I spelled it correctly ;)
<johnf> PaulFertser: with IMAGE/factory.img := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(KERNEL_SIZE) | append-rootfs the uboot recovery interface doesn't appear to finish flashing
<johnf> it also shows different flash behaviour
<johnf> I'm tring an append-metadata
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<johnf> PaulFertser: when I create the files using what I understood of your suggestion
<johnf> IMAGE/factory.img := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(KERNEL_SIZE) | append-rootfs
<johnf> as well as my own sad effort:
<johnf> IMAGE/factory.img := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(KERNEL_SIZE) | append-rootfs | append-metadata
<johnf> uboot never finishes flashing and reboots
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<blocktrron> nick[m]4: did you already have a chance to verify the hostapd / wolfssl fixes work for 21.02?
<russell--> i've been curious about the '|' notation for a while ... is there a description of how it works or a define that make the API clear?
<johnf> russell--: lol, well, I won't be able to offer much guidance beyond 400 ways to do it wrong
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: no sorry. had no time :/ I will ask another person. I currentlx have no device
<russell--> makefile hackery in general could use an explainer doc
<russell--> define split_args ?
<blocktrron> nick[m]4: i'll have to test some backports anyways, I can do the wolfssl stuff in case it applies cleanly
<blocktrron> nbd: is the only commit relevant for fragattacks? If so, can this be backported to the 19.07 branch?
<johnf> blocktrron: what level of testing is required and does it need to be on a specific device?
<johnf> I can to a quick wifi test with 21.02 no problem
<blocktrron> johnf: verifying Enhanced Open connections are working
<johnf> hmm, so I would be a capable client
<johnf> does it require chipset support on the AP side?
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<nbd> blocktrron: 19.07 does not need a backport. it does not have the functionality that needed fixing
<blocktrron> nbd: thanks, good to know
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<blocktrron> johnf: sorry, was not notified - no special requirements apart from MFP
<blocktrron> but it still needs to be backported to 21.02 first
<johnf> blocktrron: hmm, well, if you've got something to test just mention my name, more than happy to give it a go
<johnf> from some quick reading I believe my iPhone should support it
<johnf> not certain if win10 does
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<johnf> or ubuntu 21.04 I think
<johnf> anyways, yeah, happy to help
<aparcar[m]> nbd: still around?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#156]( of `ath79/generic` failed.
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