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<mangix> should be backported everywhere.
<mangix> speaking of which, is 19.07 still supported?
<aparcar[m]> mangix: it's our only stable release, I hope so
<aparcar[m]> you mean if there's another release? ask hauke or zorun
<mangix> No it's because I have a patch specifically for 19.07:
<rsalvaterra> hauke: On the fence on the 5.10.45 bump, heh? I find it extremely unlikely to be a kernel problem, to be honest… :/
<aparcar[m]> mangix: I'll look at our patch thank you
<aparcar[m]> mangix: isn't it relevant anymore for other releases?
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<mangix> no?
<aparcar[m]> oh I'd think it needs ] \ and then a && on the newline
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<mangix> shellcheck sees no problem. i don't either
<aparcar[m]> ack thanks
<mangix> you could move to one line: [ "$1" = "clear" -o "$1" = "set" ] && [ -n "$2" ] && {
<mangix> but that's minor
<mangix> sorry, cosmetic
<aparcar[m]> mangix: that's my point right now :)
<mangix> anyway, the 19.07 patch is not relevant for 21.02 or master
<mangix> it could be backported to 18.06, but meh.
<mangix> master and 21.02 have this fixed upstream.
<mangix> the first patch should be applied to master and backported everywhere. it's been present since 2012 or whenever
<aparcar[m]> mangix: that was my question, so it is relevant for master
<mangix> I linked to two patches. The 19.07 one is 19.07 only.
<aparcar[m]> I see thanks
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: please make a coffee and scroll through this
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* karlp is unused to seeing the space inside "<< EOF" is that a style setting?
<aparcar[m]> karlp: -sr redirect operators will be followed by a space
<karlp> what style guide is taht from?
<aparcar[m]> karlp: not sure , I think here are further information
<karlp> I guess it's kinda intending to make blah > wop have spaces right
<karlp> personally, I feel like replacing "blah && [literal new line] more code" with "blah \ [literal new line] && more code" seems like a step backwards,
<karlp> vast majority of it looks pretty fine though :)
<karlp> you've got a style setting that is causing the case's to be indented?
<aparcar[m]> curious why is that a backstep? it helps to understand that a line you read is dependend on the previous line
<aparcar[m]> yes that's an extra setting
<karlp> that seems like a waste of space, and linux at least normall puts cases on the same line as the switch
<aparcar[m]> -ci switch cases will be indented
<karlp> I've seen too many bugs from unintentional \ continuations
<karlp> the indent is already there, it's already correct, adding \ doesn't make it easier to read (code or console output) or copy IMO.
<karlp> but whatevs, it's just autolinitng, it can kinda be whatever.
<aparcar[m]> karlp: I'm happy to change the options as long as we have something everyone follows (and mostly agrees with ;))
<karlp> the services and protocols files kidna feel like they should be excluded?
<karlp> they're not shell scripts...
<aparcar[m]> the lint-hammer works on them just fine
<karlp> yes, but should it :)
<karlp> anyway, I'm just up late and don't work on this stuff normally anyway :)
<aparcar[m]> I'm happy for the comments, thanks
<karlp> the json_select indenting is... I know not "correct" but I think it has often been done intentially, to show the depth changes that json_select is actually performing
<karlp> you're.... totally correct, and it makes it auto"fixable" but it kinda is losing useful information there, except it's information that has to be manually kept up to date of course....
<aparcar[m]> yea I'll wait for comments there don't really like that and would rather work with comments around that...
<karlp> yeah, comments to turn off linting are also gross as hell.
<karlp> anyway, it's late. definitely not time for a coffee ;)
* karlp waves
<aparcar[m]> no I mean comments like in makefile, where it's endef # foobar
<aparcar[m]> byee
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: looks great. the -EOF thing is weird. same with it adding to &&.
<mangix> sounds like it should just be moved to 1 line
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: hrm I don't see what's the issue there, please comment on the code directly that concerns you.
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<blocktrron> hauke: for ath10k, it's in the 80211 debugfs
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: someone else did
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<Strykar> jow: would you please chime in on
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<jow> Strykar: good idea, but won't have any time soon to work on it
<jow> hauke: afair there was one further report somewhere i nthe forum, but can't find it atm
<jow> nbd: can we reconsider that implicit vlan magic when attaching wireless networks to interfaces?
<jow> nbd: having a wifi iface somehow inherit vlan ID X just because the destination interface happens to reference a bridge.X as device is very counter intuitive
<jow> it also extremely complicates ui logic
<jow> also what happens if the target device is a double tagged bridge? does the automagic behaviour apply as well then?
<hauke> aparcar[m]: mangix: I plan to support 19.07 for about 6 months after the 21.02 release, currently it is still supported and we should do a new minor release soon
<hauke> rsalvaterra_: I agree with you that it is unlikly caused by the kernel update
<rsalvaterra_> hauke: Speaking of which, .46 is out, I'm taking care of it now. :)
<hauke> rsalvaterra_: thanks
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<aparcar[m]> hauke: all right thanks
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#94]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2711` completed successfully.
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<digitalcircuit> My guess would be waiting (folks are understandably busy), and attempting to find a stress-ng reproducer (admittedly the number of options for it are a bit overwhelming considering how several attempts so far have resulted in new/seemingly unrelated kernel panics).
<digitalcircuit> Any thoughts on next steps for getting the ipq806x CPU governor backport to 21.02 looked at?
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<nbd> how does it complicate the UI logic?
<nbd> jow:
<nbd> i thought when we last discussed this, we agreed to simplify the UI by simply letting the user choose a network for a wifi device
<nbd> and leaving it up to the user to make a sane decision
<nbd> and if we add a wifi vif to a vlan enabled bridge, hostapd needs to know about the bridge.X device (or any other name under which it may be operating) anyway
<nbd> if we only add the bridge name and the vlan id, that would mean i would have to add more magic in the other direction in netifd to check if there is an explicitly or implicitly created vlan device on top
<nbd> and look up the name and pass it to hostapd
<nbd> (for 802.11r at least)
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<hauke> digitalcircuit: It would be nice if Ansuel could ack it
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<digitalcircuit> hauke: Understood, and agreed - getting feedback from the one who made the change would reassure I'm not doing anything terribly wrong :)
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<Strykar> jow: aw :/
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<nbd> jow: i think regarding double tagging, there might be a bug there
<nbd> easy to fix though
<nbd> never mind, there is no bug there
<nbd> this behavior only applies if the underlying device has bridge vlan devices defined
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<rsalvaterra> hauke: Pull updated, now at 5.10.46.
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<aparcar[m]> mangix: ping
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<aparcar[m]> blocktrron: your expertise is required here
<mangix> aparcar[m]: I responded on the mailing listr
<aparcar[m]> thanks
<aparcar[m]> mangix: so you start up the machine, it set's TZ automatically to UTC, you change zoneinfo to whereever you are, /etc/init.d/system reaster > /tmp/TZ is still there
<aparcar[m]> reboot > okay now it works
<aparcar[m]> but essentially a reload/restart of the system service doesn't fix it
<aparcar[m]> which is an issue
<mangix> aparcar[m]: uhh, what?
<mangix> people upgrading openwrt absolutely must reboot
<aparcar[m]> I responded via email
<aparcar[m]> crossfire
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<mangix> I'll post it on GitHub. I'm not subscribed to the mailing list
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<aparcar[m]> you are WHAT
<aparcar[m]> not subscribed to devel
<aparcar[m]> mangix: anyway ping me once you created something on gh
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<aparcar[m]> rm -f should be good enough?
<mangix> of course
<mangix> it cannot fail