<slh> feature wise it
<slh> 's fine, but reliability...
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<slh> you never really know if DHCPv5 continues working after the next upgrade - and you don't know at all if upgrading over ssh will finish successfully
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: ping - re dnsmasq - I know what's going on and I've fallen on the side of 'init.d/dnsmasq' is doing something wrong which is now properly checked by dnsmasq
<ldir> the solution is for the init script to append an instance id eg. '--enable-ubus=dnsmasq.$instance'
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<ldir> rsalvaterra: and now I've been persuaded that dnsmasq is being a bit too thorough
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<rmilecki> i noticed 256 B attached to every Xiaomi firmware: https://pastebin.com/raw/YC67euYj - can anyone recognize / guess what may it be?
<ldir> and now I've decided that multiple instances of dnsmasq in openwrt are fundamentally broken - 'cos everything assumes the default ubus ID is being used.
<rmilecki> is that some RSA signature?
<ldir> rsalvaterra: ping
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<rsalvaterra> ldir: Morns! Just read your messages, good to know it's something simpler! :)
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<hauke> rmilecki: is there any pattern in there or is it random?
<rmilecki> hauke: i extracted 4 signatures from 4 different firmwares
<rmilecki> i don't see any simlar parts in those chunks
<rmilecki> it seems Xiaomi uses RSA 256 B signature
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<Namidairo> yeah check the references to openssl in their updater
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: I also have IPv4 only. To replace dnsmasq, in my case, odhcpd *must* support IPv4 correctly. :/
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<hauke> rmilecki: when I put the data into this it also thinks it is very random: https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=From_Hexdump()Entropy('Shannon scale')
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#168](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/39/builds/168) of `ath79/nand` failed.
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<Slimey> <russell--> Slimey: start by identifying the hardware, finding a serial console, identifying the bootloader, obtaining GPL'd source, etc, yup got all that
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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: ping
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<blogic_> rsalvaterra: yes
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<rsalvaterra> Back.
<ldir> side
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Waiting for the big game, here… :)
<rsalvaterra> blogic_: Have you pushed out your dnsfwd prototype anywhere? :)
<ldir> I'm doing MLS tonight (again) it was a total omnishambles last night, this evening much smoother - kit in place & working and we've already got feed & comms to site - living the dream!
<ldir> when I say omnishambles I mean total f*ing omnishambles
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<Slimey> APs 517 Clients 161
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#165](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/68/builds/165) of `at91/sama5` completed successfully.
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<philipp64> Is Vincent Weimann (CodeFetch) on this channel?
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<aiyion> philipp64: hes notified.
<ldir> rsalvaterra: ha, so simon has rejected the patch, providing sensible reasoning which can be summed up as 'don't try to start more than one dnsmasq instance with the same ubus name'
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<aiyion> philipp64: tada.
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<CodeFetch> Hi philipp!
<ldir> as I suggested then its append an instance ID to the ubus name for each dnsmasq instance, except the primary instance where we use the default instance id of 'dnsmasq'.
<ldir> and/or teach all dnsmasq ubus clients about multiple instances instead of just assuming only one instance with a default name of 'dnsmasq'
<ldir> the quick & dirty workaround is to add option ubus 0 to all the 2ndary dnsmasq instance configs.
<CodeFetch> @philipp64 Your PR looks good to me except that you rename the local_leftip to local_ip. I think it would be the best if we could add another init.d file for a /etc/config/strongswan file which completely reflects the swanctl conf.
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<CodeFetch> I prefer strongswan over swanctl, because it reflects the package name. This is what I would expect as a user.
<CodeFetch> Thus I suggest that the swanctl.init you are currently working on should be used for /etc/config/ipsec and reflect the legacy IPSec configuration format used by other IPSec implementations. Therefore instead of local_leftip I would just call it leftip
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<philipp64> CodeFetch: I re-rolled some of your changes. Did you have a look?
<philipp64> oh, guess so... need to scroll more...
<philipp64> CodeFetch: I don't think the config should be overly tied to the package... that's not how orchestration works. Look at Netconf or YANG. They use a protocol-based model that's implementation agnostic.
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<nick[m]4> blocktrron: If I flash my fritzbox 7530 with a 21.02 image that I created via imagebuilder, any further sysupgrade is not working. any idea?
<philipp64> CodeFetch Thermi: what's wrong with "local_ip"?
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<Thermi> philipp64, Hmmmh?!
<philipp64> Any issues with renaming "local_leftip" just "local_ip"?
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<Thermi> No issue with it
<Thermi> I had a problem with "local_leftip"
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<philipp64> I'll merge if no one objects...
<philipp64> We can make more changes incrementally...
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<philipp64> Does anyone use ipcomp?
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<blocktrron> nick[m]4: can you be more precise? what does "not working mean"?
<blocktrron> Is it dead after that?
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: no. it just stays at it is. I try to figure out what is happenning.
<nick[m]4> I flashed 19.07 -> 21.02 (that worked)
<nick[m]4> afterwards flashed an image created with imagebuilder
<nick[m]4> 21.02 (snapshot)
<nick[m]4> now flashing trunk, oder 19.07, or stock 21.02, does not work anymore
<nick[m]4> I would like trying 21.02 (openwrt original image) -> 19.07 again, however I'm currently stucked getting tftpboot working again
<nick[m]4> syupgrade does not abort, or gives an error. the device reboots, but nothing changed
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<PaulFertser> nick[m]4: probably your device is a dual-firmware one?
<nick[m]4> PaulFertser: I don't believe it is dual-firmware. how can I check?
<PaulFertser> nick[m]4: the partition table should reveal that
<blocktrron> nick[m]4: are you connected using UART?
<nick[m]4> PaulFertser: uboot0, uboot1?
<blocktrron> If so, can you intiate sysupgrade there?
<PaulFertser> nick[m]4: probably dual firmware then. What board is that?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#169](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/39/builds/169) of `ath79/nand` completed successfully.
<blocktrron> AVM is not dual firmware
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: no :( I had not the equipment
<nick[m]4> PaulFertser: ipq40xx, fritz!box 7530
<blocktrron> uboot0/uboot1 is the dual-kernel from AVMs implementation, they both contain the same bootloader
<blocktrron> from there they load the same kernel from the ubi volume
<PaulFertser> nick[m]4: I see, do not listen to me, listen to blocktrron :)
<blocktrron> Anyways, I have no ad-ho clue
<blocktrron> and there are currently 150km seperating me from my unit
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: okay, I will try getting uart working
<blocktrron> modifying settings still work?
<nick[m]4> <blocktrron "modifying settings still work?"> yeü
<nick[m]4> yes
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: yes
<nick[m]4> sry, matrix bridge
<blocktrron> does sysupgrade / sysupgrade -n make a difference?
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: I can tell that sysupgrade -n was not helping. I will try again as soon I am able to flash openwrt again. I used recovery tool to get back to original
<nick[m]4> arrrgh finally, I tftbooted but forgot to start tftp server. xD I will try first going 21.02 and 19.07
<blocktrron> i can try to reproduce this on a repeater3000
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: we have a bunch of those 7530s, for some of them wifi also does not work. I read that some ipq40xx devices had also trouble getting calibration data. however iw shows that wifi is up, but there is no wifi... for some of the devices it works. on fritz!os it always works.
<nick[m]4> maybe there is some hardware revision that differs?
<nick[m]4> however, I can not tell if there is a change since all labels are removed from those devices ^^
<PaulFertser> nick[m]4: what do you get in dmesg when you try to "ip l s dev wlan0 up" or similar on those devices?
<blocktrron> nick[m]4: can you check if the urlader partition has wifi calibration data in the offsets they are extracted from
<blocktrron> there was already a change in where this is stored, hene it tries to extract from two offsets
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: is there a difference between urloader0/1?
<blocktrron> nick[m]4: check both
<blocktrron> there shouldn't be a difference, but AVM tends to do funky stuff
<blocktrron> they've only just recently moved around the position of mac addresses
<blocktrron> I have a ficup since ages which I'm just to lazy to verify it works
<nick[m]4> PaulFertser: ip link set wlan5-ff up is not showing anything in logread
<blocktrron> afair, when extraction of calibration data fails, ath10k won't bring up wifi (in contrast to mt76)
<PaulFertser> nick[m]4: so probably it's actually working
<PaulFertser> Next thing I usually try is to "iw dev wlan5-ff scan"
<nick[m]4> blocktrron: /usr/bin/fritz_cal_extract -i 1 -s 0x3C800 -e 0x207 -l 12064 -o bla $(find_mtd_chardev "urlader1")
<nick[m]4> that was working
<nick[m]4> I have some data in "bla" now
<nick[m]4> PaulFertser: iw dev wlan5-ff scan no errror
<nick[m]4> also logread does not show anything
<nick[m]4> PaulFertser: but there is no 5 ghz network
<nick[m]4> so just empty
<nick[m]4> I think that can not be true
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<nick[m]4> Okay, I flashed now trunk -> 19.07 -> 21.02 (thar worked)
<nick[m]4> now again 19.07.7. now I can no longer reach my device
<slh> you need to discard your config over the downgrade, 21.02.x changes the configuration in ways 19.07.x doesn't understand