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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#163]( of `ramips/rt288x` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#152]( of `tegra/generic` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#162]( of `ath79/nand` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#169]( of `apm821xx/nand` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#159]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2711` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#159]( of `mpc85xx/p1010` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#158]( of `rockchip/armv8` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#183]( of `mxs/generic` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#149]( of `imx6/generic` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#187]( of `armvirt/32` failed.
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<aparcar[m]> ugh not again...
<aparcar[m]> mangix: ping
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<mangix> aparcar[m]: lol what?
<aparcar[m]> mangix: just wanted your feedback on the TZ change, thank you
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<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: Hm. No standard SPDX header for this one.
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<rsalvaterra> rmilecki: The AR5008 card just arrived! :D
<rmilecki> rsalvaterra: nice :)
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<rsalvaterra> Now to find a machine with PCI slots…
<rsalvaterra> F*ck. They're all SFF and only support low profile cards.
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<rmilecki> aparcar[m]: can you check and see if you can cherry-pick ("libusb: Fix parsing of descriptors for multi-configuration devices") ?
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<lynxis> aparcar[m]: do you know if reproducible builds still post to the wrong irc channel?
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<lynxis> aparcar[m]: nevermind. h01ger sad it's done already.
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<xback> ynezz: just sent a mail containing some more info regarding sysfs re-creation errors in imx6 .. hope it triggers something/someone ..
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<mcarroll76> Who is responsible for Forum admin? I think we could use a new Category for "General chat".
<mcarroll76> And thought it was clearly a worthy topic for discussion, especially given that we have a port to this device that would have saved these unfortunate people, but it doesn't really fit in any of the existing categories.
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<mcarroll76> The categories are defined really only with support questions in mind, but one for general discussion would be useful, IMO.
<PaulFertser> mcarroll76: what's to discuss there though? Haters gonna hate, "IT enthusiasts" will continue to trust silly vendors. Pretty clear already. Also, there's IRC for discussions. In any case, tmomas (the forum admin) is not here on IRC so you won't get an answer here.
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<mcarroll76> PaulFertser: Idk, I just thought that the fact that OpenWrt was available and would have saved these people from the security holes in the manufacturer's long-abandoned shitware was something worth talking about.
<mcarroll76> I might even pick up a couple, I forsee a lot of them going cheap on ebay.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#153]( of `tegra/generic` completed successfully.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#170]( of `apm821xx/nand` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#164]( of `ramips/rt288x` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#163]( of `ath79/nand` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#160]( of `mpc85xx/p1010` completed successfully.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#160]( of `bcm27xx/bcm2711` completed successfully.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#184]( of `mxs/generic` completed successfully.
<ldir> Boo!
<ldir> rsalvaterra: Alive?
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Mostly, I think. :)
<ldir> Close enough :)
<ldir> I've had 5.10.45 & 46 bumps in my tree for a while - APU2 seems ok with them.
<ldir> I daresay you've had your own versions with exactly the same output from update_kernel
<ldir> I don't know how you check for new kernel symbols... is there a trick?
<ldir> I've also been playing with the test releases of dnsmasq 2.86 - and tripped over a few bugs for Simon to fix.
<rsalvaterra> Oh, that was a fluke, to be honest. Since my system didn't have NAND support, I missed it. But someone was kind enough to let me know by email. :)
<rsalvaterra> The missing symbol in .44 I noticed. Mainly because, well… the build broke without it.
<rsalvaterra> So, no tricks. Just a bit of head scratching when things go south.
<ldir> ha - yeah know that one - dnsmasq had me confused for a bit - then there were the (mis)translations which turned out to be a browser cache getting in the way.
<ldir> Am off to Japan in 2 weeks so I've a self imposed router/network config lockdown to make sure everything is still running properly whilst I'm away
<rsalvaterra> Ah, stability on absence… I have a hard time with that. :P
<rsalvaterra> (Mainly because I can't resist playing with the new shiny toys… which sometimes means breaking the home router 300 km away.)
<takimata> ldir: how the heck do you manage to get into Japan right now?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#159]( of `rockchip/armv8` completed successfully.
<ldir> With difficulty - I'm due to be working in a technical capacity on the Olympics. I will have had 3 PCR covid tests within 96 hours of my arrival in Japan.
<ldir> On arrival I'm basically trapped for 14 days in either my hotel room, specially laid on transport to sporting venue, or the venue itself.
<takimata> ldir: sorry for being direct there. I have been waiting to enter Japan for 17 months now, I was supposed to marry my Japanese fiancée last year when everything went to shit.
<takimata> ldir: yeah, I'm familiar with their immigration/quarantine policy. it's ... strict, but IMHO not unreasonable.
<ldir> I get the strong impression that the Japanese really don't want us there, which I can very much understand - I don't want to be an exporter of COVID type D to anywhere!
<ldir> I am fully vaccinated.
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<ldir> Personally I'm not convinced the Olympics should be going ahead, there's a significant portion of the local population who don't want it to go ahead - I hope that the locals understand that I understand their concerns.
<takimata> so am I. and yes, I understand that they don't want to have unrestricted tourism right now. but it's a bit disheartening that you can't even apply for a visa unless you're Japanese, married to a Japanese (already), or with the olympics.
<ldir> I'm sorry the COVID mess has affected your plans to get married, that's a real pain. Sorry.
<takimata> thanks, but it is not your fault ^_^
<takimata> anyway, I envy you. you're not allowed to do anything outside of the olympics area, are you?
<ynezz> xback: lets see :p
<ldir> No, certainly not for the first 14 days - it's 'special transport to hotel', 'hotel room', 'food delivery to room', 'special transport to venue (saitama stadium)', 'venue', you get the picture - all masked up - not exactly a sight seeing tour :-)
<takimata> advice: take a "burner" phone and preload it with the half a dozen apps they want.
<takimata> apparantly they are getting off on calling ppl on their special app at random times.
<ldir> As long as it's not while I'm sleeping I don't mind!
* ldir red line - 8 hours sleep, otherwise I get unhappy
<rsalvaterra> ldir: Without 8 hours of sleep per day (weekly average) I get insufferable, not unhappy. :P
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#150]( of `imx6/generic` completed successfully.
<ldir> rsalvaterra: I'm being a bit obtuse - actually I get seriously f*ing cross, really, really grumpy :-D
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#188]( of `armvirt/32` completed successfully.
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<Tapper> ldir have a good time in JP mate. Will you be doing sound mixing?
<Tapper> I all ways think about you when I listen to sport on the TV now knowing what you do.
<Tapper> All tho listning to the football on the TV gets me mad some times because the commentators don't talking anuff about the game.
<Tapper> I listen to the games on the radio when I can,
<ldir> sadly no - I'm a commentary manager, which basically means I ensure all of the broadcasters' commentators/commentary gets to/from the venue, looking after the kit etc. I don't get to mix (well not properly) but if my kit goes 'splat' there will be a lot of screaming :-D
<ldir> Very similar really to the job I've been doing on the euros - mixing international commentary....which usually isn't heard in this country BUT was for the 2nd half of the infamous Denmark game that went overtime due to heart attack and the BBC couldn't get their commentator feed extended, so they took mine.
<Tapper> lol Tell them there is a blind dude that gets fed up with them talking about ramdem shit and not what's going on on the pitch.
<Tapper> Yeah mate that Denmark game made me feel so bad for the dude.
<Tapper> My kids all play football so for it to just hapen like that is scarry
<Tapper> Is this post on the forums a OEM looking for free work?
<Tapper> Linux-rt for openwrt is calling for test
<Tapper> O RT Linux is a thing.
<Tapper> RTLinux
<Tapper> Would RTLinux be good for WIFI? For timming packats and stuff?
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<rsalvaterra> Tapper: If you think you need hard realtime, you most likely don't.
<rsalvaterra> And in this specific case, the answer is no.
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<aparcar[m]> lynxis: haven't really seen them posting here...
<Tapper> rsalvaterra OK I don't know anything about RT Kernels so...
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<rsalvaterra> Tapper: Don't worry. If you aren't controlling an industrial welding laser with Linux, you don't need PREEMPT_RT. ;)
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<dorf_> lol
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<w8970> Hi, I'd like to add some information to the TP-Link TD-W8970 page, I found out while installing OpenWRT on such a device. I tried access via GitHub, but failed. How could I get access to edit the wiki?
<dorf_> w8970: you'd want to talk to PaulFertser I think? He has the keys.
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<PaulFertser> dorf_: please next time you suggest someone to contact me, tell right away that I need a desired wiki name and e-mail to add an account. I've missed an opportunity to talk to w8970 but if I knew that info I'd just add it.
<dorf_> PaulFertser: roger that, over.
<PaulFertser> dorf_: thank you for sharing the info btw :)
<dorf_> no worries, he'll probably be back. I just couldn't recall if you were the contact 100% :)
<dorf_> it might be worth putting something on the wiki indicating, if not your contact details, at least that asking in this channel is the place to ask for editing perms, if there's not something already there to that effect.
<PaulFertser> dorf_: should already be there and with my nick too
<dorf_> oh, perfect. so our friend from earlier should have known who to ask
<PaulFertser> Looks like that was edited though, doesn't seem to be obvious now
<dorf_> yeah, I don't recall there being easily discoverable details last time I looked, but I wasn't looking for them.
<dorf_> *looked at the wiki
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