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<Grommish> Is ath79 a defunct target now or is it still being build for? I'm trying to build a Archer C60 target for the 5.10 main branch and it's getting a mips-openwrt-linux-musl-gcc: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault signal terminated program cc1
<Grommish> Should I even bother to continue or just bail on it?
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<slh> Grommish: ar71xx as a target is gone (not the hardware), ath79 is active
<slh> there are still new ath79 devices entering the market today (I wouldn't buy them new, but the existing ones should be fine and continue to work)
<slh> my last successful build is from the 28th
<Grommish> Ok.. Thanks :) I'm going to try and build with gcc8 rather than 10 and see what happens
<Grommish> the error I saw Hauke post regarding a similar error wasin gcc9, but..
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<Grommish> and had to do with MIPS16 being enabled..I'll keep digging
<slh> I had originally planned to do a new build for my devices today, but it's gotten a little late for that now ;)
<Grommish> Someone is looking to get the C60 v2 supported for the Canadian model and I"m trying to help them out hehe
<Grommish> Have a great night!
<slh> thanks, I'm not quite leaving yet - but not starting a 4+ hour build either (ath79/ ath79-tiny, ipq40xx, ipq806x, ipq807x, lantiq/ lantiq-dsa realtek)
<Grommish> Eek!.. That's a hecka queue :)
<slh> at least lantiq, ath79 and ath79-tiny are all mips24kc, so I can reuse toolchain and parts of the binaries among them
<slh> but the others all differ, so... time...
<Grommish> Yep.. I've got the ER10x, the Shield (Octeon3) and a x86 I usually build for.. Now the gcc8 toolchain is going to slow me down
<slh> only my ipq806x and lantiq devices get updated to every single build, ipq40xx (cold standby for my main router) to ~half of them, the others are less used/ updated (and ipq807x not quite in a usable shape as daily driver, just waiting to move my main router to ipq807x)
<slh> but I still want to have builds for them available, should I have a need for the devices on quick notice
<Grommish> Indeed.. the scariest part of my day is kicking over the network edge router when i have to..
<slh> yep, that's what the ipq40xx is for - sadly my only device that can (barely) keep up with my WAN speed (400/200) after ipq806x
<slh> but it's always ready to take over, in case of problems
<Grommish> Ah ha.. it's a gcc10 issue.. switching back ot gcc8 seems to have no issues
<Grommish> Or.. a kernel 5.10 issues.. I changed both like an idiot
<slh> kernel 5.10 is fine
<slh> both build- time and runtime, at least on the 28th
<slh> and earlier
<Grommish> Yeah, it's fine
<Grommish> it must be gcc10
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<huaracheguarache> hauke: Hi! Thanks for merging my ath10k-ct bump. Could you take a look at my PR that makes it possible to set sae_pwe with hostapd? I no longer explicitly set a default value.
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<hauke> Grommish: a "internal compiler error: Segmentation fault" should not happen
<hauke> looks like a bug in GCC
<hauke> Could you share the configuration used to reproduce this problem
<hauke> mcarroll76: let's wait some days and see if someone complains about problems in master
<hauke> huaracheguarache: will have a look at it again in the next days
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<huaracheguarache> hauke: great, thanks =)
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<nbd> mangix: please take a look at;a=commit;h=ec0ebb17e9d0a0f1a24337986467d34bac734d56 and let me know what you think
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<Pepes> nbd: it's already in packages feed?
<Pepes> It's nice to see such things appear right now, when in the past there were many attemps like this and the comment from OpenWrt developer which results to be demotivated as it says "not wasted this PR anymore", then it gets merged into packages feed and then it's getting to main repository.
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<nbd> Pepes: what i didn't like with the previous attempts was that there was no control over number of parallel processes integrated with the main make process jobserver
<nbd> so i decided look for a fix to that
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<Grommish> hauke: I was building the ath79/Archer C60 v2 under gcc10.x and 5.10 Kernel.. It worked with gcc8 (I've not tried 9 yet).. Gist:
<hauke> Grommish: the GCC people normally want something they can easily reproduce
<hauke> not like build OpenWrt with our GCC containing some patches
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<Grommish> Beyond my abilities.. I only found the gcc9 issue you posted regarding a similr issue, which led me back here
<hauke> which one?
<Grommish> The one regardig the MIPS16 issues.
<Grommish> For giggles, I'll try a gcc9 run
<Notupus> Has the lantiq dsa been merged yet or has xdarklight not been online yet?
<hauke> Grommish: thanks for the link, but this one was fixed some time ago
<Grommish> Yeah. I even tried to remove the MIPS16 from the config
<Grommish> To no joy.
<Grommish> But, i do know it builds under 8; testing 9 now, and 10 just doesn't work for that build (other gcc10 targets I build have no issues with 10)
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<hauke> Grommish: MIPS16 is not used for the kernel build
<Grommish> hauke: I mean I removed the CONFIG_SYS_SUPPORTS_MIPS16=y from the config-5.10
<Grommish> (restored it when it failed of course)
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<Grommish> hauke: Well.. gcc9 works, so it's just the gcc10 toolchain
<Grommish> and I'm not equipped or smart enough to deal with the upstream, so I'll just stick to the lower version :)
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#153]( of `ath79/generic` completed successfully.
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<topogigio> hi, I have a question about packaging a service for openwrt. My package depends on a static library (bearssl) and so I created a package also for bearssl
<topogigio> In the bearssl Makefile I defined Build/InstallDev and there I copy headers and the static library in the target staging directory
<topogigio> In my package I added the bearssl package to PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS
<topogigio> however when I try to compile, it triggers the bearssl compilation, which completes successfully
<topogigio> but doesn't trigger the InstallDev target
<topogigio> so the headers and the static lib is not available.
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<topogigio> I'm sure I'm missing a basic step, I've looked at other packages without luck :(
<topogigio> it's strange however that when I compile the bearssl package, it correctly copies the headers and the library in the staging directory
<PaulFertser> topogigio: you should probably pastebin your Makefiles somewhere
<topogigio> this is the bearssl Makefile
<topogigio> this is the Makefile of my package:
<PaulFertser> topogigio: I suggest you run with "-j1 V=sc" to see what exactly happens, running InstallDev is part of the any package installation...
<topogigio> if I run make package/bearssl/{clean,compile} V=sc it correctly install everything into the staging dir, however if I run make package/spray/{clean,compile} V=sc it removes the staging files, rebuilds the dependencies and also bearssl but doesn't install the headers
<topogigio> the CFLAGS there
<topogigio> there is the -I<path to staging dir>
<topogigio> but the staging dir doesn't have the bearssl headers
<topogigio> meh
<topogigio> it was a strange interaction with "USE_SOURCE_DIR=~/src/spray V=s"
<topogigio> apparently the variable was propagated to the dependence
<topogigio> oh well, solved :D thank you PaulFertser
<topogigio> goodbye
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#123]( of `layerscape/armv8_64b` failed.
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<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream,
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