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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Do you know offhand if mvebu cortexa9 wrt3200acm is arm or armv7?
<Grommish> or the best way to check without actually switching targets?
<rsalvaterra> Grommish: ARMv7
<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Thanks.. the wikis say v7, but you never can tell how the build syste sees it, so I wanted to try and verify..
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<neggles> olmari: you can change from relatime to noatime online - `zfs set atime=off tank/name`
<neggles> then remount/reboot
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#52](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/75/builds/52) of `realtek/rtl930x` failed.
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<owrt-1907-builds> Build [#3](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-19.07/images/#builders/17/builds/3) of `sunxi/cortexa53` failed.
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<rsalvaterra> stintel: There goes my winning streak… [12671.063393] ath10k_pci 0000:01:00.0: firmware crashed! (guid n/a)
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<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#3](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/41/builds/3) of `ath79/tiny` failed.
<owrt-2102-builds> Build [#3](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-21.02/images/#builders/71/builds/3) of `bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
<olmari> neggles: i know, but I wanna restructure work computer stuff, hence I "need" to redo, or I want to, at same time is perfect time to look all the settings anyway, like apparently I care checksumming be edonr, compression I think lz4 is still best overall in these too fast nvme's
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#12](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/16/builds/12) of `ath25/generic` failed.
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<xback> pepe2k: the pcie issue is a race condition somewhere
<xback> I left it rebooting during the day, and after a huge amount of reboots, it just booted stable
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<Tapper> Hi people. Can anyone help me out. I cant get env to work. When I type ./scripts/env new it says that "error: unknown switch `b'
<Tapper> ./scripts/env: Failed to initialize the environment directory
<Tapper> "
<Tapper> This is on WSL Ubuntu
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<neggles> grommish / stintel / hurricos: can confirm 5.15.33 and 5.10.110 will have the MIPS64 memleak fix patch :D (it’s in the RCs)
<neggles> I like that it’s a Wind River person who sent in the patch; does this imply they have 5.10-based WRL on octeons now? maybe
<hanetzer> heh
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<owrt-1907-builds_> Build [#3](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-19.07/images/#builders/4/builds/3) of `armvirt/64` failed.
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<hurricos> neggles: 100% they do, it's just a stripped-down team
<hurricos> remember, there are *new* production boards going out with Cavium MIPS chips
<hurricos> cursed as it may be :\
<ynezz> xback: wouldn't it be faster to simply bisect that issue?
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<russell--> stintel: you see this? there may be a sudden glut of watchguard fireboxes on the surplus market soon: https://techsearch.watchguard.com/KB?type=Article&SFDCID=kA16S000000SNyiSAG&lang=en_US
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<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#12](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/31/builds/12) of `bcm27xx/bcm2710` failed.
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<owrt-snap-builds_> Build [#53](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/75/builds/53) of `realtek/rtl930x` completed successfully.
<hurricos> russell--: I love it when governments release articles like this https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/files/Cyclops-Blink-Malware-Analysis-Report.pdf
<hurricos> So it is the P- and T-series QorIQ devices that are being targeted!
<mattytap> especially as watchguard are only providing fixes for 12.7 and 12.8.
<mattytap> Basically any watchguard out of support for ;ast 18 months or so is now at risk
<mattytap> for info, there are 20 or so m200 on UK ebay, most are on 12.5
<mattytap> I missed out on one last week - it went for 6 Euros
<mattytap> I was 3o minutes away from getting it at 2 Euro
<mattytap> ============================================
<mattytap> its targetted at powerpc32 which only impacts mpc85xx in OpenWrt speak
<mattytap> the qoriq target is exclusively 64bit (though it can be configured to run 32bit executable)
<mattytap> therefore its the T Series (t30 / t50) that are most vulnerable
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<mattytap> the qoriq target is providing 64bit OpenWrt for the M Series for starters, though they can run in 32bit under the mpc85xx target
<mattytap> The T series are 32bit only
<mattytap> (the older ones anyway)
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<rsalvaterra> Hmm… bridger…? How interesting.
<rsalvaterra> There's a "eBPF all the forwarding plane" meme around here… :)
<pepe2k> xback: hi! I wasn't able to reproduce the problem, could it be Ventana-specific? is there a PLX switch on your board?
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<gleb> Hello. Does anyone know how to compile for Realtek RTL9197F(mipsel24kc)? I found this (https://forum.openwrt.org/t/working-realtek-soc-rtl8196e-97d-97f-in-last-master/70975/) but I can't find needed target in the github repo.
<gleb> In the makemenu
<gleb> menuconfig*
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<Grommish> You have the wrong repo.. that post links to the authors github https://github.com/ggbruno/openwrt
<Grommish> If they've not PR'd it, it wouldn't be in master branch yet
<Borromini> there's no support for anything but Realtek switches in modern official OpenWrt
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<slh> and even if you'd get the SOC supported, the realtek wireless drivers are still crap in capital letters
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<gleb> slh: and there is a way to get the drivers from vendor's firmware?
<gleb> or that is a waste of time
<gleb> they come compiled in the kernel or can be in the rootfs?
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<slh> it's a waste of time
<slh> especially considering that these realtek routers are typically very low-end in terms if CPU power, flash and RAM to begin with
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<owrt-snap-builds_> Build [#515](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/16/builds/515) of `ath79/mikrotik` failed.
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<rsalvaterra> mangix: Have you tried DSA in ath79 with Linux 5.15 yet?
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<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: do you think dnsmasq is somewhat soon ready to land in master?
<rsalvaterra> aparcar[m]: It should be pretty much ready, now that the nfsets have been sorted out. I'd wait for the final 2.87 release, though, we're still at 2.87test8.
<aparcar[m]> rsalvaterra: what do you think about adding the latest patches and merging it to master, once we found more bugs and it's finally released we backport it to 22.03?
<rsalvaterra> Well, it's fine by me, it's what I'm running on my devices. :)
<aparcar[m]> thanks!
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