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<neggles> hurricos: oh yeah i have like four LB6Ms
<neggles> the problem is they pull about 125w before you put any optics in them
<neggles> once you cross-flash them, they become a TurboIron-24X
<neggles> they don't use u-boot, and they don't run linux by default
<neggles> as for support for DSA, no, you won't get that because it's nowhere near remotely sophisticated enough to cover what these ASICs are capable of
<neggles> however what you *do* get is SAI, Switch Abstraction Interface, as used by Azure SONiC - and here's the BCM source
<neggles> ...wrong repo
<neggles> wait no right repo it's just all in branches
<neggles> that's for stratadnx, the other stuff is in the sonic-buildimage repo, platform/broadcom
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<hauke> mangix: I would like to do a 19.07 and 21.02 release this weekend, is there anything missing in the packge feed?
<f00b4r0> hauke: I have a couple device backport patches in patchwork for 21.02, if it's possible to grab them
<f00b4r0> - you'll want to ignore the QCA9561 PA bias patch, it hasn't seen enough testing/feedback
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<hurricos> >125w what
<hurricos> neggles: Thanks for the information. All good to know. I'm much more used to using big, fast switches together with routers-on-a-stick, so this is all surprising to me
<neggles> hurricos: oh you're not aware of how much power these ASICs pull?
<neggles> lemme tell ya
<neggles> 125w is *relatively* low power
<neggles> things with 48x10G-T ports on them are the worst offenders but there are cisco 1U 48-port switches that eat *four hundred watts at idle*
<neggles> the way the ASICs are built, an awful lot of them are constant-power regardless of packet flow; idle to full load variance <10W. over half the die area is TCAM for L3 routing at wirespeed
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<neggles> ah here it is, 391W with all ports linked up
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<hurricos> T ... content addressable memory, but what's the T for?
<hurricos> Ternary. Found the article about it from Cisco. Hmm.
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<hauke> neggles: that's 12W per port, that is a lot. I thought the Aquantia 10G PHY with 3.3W was already a lot
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<neggles> hauke: this is without PHYs
<neggles> some 10G-T switches exceed 800W
<neggles> hurricos: it’s special SRAM that can do a lookup through its entire memory space in one clock cycle
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<neggles> IPv4 TCAM stores a prefix, netmask, and nexthop per route, ordered by length of netmask (which indicates which bits are set to “don’t care”). present an IP address on the “address” lines, cycle the clock, and the data lines will contain the nexthop for the first matching entry
<neggles> longest prefix first routing fully implemented in hardware :D
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<lynxis> svanheule: do you have an idea what's the difference between hisgmii and base2500-x on realteks 2.5gbit phys (e.g. 8226 or 8221)?
<robimarko> That should be the same
<robimarko> HISGMII is vendor for 2.5G SGMII
<robimarko> Linux just uses 2500Base-X for that
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<lynxis> i found a gpl'ed driver for rtl8226 phy and they have different values for hisgmii and 2500base-x. I wonder if it's the autoneg on the sgmii link.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#527]( of `at91/sama5` failed.
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<blogic> robimarko: I check the docs avail to me per OFPROM ... found nothing ...
<blogic> *check'ed
<blogic> does sfp 11.5 contain that info inside the src ?
<blogic> and could you point me at the weirdness that you see ?
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<robimarko> blogic: It was my fault in the end
<robimarko> QFPROM driver in the kernel works in the end
<robimarko> I was misunderstanding the reg property for fuses
<robimarko> CPR region can be figured out from QSDK kernel, thats what I did
<robimarko> lynxis: Its probably autoneg, Linux just relies on in-band management property for that
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<svanheule> lynxis: I'm pretty sure robimarko explained it better than anything I could've come up with. I don't have much experience with the networking part of the realtek devices yet
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<robimarko> Its not Realtek specific, at least it should not be
<robimarko> Its kind of an industry standard, unless Realtek managed to mess that as well
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<hurricos> svanheule: It looks like the GS1900-24HPv1 is getting rejections when trying to set the port power-up mode:
<hurricos> I don't think there's actually checksum errors -- I think the POE MCU firmware is just "unhappy"
<hurricos> potentially with the content of the frames themselves.
<hurricos> It consistently doesn't like when we set the port power-up mode, get extended port config or get port measurements
<hurricos> (frame types 0x1c, 0x26 and 0x2b)
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<Habbie> hurricos, zeroes before 0xbf000000 in uboot md, but no hangs :)
<Habbie> hurricos, uboot strings, kernel image headers, etc. nicely matching up with the mtd table from the boot log
<Habbie> hurricos, so 0xbf000000 looks right
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<russell--> anybody here have a ubiquiti er-x?
<lynxis> russell--: yes
<russell--> can you run "find /rom -type f | xargs sha256sum" and let me know if it throws any errors in dmesg?
<russell--> and, also, what version it is running
<russell--> and the approximate amount of time it's been running since the last flash
<mrkiko> Did someone in the ML notice my comment regarding GL-B2200 PCi wi-fi device being broken? May someone help me fix it up?
<lynxis> russell--: eta 60 min. the device isn't running and I don't know how long it ran. i would guess a couple days.
<russell--> lynxis: fwiw, i have seen some squashfs corruption in some long running, i'm trying to discover how widespread it is
<mrkiko> russell--: the er-x is a mt7621 device, right?
<russell--> mrkiko: yes
<mrkiko> rustI saw a strange thing happening on a R6220 I booted after kinda 2 years or something (approx. 1 year); sqaushfs unreadable and errors in the dmesg; sysupgrading did magically fix all the issues
<russell--> mrkiko: that sounds pretty much the same
<mrkiko> russell--: so, you're telling me I will experience the corruption again next time I bring it up?
<mrkiko> I didn't see it across reboots
<Habbie> hurricos, ah, i learned that xxd can directly consume 'md' output, as long as i tell it about the offset ;)
<mrkiko> if I'm not mistaken
<russell--> you can check it now, by scanning all the files in the squashfs. sometimes the corruptions affect reboots, sometimes not
<russell--> if you reflash before rebooting, then "magic fix"
<russell--> also, i'm having a weird feeling of dejavu, i'm going to dredge through irc logs
<mrkiko> russell--: let me know if you find something, Iìm curious
<Habbie> hurricos, hah, and after 0x400000 bytes, content just repeats :D
<russell--> 2020-11-17 04:04 rsalvaterra: [ 0.631956] nand: WARNING: mt7621-nand: the ECC used on your system is too weak compared to the one required by the NAND chip
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<rsalvaterra> russell--: Should be safe to ignore. On which kernel are you seeing this? And what device?
<rsalvaterra> I've seen the warning on my Redmi AC2100, on 5.4, I think.
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<rsalvaterra> But the ECC strength is 4 bits, as it should be.
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<lynxis> russell--: it seems I don't have one at home. sorry.
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